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Created September 9, 2017 14:03
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  • Save Nilzor/7300b1c2630372d3758f5b46d860add8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Xamarin HttpClient log
Android application is debugging.
Loaded assembly: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/xam_android_news.xam_android_news/files/.__override__/xam-android-news.dll
Loaded assembly: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/xam_android_news.xam_android_news/files/.__override__/RestSharp.dll [External]
Loaded assembly: Mono.Android.dll [External]
Loaded assembly: Java.Interop.dll [External]
Loaded assembly: System.Runtime.dll [External]
Loaded assembly: System.Collections.Concurrent.dll [External]
09-09 13:59:37.789 I/art ( 3889): Not late-enabling -Xcheck:jni (already on)
09-09 13:59:37.789 W/art ( 3889): Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using defaults: x86
09-09 13:59:37.828 W/monodroid( 3889): Creating public update directory: `/data/user/0/xam_android_news.xam_android_news/files/.__override__`
09-09 13:59:37.828 W/monodroid( 3889): Using override path: /data/user/0/xam_android_news.xam_android_news/files/.__override__
09-09 13:59:37.829 W/monodroid( 3889): Using override path: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/xam_android_news.xam_android_news/files/.__override__
09-09 13:59:37.829 W/monodroid( 3889): Trying to load sgen from: /data/user/0/xam_android_news.xam_android_news/files/.__override__/
09-09 13:59:37.829 W/monodroid( 3889): Trying to load sgen from: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/xam_android_news.xam_android_news/files/.__override__/
09-09 13:59:37.829 W/monodroid( 3889): Trying to load sgen from: /data/app/xam_android_news.xam_android_news-1/lib/x86/
09-09 13:59:37.829 W/monodroid( 3889): Trying to load sgen from: /data/user/0/xam_android_news.xam_android_news/files/.__override__/links/
09-09 13:59:37.831 W/monodroid-debug( 3889): Trying to initialize the debugger with options: --debugger-agent=transport=dt_socket,loglevel=0,address=,server=y,embedding=1
09-09 13:59:37.991 W/monodroid-debug( 3889): Accepted stdout connection: 34
09-09 13:59:38.745 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref mscorlib[0x9baf8420] -> mscorlib.dll[0x9baa8b00]: 2
09-09 13:59:38.745 D/Mono ( 3889): Prepared to set up assembly 'mscorlib' (mscorlib.dll)
09-09 13:59:38.745 D/Mono ( 3889): AOT: image '' not found: dlopen failed: library "/data/app/xam_android_news.xam_android_news-1/lib/x86/" not found
09-09 13:59:38.745 D/Mono ( 3889): AOT: image '/usr/local/lib/mono/aot-cache/x86/' not found: dlopen failed: library "/data/app/xam_android_news.xam_android_news-1/lib/x86/" not found
09-09 13:59:38.746 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'mscorlib.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:38.746 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/mscorlib/mscorlib.config'.
09-09 13:59:38.762 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly mscorlib[0x9baf8420] added to domain RootDomain, ref_count=1
09-09 13:59:38.795 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Loader probing location: '/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/xam_android_news.xam_android_news/files/.__override__/xam-android-news.dll'.
09-09 13:59:38.795 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref xam-android-news[0x9baf87e0] -> /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/xam_android_news.xam_android_news/files/.__override__/xam-android-news.dll[0xa56cbd00]: 2
09-09 13:59:38.795 D/Mono ( 3889): Prepared to set up assembly 'xam-android-news' (/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/xam_android_news.xam_android_news/files/.__override__/xam-android-news.dll)
09-09 13:59:38.795 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly xam-android-news[0x9baf87e0] added to domain RootDomain, ref_count=1
09-09 13:59:38.795 D/Mono ( 3889): AOT: image '/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/xam_android_news.xam_android_news/files/.__override__/' not found: dlopen failed: library "/data/app/xam_android_news.xam_android_news-1/lib/x86/" not found
09-09 13:59:38.795 D/Mono ( 3889): AOT: image '/usr/local/lib/mono/aot-cache/x86/' not found: dlopen failed: library "/data/app/xam_android_news.xam_android_news-1/lib/x86/" not found
09-09 13:59:38.795 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Loader loaded assembly from location: '/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/xam_android_news.xam_android_news/files/.__override__/xam-android-news.dll'.
