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Last active September 15, 2021 18:31
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Test Branch: Old World Version 1.0.54761 Test 9/13/2021
Main Branch: Old World Version 1.0.54767 Main 9/15/2021
Dropped Injury probability from 2% to 1%
You can now trade 100 resources to your teammate per Order
Random Leaders game option enforces unique archetypes for each leader on the same team
Added two new Learn to Play Scenarios
Added game manual link to Extras menu
UU hiring events now cannot fire in the first 30 turns
No characters option has been removed from single-player
Caravan mission notifications have been updated, separated by money and opinion
We now keep victory event screen open when selecting "view timeline" option
New painting added for Assyria
Improvements to AI
Added Shift versions of map overlay hotkeys to lock them
Adding Carthage Campaign reference files to build location
New Events:
Agent Recognized
Agent Exposed
Agent Wounded
The Right Price
Unit cooldowns from having been attacked on the first turn are now reset
Observer client: Fixed unit models persisting after units have been killed
Carthage3: fix final goal not completing if the player manages to eliminate Rome entirely
Carthage3: fix for the player not getting a win while the capital has 0 discontent level
"Camel Bite" event no longer causes crash when it results in killing a unit
Clicking character name links always selects character instead of toggling character selection
Fixed issue with active player being incorrect in Hotseast
Fixed unit healthbar not updating correctly when health values change
Fixed issues with duplicate nations related to multiple family seats, combat penalties and character opinion bug
Various text and event fixes
Various minor UI fixes
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