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Last active July 9, 2019 13:38
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TypeShape & Thoth.Json.Net
// Learn more about F# at
open Thoth.Json.Net
open TypeShape.Core.Core
open FSharp.Reflection
open Groot.Contracts.SportRadar.Types.Soccer
open System
let apply (d1:Decoder<'C -> 'B>) (d2:Decoder<'C>) : Decoder<'B> =
Decode.andThen(fun x -> (fun f ->
f x) d1 ) d2
let applAsObject (d1:Decoder<'C -> 'C>) (d2:Decoder<'C>) (grp:Decode.IGetters) fldName : Decoder<'C> = ( fun obj ->
let f = grp.Required.Field fldName d1
f obj ) d2
let rec mkDecoder<'T>() : Decoder<'T> =
let wrap(t:Decoder<'a>) = unbox<Decoder<'T>> t
let delay (f : unit -> 'T) : Decoder<'T> =
f () |> Decode.succeed
let mkMemberDecoder (shape:IShapeMember<'DeclaringType>) =
let memberVisitor =
{ new IMemberVisitor<'DeclaringType ,Decoder<'DeclaringType -> 'DeclaringType>> with
member __.Visit<'Field>(shape: ShapeMember<'DeclaringType,'Field>) =
let md:Decoder<'Field> = mkDecoder<'Field> ()
md |> f dt ->
shape.Set dt f ) }
shape.Accept( memberVisitor )
match shapeof<'T> with
| Shape.Bool -> Decode.bool |> wrap
| Shape.Int32 -> |> wrap
| Shape.Int64 -> wrap Decode.int64
| Shape.String -> Decode.string |> wrap
| Shape.DateTimeOffset -> wrap Decode.datetimeOffset
| Shape.DateTime -> wrap Decode.datetime
| Shape.Guid -> wrap Decode.guid
| Shape.Double -> wrap Decode.float
| Shape.Decimal -> wrap Decode.decimal
| Shape.TimeSpan -> wrap Decode.timespan
| Shape.FSharpOption s ->
s.Element.Accept {
new ITypeVisitor<Decoder<'T>> with
member __.Visit<'a> () =
let tp = mkDecoder<'a>()
wrap <| Decode.option tp
| Shape.FSharpList s ->
s.Element.Accept {
new ITypeVisitor<Decoder<'T>> with
member __.Visit<'a> () =
let tp = mkDecoder<'a>()
wrap <| Decode.list tp
| Shape.Array s when s.Rank = 1 ->
s.Element.Accept {
new ITypeVisitor<Decoder<'T>> with
member __.Visit<'a> () =
let tp = mkDecoder<'a> ()
Decode.array tp |> wrap
| Shape.FSharpRecord (:? ShapeFSharpRecord<'T> as shape) ->
let toSnakeCase (s:string) =
|> Array.fold (fun s c -> match s, System.Char.IsUpper c with
| "", true -> (System.Char.ToLower c).ToString()
| s, true -> sprintf "%s_%O" s (System.Char.ToLower c)
| _ -> sprintf "%s%O" s c ) ""
let isOpt (mmbr:IShapeMember<'T>) =
let typ = mmbr.Member.Type
typ.IsGenericType && typ.GetGenericTypeDefinition() = typedefof<Option<_>>
let isArr (mmbr:IShapeMember<'T>) =
let folder (g:Decode.IGetters) (i,s) (mmbr, func) =
printfn "%d, state: %A" i s
if isOpt mmbr then
match g.Optional.Field (toSnakeCase mmbr.Label) func with
| Some f -> i+1, f s
| None -> i+1, s
else if isArr mmbr then
match g.Optional.Field (toSnakeCase mmbr.Label) func with
| Some f ->
i+1, f s
| None ->
let flds = FSharpValue.GetRecordFields(s)
flds.[i] <- (Array.CreateInstance(mmbr.Member.Type.GetElementType(), 0) :> obj)
i+1, FSharpValue.MakeRecord(s.GetType(), flds) :?> 'T
i+1, (g.Required.Field (toSnakeCase mmbr.Label) func) s
let dkdr =
<| fun g ->
let (i,s) =
|> (fun x -> x, mkMemberDecoder x)
|> Array.fold (folder g) (0,shape.CreateUninitialized())
dkdr |> wrap
| Shape.Enum s ->
s.Accept({ new IEnumVisitor<Decoder<'T>> with
member __.Visit<'Enum, 'Underlying when 'Enum : enum<'Underlying>
and 'Enum : struct
and 'Enum :> System.ValueType
and 'Enum : (new : unit -> 'Enum)> () =
let t = typeof<'Enum>
let parse (x:string) = System.Enum.Parse(t, x.ToLower(), ignoreCase = true ) :?> 'Enum parse Decode.string |> wrap })
| Shape.FSharpUnion (:? ShapeFSharpUnion<'T> as shape) ->
let lngth = shape.UnionCases.Length
let hasArityGreaterThan n = shape.UnionCases |> Array.exists (fun x -> x.Arity > n )
let hasArity n = shape.UnionCases |> Array.exists (fun x -> x.Arity = n )
if lngth > 1 || hasArityGreaterThan 1 || hasArity 0 then
failwith "only Single Case Unions are welcome f.e. type SingleCase = SimgleCase of type"
let mkUnionCaseDecoder (case: ShapeFSharpUnionCase<'T>) =
let field =
case.Fields |> Array.head
|> mkMemberDecoder
let init = delay case.CreateUninitialized
apply field init
let singleCaseUnionDecoder = shape.UnionCases |> Array.head |> mkUnionCaseDecoder
|> wrap
| _ -> failwithf "unsupported type '%O'" typeof<'T>
let str =
"""[{ n : "wtf", as: ["lol", "what?"] }] """
type M1 = {
Lol : int option
N : string
S : int array
As : string array
let main argv =
let d = mkDecoder<M1 array> ()
let s = Decode.fromString d
match s str with
| Ok s -> sprintf "it's ok: %A" s
| Error e -> sprintf "wtf! %A" e
|> printfn "%s"
0 // return an integer exit code
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