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Last active September 2, 2020 21:04
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Test Branch: Old World Version 0.1.42041 Test (08/31/2020)
Main Branch: Old World Version 0.1.42113 Early Release (09/02/2020)
Units with a general assigned are now indicated via a star icon present on the unit icon
Hovering over this star icon will present a tooltip with the general’s information
These units will no longer display a general sitting on a horse
The model and icon for the following units has been updated
Elite Nomad Skirmisher
Elite Clubthrower
Libyan Cavalry
The Nomad Skirmisher unit has been updated with new animations
Idle, Combat Idle, Walk, Run, Hit, Attack, Death
Elephant idle animations have received some updates
The Camel resource has been updated with new idle animations
The Garrison model has received some updates
The Fort model has received some updates
The wine resource has been updated
The cut scrub resource has been updated
The model for the settler unit has been updated
More baby portraits have been added
The community submitted children portraits have been added
Units will now visually advance into new tiles after defeating enemies that were previously occupying those tiles
Some adjustments have been made to the Warrior fidget idle
Hovering over the General icon within the Unit tab will now display a tooltip with the General’s information
Clicking on Character names featured in tooltips will now select that character
Tooltip text has been added to the following unit status icons
Units icons for units belonging to other nations have been updated
These icons now feature different shapes to help differentiate between your units and units belonging to other nations
The City Build queue has received some polish updates
The combat preview HUD has received some polish updates
Nomad Marauder hit audio effects have been added
Elite Warlord attack and hit audio effects have been added
Elite Peltast attack, hit and run audio effects have been added
Skirmisher attack and run audio effects have received some updates
Axeman hit audio effects have received some updates
New Events
Allies of Convenience
A member of your nation has begun appearing in court and openly allying with one of your greatest critics
Jealous Savage
A member of a barbarian tribe feels spurned by your lack of affections
Point of No Return
Your spouse departs the royal palace and flees the nation
This event can start an event chain
A Chilly Reception
While visiting the family home of your spouse, you receive a chilly reception
After Dark
A member of your nation has been seen frequenting the haunts of your enemies
A student from your nation is excelling in their tactics training
While conducting drills along the border, a group of students repel a force of roaming barbarians
This event can start an event chain
Childhood Friends
A student from your nation befriends a scion from another family during their training
The Mongrel
A student from your nation takes a lame mongrel into their care after finding them begging for scraps
Loyal Companion
Your trusty dog corners an armed stranger in the courtyard of the palace
A Parting
Years have passed since you first rescued your devoted canine friend
The Young Master
A student from your nation focuses intensely on their study of rhetorics
Street Debate
A student from your nation stops a mob from seizing control of the courts and engages them in a debate
The City Steps
A student from your nation encounters a throng of angry citizens and addresses their grievances
A student from your nation has become a popular mediator
Student Emporium
A group of students from your nation organize an emporium as part of their training
Take Another Husband/Wife?
A marriage offer arrives and should be considered carefully, as it may upset your spouse
Embassy of Philosophers [CC]
The representatives of three great philosophical schools have come to spread their teachings
Speech in Your Honor [CC]
Your courtiers have arranged a mighty feast to celebrate your rule
This event can start an event chain
Forty Year Celebrations [CC]
Your council proposes the nation celebrates your reign in grand style
Most Blessed People on Earth [CC]
You receive a letter from the ruler of another nation
Silver Jubilee
Your ruler celebrates a reign of 25 years
Gold Jubilee
Your ruler celebrates a reign of 50 years
Diamond Jubilee
Your ruler celebrates a reign of 75 years
Prophet in Chains
Your men storm a city and find someone at the bottom of a dry well
This event can start an event chain
AI builds more city defense projects (Walls, etc.)
Miscellaneous Changes
The scenarios menu has been temporarily disabled
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the Elite Peltast unit model’s weapon was not appearing correctly
Fixed an issue where Odeon help text information was not being displayed correctly
Fixed an issue where the ‘Hide Council’ UI option was not functioning correctly
Fixed some minor issues with the Mod Management screen
Fixed an issue with cooldown tooltips
Fixed an issue with marriage bonus helptext
Fixed an issue with technology research tooltips
Fixed an issue where certain unit formations were not reacting to melee attacks correctly
Fixed an issue where dropdowns could extend past the screen boundaries
Fixed an issue where minimized events would not update correctly after using undo
Fixed an issue where captured Wonders were not being listed as built by another nation
Fixed some issues with inconsistent icon alignment on unit widgets
Fixed an issue where the siege tower unit was not being displayed correctly in the combat preview window
Fixed an issue where marriage events could feature duplicate character portraits
Fixed an issue where unit icons could not be selected after undoing an action
Fixed various positioning and display issues within the combat preview window
Fixed an issue where longer unit names would not wrap correctly on the combat preview window
Fixed an issue where the game menu could not be opened while an event pop up was active
Fixed a formatting issue that could occur on turn summary pop ups
Fixed an issue with the pillaged icon
Fixed various event issues
Fixed some exception errors
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