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Created June 15, 2017 09:47
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#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
# coding=utf-8
#! nix-shell -i python -p pythonPackages.attrs pythonPackages.urwid pythonPackages.twisted pythonPackages.treq
from __future__ import division
import math
import time
import urllib
import attr
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks
from twisted.internet.task import LoopingCall
import treq
import urwid
def lerp(x, y, t):
return y * t + x * (1 - t)
def pickEdge(l, c, r):
"Choose an edge character which looks good."
if l == c == r:
return '-'
elif l > c and r > c:
return '^'
elif l < c and r < c:
return 'v'
elif l > r:
return '/'
elif l < r:
return '\\'
class PromWidget(urwid.Widget):
_sizing = frozenset(["box"])
points = attr.ib()
def lerpPoints(self, maxcol):
ps = self.points
l = len(ps) - 1
scale = l / maxcol
rv = []
for i in range(maxcol):
t, fpos = math.modf(i * scale)
pos = int(fpos)
rv.append(lerp(ps[pos], ps[pos + 1], t))
return rv
def fixPoints(self, ps, maxrow):
bottom = min(ps)
top = max(ps)
# Our projection will prevent points from occurring in the first or
# last row, for aethetics. We borrow both rows here, and then put one
# back when doing the offset fixup.
scale = (maxrow - 2) / (top - bottom)
rv = []
for p in ps:
p *= scale
fixed = maxrow - int(p) - 1
return rv
def selectable(self):
return False
def render(self, size, focus=False):
maxcol, maxrow = size
# Fill out the points to full rank, times two, in order to get better
# inter-character edges.. Add a fencepost.
fullPoints = self.lerpPoints(maxcol * 2 + 1)
# Fix them on the right rows.
absPoints = self.fixPoints(fullPoints, maxrow)
# Do the draw, per-column.
cols = []
for i in range(maxcol):
left = absPoints[i * 2]
center = absPoints[i * 2 + 1]
right = absPoints[i * 2 + 2]
# Pick the edge, center the "cursor", and "draw" the column.
edge = pickEdge(left, center, right)
p = (left + center + right) // 3
s = ' ' * p + edge + ':' * (maxrow - p - 1)
# Transpose.
rows = ["".join(rs) for rs in zip(*cols)]
canvas = urwid.TextCanvas(rows, maxcol=maxcol)
return canvas
class Prom(object):
loop = attr.ib()
status = attr.ib()
frame = attr.ib()
def new(cls, loop, widget):
status = u"No status reported yet!"
center = urwid.AttrMap(widget, "graph")
header = urwid.Text(u"PromQueen ♛")
frame = urwid.Frame(center, header=header)
self = cls(loop=loop, status=status, frame=frame)
return self
def changeStatus(self, newStatus):
self.status = newStatus
self.frame.contents["footer"] = (urwid.Text(self.status),
def changePoints(self, newPoints):
graph = PromWidget(newPoints)
graph = urwid.AttrMap(graph, "graph")
self.frame.contents["body"] = (graph, self.frame.options())
def draw(self):
reactor.callLater(0, self.loop.draw_screen)
def start(self, loop, user_data): = LoopingCall(self.fetch)
def fetch(self):
end = int(time.time())
start = end - 15 * 60
params = {
"start": start,
"end": end,
"step": "1m",
"query": "probe_duration_seconds{instance=\"\"}",
args = urllib.urlencode(params)
url = "http://localhost:9090/api/v1/query_range?" + args
self.changeStatus(u"Fetching fresh data…")
response = yield treq.get(url)
self.changeStatus(u"Got response…")
json = yield response.json()
self.changeStatus(u"Response has JSON; drawing graph…")
data = json["data"]["result"][0]
info = repr(data["metric"]).decode("utf-8")
self.changePoints(tuple([float(x) for _, x in data["values"]]))
self.changeStatus(u"Viewing %s" % info)
def main():
palette = [
("graph", "light green", "black"),
tloop = urwid.TwistedEventLoop()
widget = urwid.SolidFill(' ')
loop = urwid.MainLoop(widget, palette, event_loop=tloop)
prom =, widget)
loop.widget = prom.frame
# Queue the first turn.
loop.set_alarm_in(0, prom.start)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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jerith commented Jun 15, 2017


Two things you may want to fix at some point:

  • Newer attrs (17.1.0+) now makes classes unhashable, so PromWidget needs @attr.s(hash=False) to work with that.
  • PromWidget.fixPoints() computes scale using top - bottom, but doesn't subtract bottom from the point value it scales. This is broken for any bottom that isn't 0.

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jerith commented Jun 15, 2017

One more thing. You probably want an urwid.set_encoding() call somewhere. :-)

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