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Created November 29, 2016 00:33
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Play with Idris to prove correct way of building paths in directed graph and proof of properties of the paths
module Path
import Data.Vect
||| Graph defined by hops vector
Ways : Nat -> Type -> Type
Ways n a = Vect n (a, a)
||| Helper that points which transaction ways we need to use to traverse the given path
data PathElem : (ways : Ways k a) -> (begin : a) -> (path : Vect n a) -> (end : a) -> Type where
PathHere : PathElem ways p [] p
PathThere : (hopPrf : Elem (begin, p) ways) -> (reminderPath: PathElem ways p path end) -> PathElem ways begin (p :: path) end
||| Show that if we have a proof that begin and end are distinct the empty PathElem is absurd
contraEndPath : (contra : (begin = end) -> Void) -> PathElem ways begin [] end -> Void
contraEndPath contra PathHere = contra Refl
||| States that if the path is absurd then the extention of the path is also a absurd
noNextPathScourge : (contra : PathElem ways x xs end -> Void) -> PathElem ways begin (x :: xs) end -> Void
noNextPathScourge contra (PathThere hopPrf reminderPath) = contra reminderPath
||| Show that if we have proof that there is no hop in ways, so path with that hop is a absurd
isPathContraWithoutHop : (contra : Elem (begin, x) ways -> Void) -> PathElem ways begin (x :: xs) end -> Void
isPathContraWithoutHop contra (PathThere hopPrf reminderPath) = contra hopPrf
||| Construct proof that the path is located in the ways
isPath : DecEq a
=> (ways : Ways k a)
-> (begin : a)
-> (path : Vect n a)
-> (end : a)
-> Dec (PathElem ways begin path end)
isPath ways begin [] end with (decEq begin end)
isPath ways end [] end | (Yes Refl) = Yes PathHere
isPath ways begin [] end | (No contra) = No (contraEndPath contra)
isPath ways begin (x :: xs) end with (isElem (begin, x) ways)
isPath ways begin (x :: xs) end | (Yes prfHop) = case isPath ways x xs end of
(Yes reminderPath) => Yes (PathThere prfHop reminderPath)
(No contra) => No (noNextPathScourge contra)
isPath ways begin (x :: xs) end | (No contra) = No (isPathContraWithoutHop contra)
||| States that if we have two paths then we can glue them
gluePaths :
(PathElem ways begin path1 p)
-> (PathElem ways p path2 end)
-> (PathElem ways begin (path1 ++ path2) end)
gluePaths PathHere y = y
gluePaths (PathThere hopPrf reminderPath) y = PathThere hopPrf (gluePaths reminderPath y)
||| Debug graph
graph : Ways 6 Nat
graph = [(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 1), (2, 4), (3, 4), (3, 2)]
||| Debug path1, should be Yes
path1 : (graph : Ways n Nat) -> Dec (PathElem graph 1 [2, 4] 4)
path1 gr = isPath gr 1 [2, 4] 4
||| Debug path1, should be Yes
path2 : (graph : Ways n Nat) -> Dec (PathElem graph 1 [3, 2, 1, 3, 4] 4)
path2 gr = isPath gr 1 [3, 2, 1, 3, 4] 4
||| Debug path3, should be No
path3 : (graph : Ways n Nat) -> Dec (PathElem graph 1 [3, 2, 1, 4] 4)
path3 gr = isPath gr 1 [3, 2, 1, 4] 4
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