09-09 13:59:38.796 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/xam_android_news.xam_android_news/files/.__override__/xam-android-news.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:38.796 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/xam-android-news/xam-android-news.config'.
09-09 13:59:38.796 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Loader probing location: '/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/xam_android_news.xam_android_news/files/.__override__/RestSharp.dll'.
09-09 13:59:38.796 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref RestSharp[0x9baf86c0] -> /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/xam_android_news.xam_android_news/files/.__override__/RestSharp.dll[0xa56cc200]: 2
09-09 13:59:38.796 D/Mono ( 3889): Prepared to set up assembly 'RestSharp' (/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/xam_android_news.xam_android_news/files/.__override__/RestSharp.dll)
09-09 13:59:38.796 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly RestSharp[0x9baf86c0] added to domain RootDomain, ref_count=1
09-09 13:59:38.796 D/Mono ( 3889): AOT: image '/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/xam_android_news.xam_android_news/files/.__override__/' not found: dlopen failed: library "/data/app/xam_android_news.xam_android_news-1/lib/x86/" not found
09-09 13:59:38.796 D/Mono ( 3889): AOT: image '/usr/local/lib/mono/aot-cache/x86/' not found: dlopen failed: library "/data/app/xam_android_news.xam_android_news-1/lib/x86/" not found
09-09 13:59:38.796 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Loader loaded assembly from location: '/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/xam_android_news.xam_android_news/files/.__override__/RestSharp.dll'.
09-09 13:59:38.796 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/xam_android_news.xam_android_news/files/.__override__/RestSharp.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:38.796 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/RestSharp/RestSharp.config'.
09-09 13:59:38.796 W/monodroid-gc( 3889): GREF GC Threshold: 46080
09-09 13:59:38.796 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref Mono.Android[0x9baf85a0] -> Mono.Android.dll[0xa56cc700]: 2
09-09 13:59:38.797 D/Mono ( 3889): Prepared to set up assembly 'Mono.Android' (Mono.Android.dll)
09-09 13:59:38.797 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Mono.Android[0x9baf85a0] added to domain RootDomain, ref_count=1
09-09 13:59:38.797 D/Mono ( 3889): AOT: image '' not found: dlopen failed: library "/data/app/xam_android_news.xam_android_news-1/lib/x86/" not found
09-09 13:59:38.797 D/Mono ( 3889): AOT: image '/usr/local/lib/mono/aot-cache/x86/' not found: dlopen failed: library "/data/app/xam_android_news.xam_android_news-1/lib/x86/" not found
09-09 13:59:38.797 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'Mono.Android.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:38.797 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/Mono.Android/Mono.Android.config'.
09-09 13:59:38.798 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Ref addref Mono.Android[0x9baf85a0] -> mscorlib[0x9baf8420]: 2
09-09 13:59:38.799 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref Java.Interop[0x9baf8ae0] -> Java.Interop.dll[0x9bae8500]: 2
09-09 13:59:38.799 D/Mono ( 3889): Prepared to set up assembly 'Java.Interop' (Java.Interop.dll)
09-09 13:59:38.799 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Java.Interop[0x9baf8ae0] added to domain RootDomain, ref_count=1
09-09 13:59:38.799 D/Mono ( 3889): AOT: image '' not found: dlopen failed: library "/data/app/xam_android_news.xam_android_news-1/lib/x86/" not found
09-09 13:59:38.799 D/Mono ( 3889): AOT: image '/usr/local/lib/mono/aot-cache/x86/' not found: dlopen failed: library "/data/app/xam_android_news.xam_android_news-1/lib/x86/" not found
09-09 13:59:38.799 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'Java.Interop.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:38.799 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/Java.Interop/Java.Interop.config'.
