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Last active March 16, 2017 02:14
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#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
#! nix-shell -i python -p python27Packages.attrs python27Packages.enum34
# Let us have *timelines*, which are totally ordered sequences of observations
# of events tagged with (monotonic) timestamps. The possible states of
# observation are *aspects* of time from the event's point of view:
# {pu'o}: The event has not yet happened
# {ba'o}: The event has happened
# {ca'o}: The event is happening
# We then insist that timelines have only some legal forms; a timeline must
# always have monotonic timestamps, and also must have a shape like this:
# ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.
# . . / . ^. . . . .\ . . .
# _______/^ | ^\__________
# ^ | | | ^
# | | | | |
# pu'o co'a ca'o mo'u ba'o
# As a result, there are restrictions on the legal ordering of states. For
# example, a {ba'o} cannot precede a {pu'o}. Nonetheless, we can define a
# partial binary gluing or union operator on timelines which interleaves
# observations according to their timestamps. We can also define the
# intersection of two timelines as only the observations which they have in
# common.
# What's the difference between {co'u} and {mo'u}? {mo'u} is the natural end
# of an event, while {co'u} is the actual end of the event. For example, a
# natural death is {mo'u} while a murder or untimely end is {co'u}.
# Let us say that a *story* is a set of tagged timelines associating some
# event name to the timeline of that event. We can take the union and
# intersection of stories in the obvious way. Then:
# (1) Any set of stories forms a topological space, with unions of subsets as
# its open sets.
# (2) A story maps to its timelines.
# (3) Any union of stories maps to the union of those stories' timelines, if
# such a union exists.
# (4) Timelines form a category with the obvious identity morphism. There is a
# morphism from any timeline U to any other timeline V iff V can be glued with
# some other timeline X to yield U; in other words, U -> V takes a timeline to
# one of its "subset" timelines.
# (Presheaf) Then for any set of stories S, we can assign a presheaf F of
# timelines on stories.
# (5) Assume that we select S s.t. for any two stories in S, their union
# exists according to (3). In practice, we aim to detect violations of this
# property!
# (6) Furthermore, the gluing property holds. XXX actually prove it.
# (Sheaf) Then F is a sheaf of timelines on stories.
# Not yet considered:
# * Relativity and relativistic coordinates, which I suspect are special cases
# of establishing a metric space on events
# * CTCs or other non-trivial topologies in timelines
from __future__ import division
import attr
from enum import Enum
class Aspect(Enum):
puho, coha, caho, cohu, mohu, baho = range(6)
implicit = object()
# Valid left-to-right transitions.
transitions = {
Aspect.puho: set([Aspect.puho, Aspect.coha, Aspect.caho, Aspect.cohu,
Aspect.mohu, Aspect.baho]),
Aspect.coha: set([Aspect.caho, Aspect.cohu, Aspect.mohu, Aspect.baho]),
Aspect.caho: set([Aspect.caho, Aspect.cohu, Aspect.mohu, Aspect.baho]),
Aspect.cohu: set([Aspect.baho]),
Aspect.mohu: set([Aspect.baho]),
Aspect.baho: set([Aspect.baho]),
class GlueError(Exception): pass
class TimelinePrinter(object):
width = attr.ib()
start = attr.ib()
stop = attr.ib()
def _prettyIndex(self, point):
rv = (point - self.start) * self.width / (self.stop - self.start)
return int(max(0, min(rv, self.width - 1)))
def _checkOverlap(self, i):
if self.dots[i] == '*':
return True
self.dots[i] = '*'
return False
def addPoint(self, point, char):
point = self._prettyIndex(point)
if self._checkOverlap(point):
self.line[point] = '!'
self.line[point] = char
def addEdge(self, points, fillChar):
for x, y in zip(points, points[1:]):
x = self._prettyIndex(x)
y = self._prettyIndex(y)
self.line[x:y] = fillChar * (y - x)
self.dots[x] = self.dots[y] = '*'
class PrettyPrinter(object):
width = attr.ib()
start = attr.ib()
stop = attr.ib()
def add(self, timeline):
tp = TimelinePrinter(self.width, self.start, self.stop)
tp.line = ['?'] * self.width
tp.dots = [' '] * self.width
return tp.line, tp.dots
def gluePoint(left, right):
if left is implicit:
return right
elif right is implicit:
return left
elif left == right:
return left
raise GlueError("Couldn't glue points %r and %r" % (left, right))
def checkEdge(l, point, r):
if l and l[-1] >= point:
raise GlueError("Couldn't glue left edge")
if r and point >= r[0]:
raise GlueError("Couldn't glue right edge")
class Timeline(object):
purci = attr.ib()
cfari = attr.ib()
cabna = attr.ib()
sisti = attr.ib()
balvi = attr.ib()
def fromAspects(cls, aspects):
currentStamp = float("-inf")
currentState = Aspect.puho
purci = []
cfari = implicit
cabna = []
sisti = implicit
balvi = []
for stamp, state in aspects:
if stamp <= currentStamp:
raise GlueError("Non-monotonic")
if state not in transitions[currentState]:
raise GlueError("Invalid transition")
if state is Aspect.puho:
elif state is Aspect.coha:
cfari = stamp
elif state is Aspect.caho:
elif state in (Aspect.cohu, Aspect.mohu):
sisti = stamp, state
elif state is Aspect.baho:
raise GlueError("Invalid state")
currentStamp = stamp
currentState = state
self = cls(purci, cfari, cabna, sisti, balvi)
return self
def pretty(self, pp):
purci = [float("-inf")] + self.purci
cabna = self.cabna
balvi = self.balvi + [float("inf")]
pp.addEdge(purci, '_')
pp.addEdge(cabna, '~')
pp.addEdge(balvi, '_')
if self.cfari is not implicit:
pp.addPoint(self.cfari, ',')
if self.sisti is not implicit:
point, aspect = self.sisti
pp.addPoint(point, 'x' if aspect is Aspect.cohu else '.')
