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Last active September 2, 2018 14:46
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#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
#! nix-shell -p python27Packages.attrs -i python
import attr
class Term(object):
predicate = attr.ib()
arguments = attr.ib()
def parseTerm(text):
pred, argPile = text.split("(", 1)
# Hack!
args = [t.strip(" )") for t in argPile.split(",")]
return Term(predicate=pred.strip(), arguments=args)
class Decl(object):
name = attr.ib()
ty = attr.ib()
def parseDecl(t):
name, ty = t
return Decl(name=name.strip(), ty=ty.strip())
def parseBody(text):
conj = []
while "&" in text:
t, text = text.split("&", 1)
return [parseTerm(t.strip()) for t in conj]
class Formula(object):
context = attr.ib()
terms = attr.ib()
class Rule(object):
context = attr.ib()
assume = attr.ib()
conclude = attr.ib()
def parse(text):
head, body = text.split("|", 1)
headTerms = head.split(",")
context = [parseDecl(t.split(":", 1)) for t in headTerms]
if "=>" in body:
before, after = body.split("=>", 1)
return Rule(context=context, assume=parseBody(before), conclude=parseBody(after))
bodyTerms = parseBody(body)
return Formula(context=context, terms=bodyTerms)
def gismuType(g, i):
if i == 0:
return "lo " + g
return "lo " + ["se ", "te ", "ve ", "xe "][i - 1] + g
def gismu(g, arity):
names = [g[0] + str(i + 1) for i in range(arity)]
decls = [Decl(name=n, ty=gismuType(g, i)) for i, n in enumerate(names)]
term = Term(predicate=g, arguments=names)
return Formula(context=decls, terms=[term])
arities = {
# danlu
"cinfo": 2,
"mlatu": 2,
# skari
"blabi": 1,
basis = {g: gismu(g, arity) for g, arity in arities.iteritems()}
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
import pprint
text = sys.argv[-1]
f = parse(text)
print f
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Try something like 'x :lo mlatu, y :lo se mlatu | mlatu(x, y) & xunre(x)'.

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