09-09 13:59:38.799 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Ref addref Mono.Android[0x9baf85a0] -> Java.Interop[0x9baf8ae0]: 2
09-09 13:59:38.799 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System.Runtime[0x9baf8b40] -> System.Runtime.dll[0x9bae8a00]: 2
09-09 13:59:38.799 D/Mono ( 3889): Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Runtime' (System.Runtime.dll)
09-09 13:59:38.799 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly System.Runtime[0x9baf8b40] added to domain RootDomain, ref_count=1
09-09 13:59:38.800 D/Mono ( 3889): AOT: image '' not found: dlopen failed: library "/data/app/xam_android_news.xam_android_news-1/lib/x86/" not found
09-09 13:59:38.800 D/Mono ( 3889): AOT: image '/usr/local/lib/mono/aot-cache/x86/' not found: dlopen failed: library "/data/app/xam_android_news.xam_android_news-1/lib/x86/" not found
09-09 13:59:38.800 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.Runtime.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:38.800 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System.Runtime/System.Runtime.config'.
09-09 13:59:38.800 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Ref addref Java.Interop[0x9baf8ae0] -> System.Runtime[0x9baf8b40]: 2
09-09 13:59:38.800 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Ref addref System.Runtime[0x9baf8b40] -> mscorlib[0x9baf8420]: 3
09-09 13:59:38.800 W/monodroid( 3889): Calling into managed runtime init
09-09 13:59:38.828 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System.Collections.Concurrent[0x9baf8c60] -> System.Collections.Concurrent.dll[0x9bae9400]: 2
09-09 13:59:38.828 D/Mono ( 3889): Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Collections.Concurrent' (System.Collections.Concurrent.dll)
09-09 13:59:38.828 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly System.Collections.Concurrent[0x9baf8c60] added to domain RootDomain, ref_count=1
09-09 13:59:38.828 D/Mono ( 3889): AOT: image '' not found: dlopen failed: library "/data/app/xam_android_news.xam_android_news-1/lib/x86/" not found
09-09 13:59:38.828 D/Mono ( 3889): AOT: image '/usr/local/lib/mono/aot-cache/x86/' not found: dlopen failed: library "/data/app/xam_android_news.xam_android_news-1/lib/x86/" not found
09-09 13:59:38.828 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.Collections.Concurrent.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:38.828 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System.Collections.Concurrent/System.Collections.Concurrent.config'.
09-09 13:59:38.828 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Ref addref Java.Interop[0x9baf8ae0] -> System.Collections.Concurrent[0x9baf8c60]: 2
09-09 13:59:38.828 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Ref addref System.Collections.Concurrent[0x9baf8c60] -> mscorlib[0x9baf8420]: 4
09-09 13:59:38.870 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System.Threading[0x9baf8d80] -> System.Threading.dll[0x9bae9e00]: 2
09-09 13:59:38.870 D/Mono ( 3889): Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Threading' (System.Threading.dll)
09-09 13:59:38.870 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly System.Threading[0x9baf8d80] added to domain RootDomain, ref_count=1
09-09 13:59:38.870 D/Mono ( 3889): AOT: image '' not found: dlopen failed: library "/data/app/xam_android_news.xam_android_news-1/lib/x86/" not found
09-09 13:59:38.870 D/Mono ( 3889): AOT: image '/usr/local/lib/mono/aot-cache/x86/' not found: dlopen failed: library "/data/app/xam_android_news.xam_android_news-1/lib/x86/" not found
09-09 13:59:38.870 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.Threading.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:38.870 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System.Threading/System.Threading.config'.