def glue(self, other):
cfari = gluePoint(self.cfari, other.cfari)
sisti = gluePoint(self.sisti, other.sisti)
purci = sorted(set(self.purci + other.purci))
cabna = sorted(set(self.cabna + other.cabna))
balvi = sorted(set(self.balvi + other.balvi))
if cfari is not implicit:
checkEdge(purci, cfari, cabna)
if sisti is not implicit:
checkEdge(cabna, sisti[0], balvi)
return Timeline(purci, cfari, cabna, sisti, balvi)
def earliest(self):
if self.purci:
return self.purci[0]
if self.cfari is not implicit:
return self.cfari
if self.cabna:
return self.cabna[0]
if self.sisti is not implicit:
return self.sisti[0]
return self.balvi[0]
def latest(self):
if self.balvi:
return self.balvi[-1]
if self.sisti is not implicit:
return self.sisti[0]
if self.cabna:
return self.cabna[-1]
if self.cfari is not implicit:
return self.cfari
return self.purci[-1]
class Story(object):
timelines = attr.ib()
def glue(self, other):
ts = self.timelines.copy()
for k, t in other.timelines.iteritems():
if k in ts:
ts[k] = ts[k].glue(t)
ts[k] = t
return Story(ts)
def pretty(self):
width = 72
# Slow but whatever.
start = float("inf")
stop = float("-inf")
just = 0
for k, tl in self.timelines.iteritems():
start = min(start, tl.earliest())
stop = max(stop, tl.latest())
just = max(just, len(k))
pp = PrettyPrinter(width, start, stop)
for k in sorted(self.timelines):
tl = self.timelines[k]
line, dots = pp.add(tl)
print k.ljust(just), ''.join(line)
print ''.ljust(just), ''.join(dots)
def sectionsOf(sheaf):
if not sheaf: return []
rv = []
s = None
for story in sheaf:
if s is None:
s = story
s = s.glue(story)
except GlueError as ge:
print "Couldn't glue", ge
s = story
return rv
def globalSectionOf(sheaf):
s = sheaf[0]
for story in sheaf[1:]:
s = s.glue(story)
return s
f = Timeline.fromAspects
g = [
# The Phantom Menace
"anakin-life": f([[-32, Aspect.caho]]),
"obiWan-life": f([[-32, Aspect.caho]]),
# Attack of the Clones
"anakin-life": f([[-22, Aspect.caho]]),
"obiWan-life": f([[-22, Aspect.caho]]),
# Revenge of the Sith
"anakin-life": f([[-19, Aspect.caho]]),
"leia-life": f([[-19, Aspect.coha]]),
"luke-life": f([[-19, Aspect.coha]]),
"obiWan-life": f([[-19, Aspect.caho]]),
# A New Hope
"anakin-life": f([[0, Aspect.caho]]),
"leia-life": f([[0, Aspect.caho]]),
"luke-jediTraining": f([[0, Aspect.coha]]),
"luke-life": f([[0, Aspect.caho]]),
"obiWan-life": f([[0, Aspect.cohu]]),
# The Empire Strikes Back
"anakin-life": f([[3, Aspect.caho]]),
"leia-life": f([[3, Aspect.caho]]),
"luke-jediTraining": f([[3, Aspect.caho]]),
"luke-life": f([[3, Aspect.caho]]),
# Return of the Jedi
"anakin-life": f([[4, Aspect.cohu]]),
"leia-life": f([[4, Aspect.caho]]),
"luke-jediTraining": f([[4, Aspect.mohu]]),
"luke-life": f([[4, Aspect.caho]]),
"obiWan-life": f([[4, Aspect.baho]]),
print "Global section of G-Canon:"
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