I apologize somewhat in advance. The following questions have driven folks mad (mostly on IRC, but also sometimes IRL), so don't worry if you're not interested in them. However, they all seem extremely pertinent to continued formalization efforts, and I'd like to think that they've come up before. I also have rigged the game somewhat by having an answer for each question, which I'll provide; however, I'm very interested in what answers other folks have, and I am only committed to my answers inasmuch as I have researched them in order to have a well-read opinion.
Relations are, generally, sets. In particular they are subsets of products. Even more particularly, nullary relations are truth values and unary relations are sets. However, ckaji2 ranges over all unary relations and ckini3 ranges over all binary relations; kampu2, cmima2, and steci3 range over (almost) all sets. This leads to immediate size issues; how do we avoid Russell's paradox?
My answer is to declare an inaccessible cardinal, which is li