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Created February 22, 2020 05:50
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float na = 1;
float nb = 1;
float theta = 0;
void setup() {
size(500, 500);
colorMode(RGB, 1, 1, 1, 1);
void draw() {
//show grid
translate(width/2, height/2);
line(-width/2, 0, width/2, 0);
line(0, -height/2, 0, height/2);
fill(0, 1, 1, 0.1);
rect(-width/2, 0, width, height/2);
PVector E = PVector.fromAngle(theta-HALF_PI);
PVector N = new PVector(0, -1);
float n1 = na;
float n2 = nb;
if(, N) > 0){//when light up from hehind
n1 = nb;
n2 = na;
float C1 = PVector.mult(E, -1).dot(N);
float S1 = sqrt(1-C1*C1);
float ndotd =, N);
PVector R = PVector.sub(E, PVector.mult(N, 2*ndotd));//refrection vector
float n12 = n1/n2;
float S2 = n12*sqrt(1-C1*C1);
float C2 = sqrt(1-S2*S2);
PVector Edash = PVector.mult(E, n12).add(PVector.mult(N, n12*C1-C2));
//float t = sqrt((nb/na)*(nb/na)-1+C1*C1)-C1;
//PVector Edash = PVector.sub(E, N.mult(t)).mult(na/nb);//refraction vector
//float C2 = PVector.mult(Edash, -1).dot(N);
//calculate refraction rate with fresnel formula
float sp = (n1*C2-n2*C1)/(n1*C2+n2*C1);//s-polarized light
float pp = (n1*C1-n2*C2)/(n1*C1+n2*C2);//p-polarized light
float kr = (sp+pp)/2;//refraction rate
if (Float.isNaN(kr))kr = 1;
float cr = 1-kr;//refrection rate
float len = 10000;//for visualize
//show ray
stroke(1, 0, 0);
line(0, 0, N.x*len, N.y*len);
line(0, 0, -E.x*len, -E.y*len);
stroke(1, 0, 0, cr);
line(0, 0, Edash.x*len, Edash.y*len);
stroke(1, 0, 0, kr);
line(0, 0, R.x*len, R.y*len);
//rotate angle
theta += 0.005;
theta = theta % PI;
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