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Riding the waves

MelTheTester MelTheTester

Riding the waves
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MelTheTester / bugreport
Created October 31, 2018 11:22
One Page Bug Report
Title: (Create a sentence that accurately describes the bug without having to look at the details)
DateTime captured: (Could be important as sometimes systems have issues and defects could be resolved when systems are restored)
Steps To Reproduce: (Assume whomever is picking up the defect does know a bit about the application. If everything is normal until a certain page or
button click, then start from the step before the defect appears. (ie: Work flow is normal until page 2, click button, defect happens...) Using short
hand directions this way allows for the succinct information. If you have a test case to reference, indicate test case, then indicate the step number
which the defect starts or appears.)
Addtional Details: (The who, what, when, where, why, and how of a defect. This could include additional details such as DB interations, API calls,
MelTheTester / Postman Bits
Last active December 28, 2017 23:27
Postman Bits
This is a Gist to keep track of little postman/newman code bits for reuse
MelTheTester / Charter Template
Created November 28, 2017 15:58
Charter template for exploratory and session testing
Charter Name:
Session Time Planned: (Small(10-15min), Medium(15-30), Large(30-60))
Persona Notes:
Areas of Focus:
Setup: (Configurations of app/servers/API/integrations)