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Created January 18, 2017 11:36
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  • Save Mazyod/a9d3e41bf22602b9ae2297b73503da10 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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set -e
CERT_NAME='3rd Party Mac Developer Application: [YOUR NAME]'
# remove existing meta files
find ${APP_NAME} -type f -regex '.*meta' -delete
# copy fixed plist files you have already prepared
# pro tip: change bundle id for unitypurchasing to something cusotm
cp Info.plist ${APP_NAME}/Contents/Info.plist
cp Info-lib1.plist ${APP_NAME}/Contents/Plugins/lib1.bundle/Contents/Info.plist
cp Info-unitypurchasing.plist ${APP_NAME}/Contents/Plugins/unitypurchasing.bundle/Contents/Info.plist
# fix permissions
chmod -R a+xr ${APP_NAME}
codesign -f --verify --verbose --deep \
-s ${CERT_NAME} \
--entitlements ${ENTITLEMENTS} \
codesign -f --verify --verbose --deep \
-s ${CERT_NAME} \
--entitlements ${ENTITLEMENTS} \
codesign -f --verify --verbose --deep \
-s ${CERT_NAME} \
--entitlements ${ENTITLEMENTS} \
productbuild --component ${APP_NAME} /Applications --sign ${CERT_NAME} ${APP_NAME}.pkg
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