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Created January 6, 2012 10:17
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Save NOtherDev/1569982 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
NHibernate mapping-by-code naming convention resembling Fluent's
// NHibernate mapping-by-code naming convention resembling Fluent's
// See the blog post:
public class ModelMapperWithNamingConventions : ConventionModelMapper
public const string ForeignKeyColumnPostfix = "_id";
public const string ManyToManyIntermediateTableInfix = "To";
public const char ElementColumnTrimmedPluralPostfix = 's';
private readonly List<MemberInfo> _ignoredMembers = new List<MemberInfo>();
public ModelMapperWithNamingConventions()
BeforeMapManyToOne += (inspector, member, customizer) =>
customizer.Column(member.LocalMember.Name + ForeignKeyColumnPostfix);
BeforeMapManyToMany += (inspector, member, customizer) =>
customizer.Column(member.CollectionElementType().Name + ForeignKeyColumnPostfix);
BeforeMapElement += (inspector, member, customizer) =>
BeforeMapJoinedSubclass += (inspector, type, customizer) =>
customizer.Key(k => k.Column(type.BaseType.Name + ForeignKeyColumnPostfix));
BeforeMapSet += BeforeMappingCollectionConvention;
BeforeMapBag += BeforeMappingCollectionConvention;
BeforeMapList += BeforeMappingCollectionConvention;
BeforeMapIdBag += BeforeMappingCollectionConvention;
BeforeMapMap += BeforeMappingCollectionConvention;
BeforeMapComponent += DisableComponentParentAutomapping;
IsPersistentProperty((m, d) => !_ignoredMembers.Contains(m));
private void DisableComponentParentAutomapping(IModelInspector inspector, PropertyPath member, IComponentAttributesMapper customizer)
var parentMapping = member.LocalMember.GetPropertyOrFieldType().GetFirstPropertyOfType(member.Owner());
private void DisableAutomappingFor(MemberInfo member)
if (member != null)
private void BeforeMappingCollectionConvention(IModelInspector inspector, PropertyPath member, ICollectionPropertiesMapper customizer)
if (inspector.IsManyToMany(member.LocalMember))
customizer.Key(k => k.Column(DetermineKeyColumnName(inspector, member)));
private static string DetermineKeyColumnName(IModelInspector inspector, PropertyPath member)
var otherSideProperty = member.OneToManyOtherSideProperty();
if (inspector.IsOneToMany(member.LocalMember) && otherSideProperty != null)
return otherSideProperty.Name + ForeignKeyColumnPostfix;
return member.Owner().Name + ForeignKeyColumnPostfix;
public static class PropertyPathExtensions
public static Type Owner(this PropertyPath member)
return member.GetRootMember().DeclaringType;
public static Type CollectionElementType(this PropertyPath member)
return member.LocalMember.GetPropertyOrFieldType().DetermineCollectionElementOrDictionaryValueType();
public static MemberInfo OneToManyOtherSideProperty(this PropertyPath member)
return member.CollectionElementType().GetFirstPropertyOfType(member.Owner());
public static string ManyToManyIntermediateTableName(this PropertyPath member)
return String.Join(
member.ManyToManySidesNames().OrderBy(x => x)
private static IEnumerable<string> ManyToManySidesNames(this PropertyPath member)
yield return member.Owner().Name;
yield return member.CollectionElementType().Name;
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@davidcie: This is probably useful when you have an entity Company with collection of elements, i.e. strings with names in property called Names. Without that, convention would generate a table for that strings with foreign key "Company_id" and value column called "Names". I prefer to have that column named "Name", as each row contains single name.

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@NOtherDev That was my initial guess too, but from testing NHibernate didn't do that. (Tested with a collection of strings on a parent element mapped as Component().) Unless I'm testing too hastily and didn't check thorougly enough that is. (Thanks for coming back so quickly!)

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Components are handled by BeforeMapComponent. This is for elements, single-column value types collections mapped with Element mapping. See here: for some clues how it differ to components (multi-column value types).

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