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Created January 14, 2019 12:46
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ArrayList<HPP> HPPoints = new ArrayList<HPP>();
int xline = 3;
int xdist = 5;
int yline = 3;
int ydist = 5;
ArrayList<dataset> Lines = new ArrayList<dataset>();
ArrayList<col> cols = new ArrayList<col>();
void setup(){
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++){
col newcol = new col();
newcol.h = random(190, 210);
newcol.s = random(0, 255);
newcol.b = 255;
void dfoLine() {//startposition
for(int i = 0; i < width; i+=50){
pos newpos = new pos();
newpos.x = i;
newpos.y = height / 2;
dataset multiadd(pos tpos){//1position > multiposition
dataset dset = new dataset();
ArrayList<pos> dss = new ArrayList<pos>();
int i = 0;
for(int X = 0; X < xline; X++){
for(int Y = 0; Y < yline; Y++){
pos apos = new pos();
apos.x = X * xdist + tpos.x;
apos.y = Y * ydist + tpos.y;
dset.ds = dss;
return dset;
void draw(){
dataset dset = Lines.get(Lines.size() - 1);
pos Nowmpos = dset.ds.get(0);
if(dist(Nowmpos.x, Nowmpos.y, mouseX, mouseY) > 50){
pos mpos = new pos();
mpos.x = mouseX;
mpos.y = mouseY;
pos oldmpos = new pos();
for(HPP HPPoint: HPPoints){
ellipse(HPPoint.x, HPPoint.y, 1, 1);
for(dataset mposs: Lines){
int i = 0;
for(pos mpos: mposs.ds){
//ellipse(mpos.x, mpos.y, 5, 5);//noshow---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if(oldmpos.x != 0){
//line(oldmpos.x, oldmpos.y, mpos.x, mpos.y);
pos nmpos = mpos;
nmpos.x += nmpos.speedx;
nmpos.y += nmpos.speedy;
mposs.ds.set(i, nmpos);
oldmpos = mpos;
float xs = 0, ys = 0;
ellipse(mpos.x, 0, 10, 10);
ellipse(0, mpos.y, 1, 1);
for(HPP HPPoint: HPPoints){
float distance = dist(HPPoint.x, HPPoint.y, mpos.x, mpos.y) + 50;
float angle = atan2(mpos.x - HPPoint.x, mpos.y - HPPoint.y);
xs += sin(angle) * HPPoint.presre / (distance * HPPoint.decay + 1);
ys += cos(angle) * HPPoint.presre / (distance * HPPoint.decay + 1);
line(oldmpos.x, oldmpos.y, mpos.x, mpos.y);
mpos.speedx = xs;
mpos.speedy = ys;
mposs.ds.set(i, mpos);
void mousePressed(){
Lines = new ArrayList<dataset>();
pos mpos = new pos();
mpos.x = mouseX;
mpos.y = mouseY;
void setHPP(){//PresreSet---------------------------------------------
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
HPP HPPoint = new HPP();
HPPoint.x = random(0, width);
HPPoint.y = random(0, height);
HPPoint.presre = random(0, 300);
HPPoint.decay = random(10, 50);
pos mid_point(pos pos0, pos pos1){
pos npos = new pos();
npos.x = pos0.x * 0.5f + pos1.x * 0.5f;
npos.y = pos0.y * 0.5f + pos1.y * 0.5f;
return npos;
void threeP_bezier(pos pos0, pos pos1, pos pos2) { //bezierposition
bezier(mid_point(pos0, pos1).x, mid_point(pos0, pos1).y, pos1.x, pos1.y, pos1.x, pos1.y, mid_point(pos1, pos2).x, mid_point(pos1, pos2).y);
void bezierLine(ArrayList<dataset> Lines){
int totalline = xline * yline;
ArrayList<dataset> converteddata = new ArrayList<dataset>();
for(int y = 0; y < totalline; y++){
dataset Line = new dataset();
for(int x = 0; x < Lines.size(); x++){
pos gpos = new pos();
dataset getLine = Lines.get(x);
gpos.x = getLine.ds.get(y).x;
gpos.y = getLine.ds.get(y).y;
for(int i = 0; i < totalline; i++){
dataset getline = converteddata.get(i);
ArrayList<pos> mposs = getline.ds;
pos pos0 = new pos();
pos pos1 = new pos();
pos epos = new pos();
pos eposbefore = new pos();
if(mposs.size() == 0){
else if(mposs.size() == 1){
pos0 = mposs.get(0);
ellipse(pos0.x, pos0.y, 4, 4);
else if(mposs.size() == 2){
pos1 = mposs.get(1);
pos0 = mposs.get(0);
eposbefore = mposs.get(mposs.size()-1);
line(pos0.x, pos0.y, pos1.x, pos1.y);
else if(mposs.size() == 3){
pos1 = mposs.get(1);
pos0 = mposs.get(0);
eposbefore = mposs.get(mposs.size()-1);
epos = mposs.get(mposs.size()-2);
//line(pos0.x, pos0.y, mid_point(pos0, pos1).x, mid_point(pos0, pos1).y);
threeP_bezier(pos0, pos1, epos);
//line(mid_point(pos1, epos).x, mid_point(pos1, epos).y, epos.x, epos.y);
else {
col getcolor = cols.get(i);
stroke(getcolor.h, getcolor.s, getcolor.b);
pos1 = mposs.get(1);
pos0 = mposs.get(0);
eposbefore = mposs.get(mposs.size()-1);
epos = mposs.get(mposs.size()-2);
line(pos0.x, pos0.y, mid_point(pos0, pos1).x, mid_point(pos0, pos1).y);
line(mid_point(eposbefore, epos).x, mid_point(eposbefore, epos).y, epos.x, epos.y);
for(int a = 0; a < mposs.size(); a++){
if(a + 2 < mposs.size()){
threeP_bezier(mposs.get(a), mposs.get(a + 1), mposs.get(a + 2));
class dataset {
ArrayList<pos> ds = new ArrayList<pos>();
class col {
float h = random(190, 210);
float s = random(0, 255);
float b = 255;
class pos {
float x, y, speedx, speedy;
class HPP{
float x, y, presre, decay;
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