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Tomke Reibisch MrMovl

  • naymspace GmbH
  • Nübbel
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yang-wei /
Last active July 4, 2024 16:56
Elm Destructuring (or Pattern Matching) cheatsheet

Should be work with 0.18

Destructuring(or pattern matching) is a way used to extract data from a data structure(tuple, list, record) that mirros the construction. Compare to other languages, Elm support much less destructuring but let's see what it got !


myTuple = ("A", "B", "C")
myNestedTuple = ("A", "B", "C", ("X", "Y", "Z"))
bastman /
Created March 31, 2016 05:55
docker cleanup guide: containers, images, volumes, networks

Docker - How to cleanup (unused) resources

Once in a while, you may need to cleanup resources (containers, volumes, images, networks) ...

delete volumes

// see:

$ docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -qf dangling=true)

$ docker volume ls -qf dangling=true | xargs -r docker volume rm

Applied Functional Programming with Scala - Notes

Copyright © 2016-2018 Fantasyland Institute of Learning. All rights reserved.

1. Mastering Functions

A function is a mapping from one set, called a domain, to another set, called the codomain. A function associates every element in the domain with exactly one element in the codomain. In Scala, both domain and codomain are types.

val square : Int => Int = x => x * x
jampekka /
Created April 2, 2017 20:56
/r/place activity animated heatmap
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.stats
import pyximport; pyximport.install()
from pixcount import pixcount
import scipy.ndimage
data = np.load('diffs.npy')
ts = data[:,0]
frames = 1000

Lightning Talk proposal for ReactiveConf 2017 #ReactiveConf

Porting Prezi to Elm in 99 lines of code

Elm is a statically-typed functional programming language. Its compiler produces safe JavaScript which is guaranteed to be free of runtime exceptions. Moreover Elm is packed with a bunch of powerful abstractions which let us build visual and reactive Web applications in a few lines of code.

As an example, I show the implementation of a simple framework for building Prezi-like presentations. It's just 99 lines of code!