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Michael Taylor MichaelTaylor3D

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# RFC: Dat File Format Specification
## 1. Introduction
This document specifies the Dat File Format, a binary file format designed for efficient storage and retrieval of serialized data objects. The primary goal of this format is to facilitate the transfer and persistence of structured data in a compact, binary representation.
### 1.1. Purpose
The Dat File Format aims to provide a standardized way to serialize custom data objects for various applications, including caching, data exchange, and persistent storage. Its design focuses on simplicity, efficiency, and extensibility.
MichaelTaylor3D / gist:c45f8ff918551590dd415a50a38c3452
Created January 21, 2024 17:41
create a batch file to bulk create offers
const fs = require('fs');
const readline = require('readline');
// Input file path with one NFT ID per line
const inputFile = 'nft.csv';
// Output batch script file path
const outputFile = 'generate_offers.bat';
// Read the NFT IDs from the input file
MichaelTaylor3D / gist:765a3069729851705bd6a1cfe502f8dc
Last active December 21, 2023 22:53
DataLayer Virtual FileSystem
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import requests
import fuse
from fuse import FUSE, FuseOSError, Operations
class ChiaDataLayerFileSystem(Operations):
def __init__(self, rpc_base_url):
self.rpc_base_url = rpc_base_url
chia wallet get_transactions --clawback
chia rpc wallet spend_clawback_coins "{\"coin_ids\":[\"TRANSACTION_ID\"], \"force\":true, \"fee\":0}"
MichaelTaylor3D / nginx chia port forwarder for remote nodes
Last active July 28, 2023 14:55
Forward Chia RPC ports to remote node
worker_processes 1;
events {
worker_connections 1024;
http {
include mime.types;
default_type application/octet-stream;

Title: Add Custom Headers Configuration for DLaaS Data Layer Plugin Services

Current Behavior: DLaaS uses a job queue pattern to do work on the local machine. Jobs are queued up in SQS, and any number of workers can join/leave the system. Additionally, each individual worker has multiple parallel threads dedicated to processing jobs from the job queue.

To utilize the existing system and its paradigm, the Datalayer Uploader plugin was developed, creating a serverless API with the correct datalayer uploader interface. The API receives the store and filenames from the datalayer and creates a job in the job queue that maps to an S3 uploader job in the worker. The API will queue up the job, and the next available worker thread will pick it up and upload the required files to S3 to be served through a CDN.

The system has shown to work as expected; however, the configuration in the datalayer's config.yaml only accepts the base host of the plugin interface. The original intention was that a localhost service

To install an executable (.exe) as a Windows service, you can use the node-windows package in conjunction with the install.js script. Here's an example of how to set up a script to install an executable as a Windows service:

  1. Install node-windows:
npm install -g node-windows
  1. Create a new JavaScript file (e.g., install-exe-service.js) in your project folder:

Keybase proof

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  • I am michaeltaylor3d on github.
  • I am michaeltaylor3d ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASBW-VuolcHsA4r2i41JcfV31NsjtMm6al38DvTlZIYF7Qo

To claim this, I am signing this object: