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Created May 20, 2019 13:45
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$( - Version of 17-May-2019 $)
$( Trying to implement and doing a poor job.
There is no original thought here, only data entry. -- CS $)
This is some linear logic designed to neatly replace classical logic for
foundational work. I will try to follow for theorem names and
structure, and for constructive insights.
$( Declare the primitive constant symbols for propositional calculus. $)
$c ( $. $( Left parenthesis $)
$c ) $. $( Right parenthesis $)
$c wff $. $( Well-formed formula symbol (read: "the following symbol
sequence is a wff") $)
$c |- $. $( Turnstile (read: "it is true that" or "a proof exists for") $)
$( wff variable sequence: ph ps ch th ta et ze si rh mu la ka $)
$( Introduce some variable names we will use to represent well-formed
formulas (wff's). $)
$v ph $. $( Greek phi $)
$v ps $. $( Greek psi $)
$v ch $. $( Greek chi $)
$v th $. $( Greek theta $)
$v ta $. $( Greek tau $)
$v et $. $( Greek eta $)
$v ze $. $( Greek zeta $)
$v si $. $( Greek sigma $)
$v rh $. $( Greek rho $)
$v mu $. $( Greek mu $)
$v la $. $( Greek lambda $)
$v ka $. $( Greek kappa $)
$( Specify some variables that we will use to represent wff's.
The fact that a variable represents a wff is relevant only to a theorem
referring to that variable, so we may use $f hypotheses. The symbol
` wff ` specifies that the variable that follows it represents a wff. $)
$( Let variable ` ph ` be a wff. $)
wph $f wff ph $.
$( Let variable ` ps ` be a wff. $)
wps $f wff ps $.
$( Let variable ` ch ` be a wff. $)
wch $f wff ch $.
$( Let variable ` th ` be a wff. $)
wth $f wff th $.
$( Let variable ` ta ` be a wff. $)
wta $f wff ta $.
$( Let variable ` et ` be a wff. $)
wet $f wff et $.
$( Let variable ` ze ` be a wff. $)
wze $f wff ze $.
$( Let variable ` si ` be a wff. $)
wsi $f wff si $.
$( Let variable ` rh ` be a wff. $)
wrh $f wff rh $.
$( Let variable ` mu ` be a wff. $)
wmu $f wff mu $.
$( Let variable ` la ` be a wff. $)
wla $f wff la $.
$( Let variable ` ka ` be a wff. $)
wka $f wff ka $.
Recursively define primitive wffs for linear logic
$c 0 $. $( Zero $)
$c 1 $. $( One $)
$c T $. $( Truth $)
$c F $. $( Falsity $)
w0 $a wff 0 $.
w1 $a wff 1 $.
wT $a wff T $.
wF $a wff F $.
$( The sole unbalanced truth. By choosing a side, we determine the
orientation of the logic. $)
ax-1 $a |- 1 $.
Linear connectives
$( The paramends (turned ampersand) isn't available, sadly. As a result, the
connectives we're using are the ones from $)
$c [] $. $( Friend box, multiplicative conjunction (read: "times") $)
$c <> $. $( Option diamond, multiplicative disjunction (read: "par") $)
$c |_| $. $( Coproduct, union, additive conjunction (read: "plus") $)
$c |"| $. $( Product, additive disjunction (read: "with") $)
wf $a wff ( ph [] ps ) $.
wo $a wff ( ph <> ps ) $.
wc $a wff ( ph |_| ps ) $.
wp $a wff ( ph |"| ps ) $.
$( [] has unit 1. $)
pr-mcuniti $e |- ps $.
ax-mcuniti $a |- ( ps [] 1 ) $.
pr-mcunite $e |- ( ps [] 1 ) $.
ax-mcunite $a |- ps $.
$( [] commutes. $)
pr-mccomm $e |- ( ps [] ph ) $.
ax-mccomm $a |- ( ph [] ps ) $.
$( [] associates. $)
pr-mcassl $e |- ( ps [] ( ph [] ch ) ) $.
ax-mcassl $a |- ( ( ps [] ph ) [] ch ) $.
pr-mcassr $e |- ( ( ps [] ph ) [] ch ) $.
ax-mcassr $a |- ( ps [] ( ph [] ch ) ) $.
$( <> has unit F. $)
pr-mduniti $e |- ps $.
ax-mduniti $a |- ( ps <> F ) $.
pr-mdunite $e |- ( ps <> F ) $.
ax-mdunite $a |- ps $.
$( <> commutes. $)
pr-mdcomm12 $e |- ( ps <> ( ph <> ch ) ) $.
ax-mdcomm12 $a |- ( ph <> ( ps <> ch ) ) $.
$( <> associates. $)
pr-mdassl $e |- ( ps <> ( ph <> ch ) ) $.
ax-mdassl $a |- ( ( ps <> ph ) <> ch ) $.
pr-mdassr $e |- ( ( ps <> ph ) <> ch ) $.
ax-mdassr $a |- ( ps <> ( ph <> ch ) ) $.
$( Two-argument version of ~ ax-mdcomm12 . $)
mdcomm.1 $e |- ( ps <> ph ) $.
mdcomm $p |- ( ph <> ps ) $=
wph wps wo wps wph wF wph wps wF wph wps wF wps wph wo mdcomm.1
ax-mduniti ax-mdassr ax-mdcomm12 ax-mdassl ax-mdunite $.
$( |_| has unit T. $)
pr-acuniti $e |- ps $.
ax-acuniti $a |- ( ps |_| T ) $.
pr-acunite $e |- ( ps |_| T ) $.
ax-acunite $a |- ps $.
$( |_| commutes. $)
pr-accomm $e |- ( ps |_| ph ) $.
ax-accomm $a |- ( ph |_| ps ) $.
$( |_| associates. $)
pr-acassl $e |- ( ps |_| ( ph |_| ch ) ) $.
ax-acassl $a |- ( ( ps |_| ph ) |_| ch ) $.
pr-acassr $e |- ( ( ps |_| ph ) |_| ch ) $.
ax-acassr $a |- ( ps |_| ( ph |_| ch ) ) $.
$( |"| has unit 0. $)
pr-aduniti $e |- ps $.
ax-aduniti $a |- ( ps |"| 0 ) $.
pr-adunite $e |- ( ps |"| 0 ) $.
ax-adunite $a |- ps $.
$( |"| commutes. $)
pr-adcomm $e |- ( ps |"| ph ) $.
ax-adcomm $a |- ( ph |"| ps ) $.
$( |"| associates. $)
pr-adassl $e |- ( ps |"| ( ph |"| ch ) ) $.
ax-adassl $a |- ( ( ps |"| ph ) |"| ch ) $.
pr-adassr $e |- ( ( ps |"| ph ) |"| ch ) $.
ax-adassr $a |- ( ps |"| ( ph |"| ch ) ) $.
$( Anything par T can be introduced, as if T were a unit. $)
ax-parT $a |- ( ps <> T ) $.
$( As a corollary, T is also a theorem.
(Contributed by Corbin, 19-May-2019.) $)
df-T $p |- T $=
wT wT wF wF ax-parT mdcomm ax-mdunite $.
Essential axioms of LK
$c ~ $. $( Involution (read: "not") $)
$( If ` ph ` is a wff, so is ` ~ ph ` or "not ` ph `." $)
wi $a wff ~ ph $.
$c ! $. $( Assert (read: "of course") $)
$c ? $. $( Question (read: "why not") $)
wa $a wff ! ph $.
wq $a wff ? ph $.
$( We crib from to
present a linear version of Gentzen's LK. We fold across |- and dualize as
needed. $)
$( Linear logic LEM. This axiom is sometimes called I or AXIOM. $)
ax-i $a |- ( ph <> ~ ph ) $.
$( Contraction for why-not. $)
pr-contr $e |- ( ? ph <> ? ph ) $.
ax-contr $a |- ? ph $.
$( Weakening for why-not. $)
pr-wr $e |- ps $.
ax-wr $a |- ( ? ph <> ps ) $.
$( Additive disjunction has three axioms, one on LHS and two on RHS. The LHS
axiom dualizes to ~ ax-acr so we omit it. $)
pr-adr1 $e |- ps $.
ax-adr1 $e |- ( ps |"| ph ) $.
pr-adr2 $e |- ps $.
ax-adr2 $e |- ( ph |"| ps ) $.
$( Additive conjunction has three axioms too, two on LHS and one one RHS.
The LHS axioms dualize to ~ ax-adr1 and ~ ax-adr2 respectively. $)
pr1-acr $e |- ps $.
pr2-acr $e |- ph $.
ax-acr $a |- ( ps |_| ph ) $.
$( Multiplicative disjunction has one axiom on each side. However, the LHS axiom
dualizes to ~ ax-mcr and the RHS axiom is a restatement of ~ ax-mdassl . $)
$( Multiplicative conjunction has one axiom on each side. The LHS axiom
dualizes to ~ ax-mdr . $)
pr1-mcr $e |- ( ps <> ph ) $.
pr2-mcr $e |- ( ch <> th ) $.
ax-mcr $a |- ( ( ps <> ch ) <> ( ph [] th ) ) $.
De Morgan duality and negation elimination
$( Because negation is an involution, and so undoes itself, we dualize the
premise and axiom names. $)
$( Double negation. $)
pr-dnelim $e |- ps $.
ax-dnintro $a |- ~ ~ ps $.
pr-dnintro $e |- ~ ~ ps $.
ax-dnelim $a |- ps $.
$( Triple negation. $)
notnotnoti.1 $e |- ~ ~ ~ ps $.
notnotnoti $p |- ~ ps $=
wps wi notnotnoti.1 ax-dnelim $.
$( Dualization of exponentials. $)
pr-dnoc $e |- ~ ! ph $.
ax-dwnn $a |- ? ~ ph $.
pr-dwnn $e |- ? ~ ph $.
ax-dnoc $a |- ~ ! ph $.
pr-dnwn $e |- ~ ? ph $.
ax-docn $a |- ! ~ ph $.
pr-docn $e |- ! ~ ph $.
ax-dnwn $a |- ~ ? ph $.
$( Duals for multiplicatives. $)
pr-dnmc $e |- ~ ( ps [] ph ) $.
ax-dmdnn $a |- ( ~ ps <> ~ ph ) $.
pr-dnmd $e |- ~ ( ps <> ph ) $.
ax-dmcnn $a |- ( ~ ps [] ~ ph ) $.
pr-dmdnn $e |- ( ~ ps <> ~ ph ) $.
ax-dnmc $a |- ~ ( ps [] ph ) $.
pr-dmcnn $e |- ( ~ ps [] ~ ph ) $.
ax-dnmd $a |- ~ ( ps <> ph ) $.
$( Duals for additives. $)
pr-dnac $e |- ~ ( ps |_| ph ) $.
ax-dadnn $a |- ( ~ ps |"| ~ ph ) $.
pr-dnad $e |- ~ ( ps |"| ph ) $.
ax-dacnn $a |- ( ~ ps |_| ~ ph ) $.
pr-dadnn $e |- ( ~ ps |"| ~ ph ) $.
ax-dnac $a |- ~ ( ps |_| ph ) $.
pr-dacnn $e |- ( ~ ps |_| ~ ph ) $.
ax-dnad $a |- ~ ( ps |"| ph ) $.
$( 1 and F are dual. $)
dual1F.1 $e |- ~ 1 $.
dual1F $p |- F $= ? $.
$( ~F is a theorem. We use "neg-" to mark these negative results.
(Contributed by Corbin, 19-May-2019.) $)
neg-F $p |- ~ F $=
wF wi wF wi wF wF ax-i mdcomm ax-mdunite $.
