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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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FPChallenge December 2014
import UU.PPrint hiding ((<$>))
import Data.List (nub, sortBy, elemIndex, groupBy)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Functor ((<$>))
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe)
import Control.Arrow (first, second)
import GHC.Exts (the)
data Tree a b = Tree a [(b, Tree a b)]
decisionTree :: [String] -> [(String, [String])] -> Tree [String] String
decisionTree [name] _ = Tree [name] []
decisionTree names [] = Tree names []
decisionTree names rows
| power answers == 1 || null forest' = decisionTree names $ tail rows
| otherwise = Tree [question] $ forest' ++ [defaultCase]
power = length.nub
sortedRows = sortBy (flip compare `on` power.snd) rows
(question, answers) = head sortedRows
splitted = first the . unzip <$> (groupBy ((==) `on` fst) $ sortBy (compare `on` fst) $ zip answers names)
splitted' = second (++ fromMaybe [] ("—" `lookup` splitted)) <$> filter ((/="—").fst) splitted
takenIndexes = fmap $ fromJust.(`elemIndex` names)
takeOnly is xs = foldr (\i acc -> (xs !! i) : acc) [] is
newRows subnames = second (takeOnly $ takenIndexes subnames) <$> tail sortedRows
forest = second (\newNames -> (newNames, decisionTree newNames (newRows newNames))) <$> splitted'
forest' = filter ((/="—").fst) $ second snd <$> filter ((length names/=).length.fst.snd) forest
defaultCase = ("—", decisionTree names $ tail sortedRows)
inputMatrix :: ([String], [(String, [String])])
inputMatrix = (["Аурата сетуньская", "Десятилиньята лепая", "Семипунктата Коха", "Популий грыжомельский", "Гортикола филоперьевая"],
[("Наличие бомбурий", ["Да", "Да", "Нет", "Да", "Нет"]),
("Количество клептиконов", ["1", "1", "0", "3", "5"]),
("Цвет велория", ["Красный", "Оранжевый", "Оранжевый", "—", "Синий"]),
("Наличие пумпеля", ["Нет", "Да", "Да", "—", "—"]),
("Величина пумпеля", ["—", "Большой", "Маленький", "—", "—"]),
("Возможность крокотания", ["Нет", "Нет", "—", "Да", "Нет"]),
("Возможность бульботания", ["Нет", "Да", "—", "Да", "Нет"]),
("Наличие дуков и труков", ["—", "—", "—", "—", "Да"]),
("Цвет лемпелей", ["Жёлтый", "Жёлтый", "Жёлтый", "Белый", "Белый"]),
("Наличие пильских трапков", ["Да", "Да", "Да", "Да", "Да"])])
-- Ввод-вывод
-- ==================================================================================
show' = show.fmap pretty
main :: IO ()
main = do
let tree = uncurry decisionTree inputMatrix
writeFile "solution_tree.txt" $ drawTreeVertical tree
putStrLn "Дерево решений сохранено в solution_tree.txt"
interactive tree
interactive :: Tree [String] String -> IO ()
interactive (Tree [name] []) = putStrLn $ "Жук определен: " ++ name
interactive (Tree names []) = putStrLn $ "Жук достоверно не определен, варианты: " ++ show' names
interactive (Tree [question] forest) = do
putStrLn question
putStrLn $ "Варианты ответа: " ++ show' answers
ans <- untilM (`elem` answers) getLine
interactive $ branches !! fromJust (ans `elemIndex` answers)
answers = (\x->if x == "—" then "Не знаю" else x) <$> fst <$> forest
branches = snd <$> forest
untilM :: (Monad m) => (a -> Bool) -> m a -> m a
untilM p m =
let go =
do x <- m
if p x
then return x
else go
in go
mapWithFirstLast :: (Bool -> Bool -> a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
mapWithFirstLast f = go True where
go b (x : []) = f b True x : []
go b (x : xs) = f b False x : go False xs
drawTreeVertical :: Tree [String] String -> String
drawTreeVertical tree = unlines (go tree) where
go :: Tree [String] String -> [String]
go (Tree x cs) = case cs of
[] -> ["-- " ++ show' x]
_ -> concat $ mapWithFirstLast (f (show' x)) $ map (second go) cs
f :: String -> Bool -> Bool -> (String, [String]) -> [String]
f label bf bl (brLabel, (l:ls)) =
spaces = map (const ' ')
dashes = map (const '-')
indent = if bl then " " ++spaces label++" " else " |" ++ spaces (label ++ brLabel) ++ " "
gap = if bl then [] else [" |" ++ spaces (label ++ brLabel) ++ " "]
branch = if bl && not bf
then " \\"++dashes label++"--" ++ brLabel
else if bf
then "-(" ++ label ++ ")-" ++ brLabel
else " +" ++ dashes label ++ "--" ++ brLabel
in (branch++l) : map (indent++) ls ++ gap
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NCrashed commented Dec 7, 2014

Из внешних библиотек используется только uulib для печати UTF8 строк (стандартный show все символы экранировал)

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