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Last active May 13, 2021 14:14
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Test Branch: Old World Version 0.1.50561 Test (05/10/2021)
Main Branch: Old World Version 0.1.50659 Test (05/11/2021)
Rider Families now gain +10 opinion per General
Patron Families now gain +10 opinion per Governor
Statesmen Families now lose -20 opinion if your Leader is not an adult
Judge Leaders now grant +40 Civics per turn (Judge Leaders can no longer store 10 Orders between turns)
Schemer Leaders now receive 5 Orders for each Legitimacy point spent when using Legitimacy to buy orders
Diplomat Leaders now gain +60 opinion with all other leaders (Up from +40)
All Urban improvements now extend the Trade Network
Tribal allies now have the ability to pillage
Units can now move across water tiles owned by players you are at Peace with
Some new achievements have been added
Before the Golden Horde - Win a game using only the Riders family
One True Faith - Have all cities follow your State Religion
Et Tu Brutus - As Rome, have leader assassinated by another Roman family
Bad Heir Day - Be assassinated by your Heir
Battle of the Fertile Crescent - As either Assyria, Babylonia, or Persia - defeat the other two rival nations
The ‘Hardcore’ achievement has been updated to included AI Play to Win
The following units have been updated with new animations
Kushite Cavalry
Palton Cavalry
The Camel Archer unit has been updated with new idle, combat idle, and walk animations
The model for the Dromon unit has been updated
Religious Disciple units will now play VFX when spreading religion
Scouts, Settlers and Workers will now play VFX when harvesting resources
The model for the marble resource has been updated
Unit Promotion icons have received some art updates
Unit promotion icons are now mauve-colored
Particle effects are now shown when selecting unit promotions
Particle effects will now play when starting a mission
A new event painting has been added
Tutor - Commerce
The Heir will now display a unique frame on the Inheritance screen
Some icons have been updated, and some new icons have been added
Attack/Defense strength
Recruited (Cooldown)
Assyria (Unit - Pillage Yield)
Scythian Tribe icon
The Rout cooldown icon is now green
Clicking on a tile recommendation overlay will now start that action if the worker is on the recommended tile
Clicking on the Luxury widget in the top UI bar will now select the Family that will receive the highest opinion gain from receiving a luxury
The Manage Luxuries tab will be opened automatically, allowing players to quickly send available luxuries to the selected family
Unit promotions have received a formatting update
Unit promotions are displayed on the right side of the unit selection panel
Promotions/Effects earned from Leader/General traits are displayed on the left side of the unit selection panel
Tribe Widgets have received an update
The Tribe Widget will now update to display the shortest countdown
For example, if the tribal site will produce a new unit before upgrading to a new outpost level, the unit countdown will be displayed - and vice versa (Players can hover over this countdown to see which is actively displayed)
Players can hover over a tile containing a Tribal Camp to see both countdown timers within the tile tooltip
Rival Nation Leaders and Tribe Leaders will now display an asterisk in the Empires tab while on a mission
Players will now receive turn notifications when a pillaged improvement has 5 or less years to be repaired
Turn notifications will now remain visible after ending your turn in Multiplayer games
Characters will now highlight in the Characters Tab when selected
Unit health bars are now rounded
Four new musical tracks have been added
Music is unlocked via the Drama technology
The following units have been updated with new Attack, Death, Hit, and Run SFX
Kushite Cavalry
Horse Archer
The following units have been updated with new Walk SFX
Elite Libyan Cavalry
Libyan Cavalry
Amazon Cavalry
Elite Amazon Cavalry
Elite Nomad Marauder
Nomad Skirmisher
Nomad Marauder
Elite Nomad Skirmisher
Nomad Warlord
Elite Nomad Warlord
Kushite Cavalry
Horse Archer
The ‘Start Game’ and ‘Resume’ buttons will now play SFX when clicked
The Honey resource has been updated with new ambient SFX
Ambient campfire SFX has been added to applicable improvement tiles
The Archer Select SFX has received some updates
New Events
Charging Footfalls
Your soldiers are eager for further orders
Visiting [Character]
A new ruler takes the throne in a rival nation, and you are invited to visit their nation
Gifts of Succession
A new ruler takes the throne in a rival nation, and sends you a gift of friendship
Guiding [Character]
A new ruler takes the throne in a rival nation, and asks for guidance on the best way to rule
A Call for Peace
A new ruler takes the throne in a rival nation, and calls for a truce between your nations
The Emissaries of [Character]
A new ruler takes the throne in a rival nation, and sends their religious emissaries to your Nation
The Pride of [Character]
A new ruler takes the throne in a rival nation, and makes a comment that offends your subjects during their celebration feast
[Character]’s Demand
A new ruler takes the throne in a rival nation, and demands a tribute from your nation
Snubbed by [Character]
A new ruler takes the throne in a rival nation, and appears to snub you in the process