$( 0 and T are dual. $)
pr-dual0T $e |- ~ 0 $.
ax-dual0T $a |- T $.
pr-dualT0 $e |- ~ T $.
ax-dualT0 $a |- 0 $.
$( Multiplicative law of non-contradiction.
(Contributed by Corbin, 19-May-2019.) $)
noncontm $p |- ~ ( ps [] ~ ps ) $=
wps wi wps wps wi ax-i ax-dnmc $.
Distributive laws
$( "times" distributes over "plus". $)
distm $e |- ( ps [] ( ph |_| ch ) ) $.
ax-distm $a |- ( ( ps [] ph ) |_| ( ps [] ch ) ) $.
$( "par" distributes over "with". $)
dista $e |- ( ps <> ( ph |"| ch ) ) $.
ax-dista $a |- ( ( ps <> ph ) |"| ( ps <> ch ) ) $.
$( These parens can be associated over. $)
lindist.1 $e |- ( ps [] ( ph <> ch ) ) $.
lindist $p |- ( ( ps [] ph ) <> ch ) $= ? $.
$( Half of an isomorphism about of-course. $)
expiso.1 $e |- ! ( ph |_| ps ) $.
expiso $p |- ( ! ph [] ! ps ) $= ? $.
Linear implication
$c -o $. $( Lollipop (read: "implies") $)
$( If ` ph ` and ` ps ` are wff's, so is ` ( ph -o ps ) ` or " ` ph ` implies
` ps ` ." $)
wl $a wff ( ph -o ps ) $.
$( We define linear implication from multiplicative disjunction in order to
get close to the principle that ` ps -o ph ` and ` ps |- ph ` are
equivalent. $)
pr-impintro $e |- ( ~ ps <> ph ) $.
df-impintro $a |- ( ps -o ph ) $.
pr-impelim $e |- ( ps -o ph ) $.
df-impelim $a |- ( ~ ps <> ph ) $.
$( Law of contrapositives. $)
conpos.1 $e |- ( ps -o ph ) $.
conpos $p |- ( ~ ph -o ~ ph ) $=
wph wi wph wi wph wi wi wph wi wph wi ax-i mdcomm df-impintro $.
$( Modus ponens for linear implication. $)
min $e |- ph $.
maj $e |- ( ph -o ps ) $.
ax-mp $a |- ps $.
$( The prototypical syllogism. $)
syl.1 $e |- ( ph -o ps ) $.
syl.2 $e |- ( ps -o ch ) $.
syl $p |- ( ph -o ch ) $= ? $.
$( The cut. Gentzen showed famously that this shouldn't have to be an axiom;
we should figure that out! $)
cut.1 $e |- ( ps <> ph ) $.
cut.2 $e |- ( ~ ph <> ch ) $.
cut $p |- ( ps <> ch ) $= ? $.
$( Law of identity.
(Contributed by Corbin, 19-May-2019.) $)
id $p |- ( ph -o ph ) $=
wph wph wph wi wph wph ax-i mdcomm df-impintro $.
$( Adding double negation.
(Contributed by Corbin, 19-May-2019.) $)
notnot1 $p |- ( ph -o ~ ~ ph ) $=
wph wi wi wph wph wi ax-i df-impintro $.
$( Contraposition. $)
con3 $p |- ( ( ph -o ps ) -o ( ~ ps -o ~ ph ) ) $= ? $.
$( Elimination of multiplicative conjunction. $)
simpl $p |- ( ( ph [] ps ) -o ph ) $= ? $.
$( Elimination of multiplicative conjunction. $)
simpr $p |- ( ( ph [] ps ) -o ps ) $= ? $.
$( Multiplicative conjunction can be weakened to additive conjunction. $)
mcac.1 $e |- ( ph [] ps ) $.
mcac $p |- ( ph |_| ps ) $= ? $.
$( Additive disjunction can be weakened to multiplicative disjunction. $)
admd.1 $e |- ( ph |"| ps ) $.
admd $p |- ( ph <> ps ) $= ? $.
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