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Getting better at _____.

Emre MostlyEmre

Getting better at _____.
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MostlyEmre /
Last active November 17, 2024 05:47
I was pleasantly surprised to see that my simple, bare-minimum website had scored 99/100 for speed. While I knew it would be difficult, I set out to see if I could improve the score even further and achieve a perfect 100.
title: "Getting a perfect 100 Google PageSpeed score"
slug: "getting-100-pagespeed-score"
category: "devlog"
published: true
date: 1672688227

I was fed up with the snail-paced performance of my Gatsby website and knew it was time for a change. So, I went back to the drawing board and crafted something magnificent. Introducing my lightning-fast, sleek and simple website, hosted on Cloudflare Pages, with just a single HTML file!

title: "Politics, Tech and Fallout Shelters"
slug: "politics-tech-fallout-shelters"
category: "sandbox"
published: true
date: 1545274104


title: "Hideout Coffee 3D Branding Video"
slug: "hideout-coffee"
category: "design"
date: 1574233923
published: true

Hideout Signage

"Welcome to Hideout Coffee, the ultimate destination for all you cool cats, hipsters, and tech-savvy individuals out there! Our makerspace is the place to be for unleashing your creative side and bringing your wildest ideas to life. Whether you're a hacker, geek, or DIYer, our makerspace is the perfect spot for you to get your fix.

title: "Creating a Book Cover for 'Ready Player One'"
slug: "book-cover-for-ready-player-one"
date: 1521557596000
category: "design"
published: true

Cover Image

title: "E.C.H.O High Concept Video - Riot"
slug: "echo-riot-high-concept-video"
date: 1602736839000
category: "sandbox"
published: true

tl;dr Video (Vimeo)

Introducing the E.C.H.O High Concept Video - Riot, a thought-provoking exploration of the relationship between media, power, and reality. This solo project was created as part of the larger E.C.H.O group project, using Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe Photoshop.

title: "How to rescue your videos from Adobe Portfolio?"
slug: "get-rid-of-adobe-portfolio"
date: 15962464000000
category: "info"
published: true

Lately, I’ve been noticing more and more instances of "defensive" design choices on the web. In the most recent instance, I was switching my portfolio software from Adobe Portfolio to Webflow. However, it's been years since I added my first project to Adobe Portfolio, so most of the original project files were nowhere to be found on my computer. I thought I could simply right-click and download the videos that were already hosted on Adobe Portfolio, but to my surprise, there was no option to download them.

title: "Creating a solution for paywalled HN submissions"
slug: "solving-paywalled-hn-submission-problem"
category: "side-projects"
published: true
date: 1669759935051

This userscript adds archive URLs to the metadata section of Hacker News(HN) ( submissions without breaking the immersion. Here are 2 screenshots:

MostlyEmre /
Last active March 12, 2023 18:20
When the resize event won't cut it | #blog
title: "When the resize event won't cut it"
slug: "when-resize-event-wont-cut"
category: "frontend"
published: true
date: 1659648396385

DISCLAIMER: The resize event works in almost all conditions. But in this case, it didn't, for some mysterious reason. This post is about an alternative method that actually worked.

MostlyEmre / eksi-engelliler.txt
Created July 29, 2022 01:22
Eksi Sozluk'te engelledigim 1406 yazarin dahil oldugu veritabani. 10 tanesi falan duplicate olabilir. Artik sozlukle ilgim yok, ileride bulk "engellenecek yazarlar" datasina ihtiyaciniz olur diye koyuyorum buraya. .split(", ") yapin array olsun.
0 5 ucu olmayan adam, 0111010011000011101111000111001001101011, 101darulbedayili, 19991991, 2m3cm, 377610987, 3bishi, 3lly, 43434343, 600f, 7 ricardo quaresma, 747, 7deliklitokmak, 80 li yillari cok ozluyorum lan, a330 driver, aab, aadbkr eensfdria nnodigre uutml nuusm, aaronpaul, aat bh, aba altindan gosterilen sopa, abbas the passenger, abel markus, abisinin telefonunda porno bulan kiz, adaletgenerali, adam hakli olunca dagilan beylerden biri, adana kebapspor, adenydd, adigebirs, adiltopal, adnan mersedes, aero gs, aether, afacandennis, afrocubanbebop, afsarturkmeni, after all this time, afti ine i sparti, afyonkiller, agir abi, aglarsakablosuzaglargerisiyerelaglar, aguen, aiolosagile, airbuzzer, ajfo1vk85bhdh3vjfj13vjdk90 2, akagami shanks, akbibik, akil taker mind fucker, akildakalici, akinci ciragi, akm7, akrobat, akrotim, al bunu al al al al al al, alastornefas, alcatel, alebahad, alejandrolincoln, alerda, alfa turk, alfaxyniz, algorithmaser, alkolik imam, allgirlsarebeatiful, allwithinmyhands, almashan
// the assets that will be randomly selected to be shown when the marker is in view.
let assets = [
id: "1968",
src: "img/1968-france.jpg",
id: "2012",
src: "img/2012-Turkey.jpg",