The Religion of [Character]
A new ruler takes the throne in a rival nation that practices your religion, and your Head of Religion is invited to attend their succession festivities
A [King/Queen] and Friend
A new ruler takes the throne in a rival nation, and sends you a letter expressing their love of treating with those of other nations
Affairs of Succession
A new ruler takes the throne in a rival nation, and visits you on a diplomatic mission
[Character]’s Agent
A week after a new ruler takes the throne in a rival nation, your guards catch their agent in your palace
The Honor of [Nation]
A new ruler takes the throne in a rival nation, and requests that a statue of their previous ruler is erected in one of your cities
[Character] Deposed
A new ruler takes the throne in a rival nation, but rumors are quickly spreading that the previous ruler’s abdication was not voluntary
Power of the Throne
A new ruler takes the throne in a rival nation, though the previous ruler’s reasons for abdicating are a mystery
Tutorial: Luxuries
This tutorial event explains luxury resources to the player
Assassination Investigation
There are questions surrounding the death of a member of your nation, and your Spymaster shares their concerns with you
Leading the Next Generation
After the death of a Family Head, their successor arranges to meet with you
This event has a few variations
Improved AI’s family opinion management
Miscellaneous Changes
The Barbarian Horde Scenario has received some updates
Horde Size now scales up 40% per AI teammate (Horde size still scales up 80% per extra human player)
The ‘Show Single units’ option is now the ‘Show single objects’ option
This option now displays singular units and resources when enabled
The Epic Social overlay has been re-enabled [Opened via SHIFT + F3]
This overlay is still disabled on Windows 7 machines while we continue to investigate a crash it is causing
Various hardcoded strings have been moved to XMLs (for improved mod support)
Bug Fixes
Fixed an alignment issue with the Strike promotion icons
Fixed an issue with Family Seat information on the city widget
Fixed some highlight issues with the city widget
Fixed some null references that could occur when interacting with certain widgets
Fixed some flickering texture issues with rivers
Fixed an issue where the family selection panel could become incorrectly hidden
Fixed an issue where Governors could not be assigned properly in the city screen
Fixed some animation issues that could occur when an Amphitheater was built on a hill tile
Fixed an issue where opinion bars were not updating their number of ticks properly
Fixed a duplicate name issue with turn summary emails
Fixed an issue where certain animal resources were glowing
Fixed a null reference that could occur when trying to declare war on another nation
Fixed some tooltip overlap issues with tutorial events
Fixed an incorrect discontent warning when founding a family seat in ‘Pick Later’ games
Fixed an issue that would occur when cancelling a half-produced specialist and then trying to use Undo
Fixed a formatting issue with event requirement text
Fixed some flickering issues with the Leader HUD area
Fixed some display issues with the Play By Cloud game list, games should display faded text when you are not the active player, and different colors for each active player name
Fixed an issue where the main menu wasn’t properly updating the game list on launch
Fixed an issue where the Play By Cloud main menu header was not properly refreshing the game list
Fixed an issue where certain improvements weren’t properly updating to their finished state after construction was complete
Fixed an expiration issue with note pings in Multiplayer games
Fixed a sort order issue with the City list sort buttons
Fixed an exception that could occur when clicking on unit filter buttons
Fixed an issue where the Show Tile Yield hotkey [N] didn’t work if a unit was selected
Fixed an issue with the Kushite Cavalry unit’s combat camera
Fixed an issue with the Bireme unit’s combat camera
Fixed an issue with the Elite Skirmisher unit’s combat camera
Fixed a particle flicker bug with technology cards
Fixed an issue where player scores were still displayed in games with point victory disabled
Fixed an issue with the Victory Point score display
Fixed a text wrapping issue with the Critical hit floating text that can display during combat
Fixed an issue that was causing AI to spend resources for missions it could not start
Fixed a formatting issue with save files
Fixed an issue where some buttons did not display their proper icon colors
Fixed an issue where multiplayer turn emails were missing spaces
Fixed an issue where no family could be assigned to a conquered city if all city sites on the map were occupied
Fixed an issue where cities could have 0HP after anarchy
Fixed an issue where players could hear Heal SFX whenever units were healed in Multiplayer games (Heal audio will now only play when the Player’s units are healed)
Fixed a camera divide by zero error that could occur in the city screen
Fixed some issues related to founding a religion
Fixed a soft lock that could occur when receiving the Battlefield Duel event
Fixed various events that were appearing in No Characters games incorrectly
Fixed some mission issues
Fixed various help text issues
Fixed various character opinion issues
Fixed various event issues
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