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Created November 5, 2011 11:30
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Save Nilzor/1341410 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A CSLA list that loads in the background giving the consumer an option to specifiy a load indicator object
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using Csla;
using Csla.Core;
using ErrorEventArgs = Csla.Core.ErrorEventArgs;
namespace Business.Entities
public delegate void ExceptionEventHandler(object sender, ErrorEventArgs args);
public abstract class BackgroundLoadingList<T,C> : BusinessListBase<T, C>
where T : BusinessListBase<T,C> where C: IEditableBusinessObject/*, INamable*/
/// <summary>
/// Triggers when an exception occures when loading on the same thread as the original invoke
/// </summary>
public event ExceptionEventHandler LoadErrorOccured;
private Func<BusinessListBase<T, C>> _loadFunction;
private C _loadIndicator;
public void LoadAsync(Func<BusinessListBase<T, C>> loadFunction)
public void LoadAsync(Func<BusinessListBase<T, C>> loadFunction, C loadIndicatorObject)
public void LoadAsyncUsingBeginInvoke(Func<BusinessListBase<T, C>> loadFunction)
_loadFunction = loadFunction;
loadFunction.BeginInvoke(LoadComplete, null);
internal void LoadComplete(IAsyncResult result)
// This ends up on a different thread than BeginInvoke was called on. = trouble
var res = _loadFunction.EndInvoke(result);
RaiseListChangedEvents = false;
foreach (var elem in res) Add(elem);
RaiseListChangedEvents = true;
_loadFunction = null;
private void LoadAsyncUsingBackgroundWorker(Func<BusinessListBase<T, C>> loadFunction)
_loadFunction = loadFunction;
var worker = new BackgroundWorker();
worker.DoWork += (sender, e) => e.Result = loadFunction();
worker.RunWorkerCompleted += Load_RunWorkerCompleted;
internal void Load_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs args)
if (args.Error == null)
var res = (BusinessListBase<T, C>)args.Result;
RaiseListChangedEvents = false;
foreach (var elem in res) Add(elem);
RaiseListChangedEvents = true;
if (LoadErrorOccured != null) LoadErrorOccured.Invoke(this, new ErrorEventArgs(sender, args.Error));
_loadFunction = null;
public interface INamable
void SetName(string name);
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