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Last active August 29, 2022 19:22
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Useful binding adapters
object GeneralBindingAdapters {
* To allow binding image resource Int in addition to Drawable.
* Saves you from depending on Resouces in the ViewModel,
fun setImageResource(imageView: ImageView, resource: Int) {
/** Set visibility on a View to VISIBLE or GONE depending on Boolean value */
fun setViewVisibleOrGoneFromBoolean(view: View, show: Boolean) {
view.visibility = if (show) View.VISIBLE else View.GONE
/** Set visibility on a View to VISIBLE or INVISIBLE depending on Boolean value */
fun setViewVisibleOrInvislbleFromBoolean(view: View, show: Boolean) {
view.visibility = if (show) View.VISIBLE else View.INVISIBLE
/** Hides the view by setting Visibility.GONE if the object referenced is NULL */
fun setViewVisibleOrGoneFromObject(view: View, obj: Any?) {
view.visibility = if (obj != null) View.VISIBLE else View.GONE
* Bind to function without input parameters for a click listener.
* Stops you from getting those pesky "unused variable" warnings all over
* the place when "view: View" is unused.
fun onClick(view: View, action: (() -> Unit)?) {
view.setOnClickListener {
* Binding to "android:string" will crash if the int value is 0. This will not.
fun setStringFromRes(textView: TextView, @StringRes res: Int) {
val textToSet = if (res == 0) "" else textView.resources.getString(res)
if (textView.text != textToSet) textView.text = textToSet
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