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Last active July 3, 2022 22:02
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Day 1
In-class challenges Homework freeCodeCamp
  1. Day1-700 divided by 32
  2. Day1-create a random number in the range 0 to 6
  3. Day1-FullName
  4. Day1-Date of Birth
  5. Day1-Sum and Difference of Ages
  6. Day1-Favourite Colors
Day 2
In-class challenges Homework freeCodeCamp
  1. Average of 2 scores
  2. Fahrenheit to Celsius
  3. Swap Variable Values
    1. Comment Your JavaScript Code
    2. Declare JavaScript Variables
    3. Storing Values with the Assignment Operator
    4. Assigning the Value of One Variable to Another
    5. Initializing Variables with the Assignment Operator
    6. Understanding Uninitialized Variables
    Day 3
    In-class challenges Homework freeCodeCamp
    1. Shorthand using concat
    2. Senior Adult
    3. Can Vote Goa Problem
    1. HW-Cinema Discount
    1. Understanding Case Sensitivity in Variables
    2. Add Two Numbers with JavaScript
    3. Subtract One Number from Another with JavaScript
    4. Multiply Two Numbers with JavaScript
    5. Divide One Number by Another with JavaScript
    Day 4
    In-class challenges Homework freeCodeCamp
    1. Cinema hall -if else
    2. Cinema Hall Wihout else
    3. Ticket Price
    4. Ticket Price Child Adult
    5. Bigger of Two Using ternary
    1. Tax Percentage
    2. UK Tax Band Problem
    1. Increment a Number
    2. Decrement a Number
    3. Create Decimal Numbers with JavaScript
    4. Multiply Two Decimals
    5. Divide One Decimal by Another
    6. Finding a Remainder in JavaScript
    Day 5
    In-class challenges Homework freeCodeCamp
    1. Average of Numbers
    2. Function Trace- MagicButter
    3. Function Trace- Average
    4. Calculator
    1. Function Trace- foobar
    2. Number Split
    3. BMI Calculator
    4. Choose Drink
    1. Compound Assignment With Augmented Addition
    2. Compound Assignment With Augmented Subtraction
    3. Compound Assignment With Augmented Multiplication
    4. Compound Assignment With Augmented Division
    5. Declare String Variables
    6. Concatenating Strings with Plus Operator
    Day 6
    In-class challenges Homework freeCodeCamp
    1. Array operations
    2. Colors/Test Average
    3. Scores
    4. Object Digram - userA
    5. Array operations- userA
    6. >
    7. TicTacToe- part1
    8. TicTacToe- part2
    9. TicTacToe- part3
    1. TicTacToe- part4
    2. Increment Element
    1. Constructing Strings with Variables
    2. Appending Variables to Strings
    3. Understanding Boolean Values
    4. Use Conditional Logic with If Statements
    5. Comparison with the Equality Operator
    6. Comparison with the Strict Equality Operator
    7. Practice comparing different values
    Day 7
    In-class challenges Homework freeCodeCamp
    1. 100 to 70
    2. Sum from a to b
    3. calculate even sum
    4. Number Table
    5. Convert false to true
    1. Prime Numbers a to b
    2. Print Prime Factors
    3. Print pattern while loop
    1. Comparison with the Inequality Operator
    2. Comparison with the Strict Inequality Operator
    3. Comparison with the Greater Than Operator
    4. Comparison with the Greater Than Or Equal To Operator
    5. Comparison with the Less Than Operator
    6. Comparison with the Less Than Or Equal To Operator
    7. Comparisons with the Logical And Operator
    8. Comparisons with the Logical Or Operator
    Day 8
    In-class challenges Homework freeCodeCamp
    1. Print Until Negative While loop
    2. Print Until Negative for Loop
    3. Print Pattern forloop
    4. Print Christmas Tree
    5. true false
    1. Target Name Index
    1. Return a Value from a Function with Return
    2. Understanding Undefined Value returned from a Function
    3. Assignment with a Returned Value
    Day 9
    In-class challenges Homework freeCodeCamp
    1. Length of Vacation Spots
    2. Print Vacation Spots
    3. Print until false using break
    4. Nested for loop using break
    5. Total length of nested subarray
    6. Serialize nested array
    7. Print every third character
    1. Mutual Friends
    2. Iterate subarray
    3. Encode message
    1. Store Multiple Values in one Variable using JavaScript Arrays
    2. Nest one Array within Another Array
    3. Access Array Data with Indexes
    4. Modify Array Data With Indexes
    5. Access Multi-Dimensional Arrays With Indexes
    6. Introducing Else Statements
    7. Introducing Else If Statements
    8. Logical Order in If Else Statements
    9. Chaining If Else Statements
    Day 10
    In-class challenges Homework freeCodeCamp
    1. Object Manipulation
    2. Full Name from Object
    3. Print Username
    4. Student Object Exercise
    1. SuperHeroes
    2. Organization Game
    1. Build Javascript Objects
    2. Accessing Object Properties with Dot notation
    3. Accessing Object Properties with Bracket Notation
    4. Accessing Object Properties with Variables
    5. Updating Object Properties
    6. Add New Properties to Objects
    7. Delete Properties from Javascript Objects
    Day 11
    In-class challenges Homework freeCodeCamp
    1. Object Diagram foobar
    2. Object Diagram Odd Even
    3. Book Discount Part1
    4. Book Discount Part2
    5. Farm Animals
    1. Printer Levels
    2. Add City to Weather Object
    1. Accessing Nested Objects
    2. Manipulating Complex Objects
    Day 12
    In-class challenges Homework freeCodeCamp
    1. Weather Object Print Sentence
    2. Unshift
    3. Various Array Methods
    4. Delete True from beginning
    5. Find minimum in array
    6. Full Name
    1. Delete First Even
    2. Find first occurance
    3. Constructing object from String
    4. Movies Object Diagram
    5. Traverse Array
    1. Manipulate Arrays with push()
    2. Manipulate Arrays with pop()
    3. Manipulate Arrays with shift()
    4. Manipulate Arrays with unshift()
    Day 13
    In-class challenges Homework
    1. Change last element to X
    1. Traverse Array Alternate
    2. Sum Skip Array
    3. Traverse Array Columnwise
    Day 14
    In-class challenges Homework
    1. Sum of Diagonals
    2. Anagram part1 & part2
    1. Boomrang
    2. Maskify
    Day 15
    In-class challenges Homework Codewars
    1. Max Frequency
    2. Bubble Sort Steps
    1. Bubble Sort Algorithm
    2. Boxes In Rows
    1. Palindrome
    2. Opposites Attract
    Day 16
    In-class challenges Homework Codewars
    1. Zip It
    2. Sequence In Order
    1. Second Cheaptest Book
    2. Find Word
    1. TwiceAsOld
    2. Feast of Beasts
    Day 17
    In-class challenges Homework Codewars
    1. Spell Checker Part1
    2. Spell Checker Part2
    1. Copy Without Row and Column
    2. Count Surrounding Coins
    1. Return Negative
    2. Fake Binary
    Day 18
    In-class challenges Homework Codewars
    1. Sentence Encode
    2. Possible Knight Moves
    1. Most Frequent Element
    1. Name Shuffler
    2. Keep Hydrated
    Day 19
    In-class challenges Homework Codewars
    1. Nearest Chapter
    2. Value of a Sentence
    1. Most Frequent Element
    1. Quarter of the Year
    2. Multiple of Index
    Day 20
    In-class challenges Homework Codewars
    1. Symmetrical Worms
    2. Movie Theatre Seating
    1. Balanced Word
    1. Not Enough Space
    2. Price of Mangoes
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