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Last active March 17, 2021 21:15
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Test Branch: Old World Version 0.1.48413 Test (03/15/2021)
Main Branch: Old World Version 0.1.48461 Early Release (03/17/2021)
Characters now have a maximum of 5 traits
Agent Yields are now affected by their opinion
Religious Disciples now produce yields when standing on Religious improvements
Disciples standing on a Monastery produce +1 Science per turn
Disciples standing on a Temple produce +5 Money per turn
Disciples standing on a Cathedral produce +1 Order per turn
General Traits (Tough, Highlander, Besieger, etc.) now apply to all units if the Leader has those traits
Per city bonuses for events are now adjusted for inflation
Landowner Families now grant +2 Culture per crop
The following resources are considered crops: Wheat, Barley, Sorghum and Citrus
Trader Families now grant +20 Money per bullion
The following resources are considered bullion: Gems, Gold, Silver and Pearls
A new mission has been added: High Synod
The mission has a chance of positively or negatively impacting your Religion’s opinion of you, or it can trigger a ‘High Synod’ event
This mission is unlocked by the Doctrine technology, requires an Ambassador and costs 2 Orders to start
Religions will now become unhappy if you are at war with Tribes or Nations of their faith
Some traits have been updated
Angler is now ‘Pathfinder’
Leaders with the Pathfinder trait get +50% output from camps and nets
Governors with the Pathfinder trait get +100% output from camps and nets
Planter is now ‘Breeder’
Leaders with the Breeder trait get +20% output from farms and +50% output from pastures
Governors with the Breeder trait get +50% output from farms and +100% output from pastures
Forester is now ‘Naturalist’
Leaders with the Naturalist trait get +20% output from lumbermills and +50% output from camps
Governors with the Naturalist trait get +50% output from lumbermills and +100% output from camps
Delver now boosts mines in addition to quarries
Leaders with the Delver trait get +20% output from mines and quarries
Governors with the Delver trait now get +50% output from mines and quarries
Some traits have been combined
The Honest trait has been removed and combined with the Righteous trait
The Dishonest trait has been removed and combined with the Corrupt trait
The Heartbroken trait has been removed and combined with the Bitter trait
The Beautiful trait has been removed and combined with the Exotic trait
Some traits have been removed
The Cunning and Loyal traits are now opposites of each other
Theology costs have increased
Tier 1 Theologies: 400 Civics
Tier 2 Theologies: 600 Civics
Tier 3 Theologies: 800 Civics
Higher Tier buildings now take longer to build
For example, a Ministry will take longer to build than a Courthouse - and furthermore, a Palace will take longer to build than a Ministry
Foxes have been updated with new animations
These are a visual representation of the ‘Fur’ resource
The following improvement models have been updated
Manichaean Temple
Zoroastrian Cathedral
Manichaean Cathedral
The icon for the Adur-Burzen Mihr has been updated
The Adopt Religion icon has been updated
Some Main Menu website navigation buttons have been updated with new icons
Mohawk Website
More Persian teen character portraits have been added
An icon will now display above improvements that have been pillaged
An icon will now display above resources that have been harvested
Characters that serve as the Head of a Family or Religion are now color coded on the Character tab
The Options Menus have received some updates
An ‘Override Scaling Limit’ option has been added to the Accessibility Tab of the options menu
Toggling this option on will allow players to scale the UI 1.5x more than usual
The Conscript unit has been updated with new SFX
New Events
A New Resource
Your recent establishment of slavery stands as a statement to all within and without your borders
Angry Acolytes
The discontent among religious members of your nation has boiled over into violent protests
Inciting Unrest
Your Agent has established an agent network in a foreign city, and is ready to conduct insurrection missions
Treachery Abroad
Your agent has established an agent network in a foreign city, and is ready to conduct treachery missions
Spousal Efforts
Your spouse doesn’t particularly enjoy your company
The Free People
The free people of your nation join with you to celebrate your declaration of Freedom
Tutorial: Agents
This tutorial event explains Agents to the player
Tutorial: Agent Networks
This tutorial event explains Agent Networks to the player
Tutorial: Agent Missions
This tutorial event explains Agent Missions to the player
The High Synod
Your Ambassador believes you can reach religious concord with a religious group
Spring Equinox
Your nation gathers to celebrate the Spring Equinox
Summer Solstice
Your nation gathers to celebrate the Summer Solstice
Fall Equinox
Your nation gathers to celebrate the Fall Equinox
Winter Solstice
Your nation gathers to celebrate the Winter Solstice
Some stub events have been expanded with new text
The AI will now move idle Religious Disciples onto Religious buildings for extra yield production
The AI is now more likely to pop ancient ruins
Improved AI family opinion management
Improved AI unit management
Miscellaneous Changes
Two new Main Menu navigation buttons have been added
Twitter - Clicking this button will navigate users to the Mohawk Games twitter account
Twitch - Clicking this button will navigate users to the Mohawk Games Twitch channel
Players can now subscribe to the Mohawk Newsletter directly from the Main Menu
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where some project icons were missing their roman numeral tiers
Fixed a null reference error that would occur when hovering over Family icons in the Cities screen
Fixed a display issue with options menu sliders
Fixed an issue where certain technologies were being cut off by the scroll bar on the Technology Tree screen
Fixed an issue where the resource bar was incorrectly appearing during player transition in Hotseat mode
Fixed an issue where players could receive luxury ambitions that could not be completed with the number of factions/tribes in their current game
Fixed an issue where family icons were not appearing in the Family Tree
Fixed an issue where Leaders portraits were missing from the Diplomacy tab
Fixed an issue where the Religion tab was disabled in games with the ‘No Characters’ option set
Fixed an issue with Specialist ambitions
Fixed a display issue with coastal tiles on the Mac version (The mac version is currently only available on the Test Branch)
Fixed an issue where players could not give captured cities to a family that had not been founded yet
Fixed an issue where AI was using fortify in instances it didn't need to
Fixed an issue where AI was overusing the March ability
Fixed an issue where AI was not prioritizing assigning Generals properly
Fixed an issue where AI was not claiming city sites properly
Fixed some tile widget update issues
Fixed an issue where some worker tile overlays were not being hidden properly
Fixed an issue where the family head was not always updating properly on the selection panel
Fixed an issue where AI players did not get a family for their first city when the Pick Later nation option was used during game setup
Fixed some sorting issues with city widgets and tile widgets
Fixed some sorting issues with city widgets and units
Fixed some text wrapping issues in the combat preview window
Fixed an issue where the capture city pop up would not appear if the player only had one family
Fixed an issue where the undo button was not disabled at the start of a new turn
Fixed an issue where Trader workers weren’t building multiple roads per turn correctly when using City Connection mode
Fixed an issue where the automation widget wasn’t visible when workers were on cooldown
Fixed some issues where tile text wasn’t being displayed in time with unit animations and actions
Fixed an issue where Egyptian spouses were not showing up correctly in the Inheritance screen
Fixed an issue where some unit links were directing to the wrong encyclopedia page
Fixed a flickering issue that could occur when hovering over healthbars
Fixed an issue with the Herbalist trait
Fixed some AI miscalculation issues
Fixed some instances of inaccessible choose research decisions staying in the cycle count
Fixed various event issues
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