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Last active June 19, 2022 14:55
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Unity script to run a post-build process that adds some keys to Info.plist and some capabilities to the entitlements file.
using System;
using System.IO;
using JetBrains.Annotations;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.Callbacks;
using UnityEditor.iOS.Xcode;
using UnityEngine;
/** See Also:
public class XcodeBuildScript : ScriptableObject
// hold the path to entitlements file
public DefaultAsset macosEntitlementsFile;
[PostProcessBuild, UsedImplicitly]
public static void OnPostprocessBuild(BuildTarget buildTarget, string targetPath)
// only run for iOS, macOS (add more as needed, e.g. tvOS)
if (buildTarget != BuildTarget.iOS && buildTarget != BuildTarget.StandaloneOSX)
// grab the product name from player settings, will be useful to determine paths for macOS
var targetName = buildTarget switch
BuildTarget.iOS => "Unity-iPhone",
BuildTarget.StandaloneOSX => PlayerSettings.productName,
_ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(buildTarget), buildTarget, null)
// update info.plist file
var fullTargetPath = Path.GetFullPath(targetPath);
var document = new PlistDocument();
var infoPlistPath = Path.Combine(fullTargetPath, targetName, "info.plist");
var plist = document.root;
plist.SetBoolean("ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption", false);
// here, we modify the Xcode pbx project file to add the following capabilities:
// 1. In-App Purchase
// 2. Hardened Runtime (aka sandbox)
// that's it!
// get the pbx project
var dirname = Path.GetFileName(fullTargetPath);
var projectPath = Path.Combine(fullTargetPath, $"{dirname}.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj");
var project = new PBXProject();
var mainTargetGuid = project.TargetGuidByName(targetName);
var targetGuids = new[] {mainTargetGuid};
// TODO: this one too for iOS?
// project.GetUnityFrameworkTargetGuid()
project.SetBuildProperty(targetGuids, "ENABLE_BITCODE", "NO");
project.AddCapability(mainTargetGuid, PBXCapabilityType.InAppPurchase);
// project.AddCapability(mainTargetGuid, PBXCapabilityType.PushNotifications, entitlementPath);
// TODO: perhaps add apple sign in later
// prepare entitlements file
// TODO: support iOS
if (buildTarget != BuildTarget.StandaloneOSX)
// This class is a scriptable object, so we can assign the entitlements file path to it
// to access the entitlements filepath, we instantiate a dummy object
var dummy = CreateInstance<XcodeBuildScript>();
var entitlementsFile = dummy.macosEntitlementsFile;
var entitlementsSourcePath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(entitlementsFile);
var entitlementsFileName = $"{targetName}.entitlements";
var entitlementsRelativePath = Path.Combine(targetName, entitlementsFileName);
// copy entitlements file to the target path
var entitlementsTargetPath = Path.Combine(fullTargetPath, entitlementsRelativePath);
File.Copy(entitlementsSourcePath, entitlementsTargetPath);
// add it to the project
project.AddFile(entitlementsTargetPath, entitlementsRelativePath);
project.SetBuildProperty(mainTargetGuid, "CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS", entitlementsRelativePath);
// write the pbx project back to the file
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