09-09 13:59:38.870 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Ref addref Java.Interop[0x9baf8ae0] -> System.Threading[0x9baf8d80]: 2
09-09 13:59:38.870 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Ref addref System.Threading[0x9baf8d80] -> mscorlib[0x9baf8420]: 5
Loaded assembly: System.Threading.dll [External]
09-09 13:59:38.881 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System.Runtime.InteropServices[0x9baf9080] -> System.Runtime.InteropServices.dll[0x9baea300]: 2
09-09 13:59:38.881 D/Mono ( 3889): Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Runtime.InteropServices' (System.Runtime.InteropServices.dll)
09-09 13:59:38.881 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly System.Runtime.InteropServices[0x9baf9080] added to domain RootDomain, ref_count=1
09-09 13:59:38.882 D/Mono ( 3889): AOT: image '' not found: dlopen failed: library "/data/app/xam_android_news.xam_android_news-1/lib/x86/" not found
09-09 13:59:38.882 D/Mono ( 3889): AOT: image '/usr/local/lib/mono/aot-cache/x86/' not found: dlopen failed: library "/data/app/xam_android_news.xam_android_news-1/lib/x86/" not found
09-09 13:59:38.882 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:38.882 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System.Runtime.InteropServices/System.Runtime.InteropServices.config'.
09-09 13:59:38.882 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Ref addref Java.Interop[0x9baf8ae0] -> System.Runtime.InteropServices[0x9baf9080]: 2
09-09 13:59:38.882 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Ref addref System.Runtime.InteropServices[0x9baf9080] -> mscorlib[0x9baf8420]: 6
Loaded assembly: System.Runtime.InteropServices.dll [External]
09-09 13:59:38.902 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport attempting to load: '__Internal'.
09-09 13:59:38.902 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport loaded library '(null)'.
09-09 13:59:38.902 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
09-09 13:59:38.902 D/Mono ( 3889): Searching for 'java_interop_jnienv_get_java_vm'.
09-09 13:59:38.902 D/Mono ( 3889): Probing 'java_interop_jnienv_get_java_vm'.
09-09 13:59:38.902 D/Mono ( 3889): Found as 'java_interop_jnienv_get_java_vm'.
09-09 13:59:38.926 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport attempting to load: '__Internal'.
09-09 13:59:38.926 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport loaded library '(null)'.
09-09 13:59:38.926 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
09-09 13:59:38.926 D/Mono ( 3889): Searching for '_monodroid_gref_log_new'.
09-09 13:59:38.926 D/Mono ( 3889): Probing '_monodroid_gref_log_new'.
09-09 13:59:38.926 D/Mono ( 3889): Found as '_monodroid_gref_log_new'.
09-09 13:59:38.927 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
09-09 13:59:38.927 D/Mono ( 3889): Searching for 'java_interop_jnienv_new_global_ref'.
09-09 13:59:38.927 D/Mono ( 3889): Probing 'java_interop_jnienv_new_global_ref'.
09-09 13:59:38.927 D/Mono ( 3889): Found as 'java_interop_jnienv_new_global_ref'.
09-09 13:59:38.928 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
09-09 13:59:38.928 D/Mono ( 3889): Searching for '_monodroid_gref_get'.
09-09 13:59:38.928 D/Mono ( 3889): Probing '_monodroid_gref_get'.
09-09 13:59:38.928 D/Mono ( 3889): Found as '_monodroid_gref_get'.
09-09 13:59:38.947 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System.Reflection[0x9baf8ba0] -> System.Reflection.dll[0x9baeb700]: 2
09-09 13:59:38.947 D/Mono ( 3889): Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Reflection' (System.Reflection.dll)
09-09 13:59:38.947 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly System.Reflection[0x9baf8ba0] added to domain RootDomain, ref_count=1
09-09 13:59:38.948 D/Mono ( 3889): AOT: image '' not found: dlopen failed: library "/data/app/xam_android_news.xam_android_news-1/lib/x86/" not found
09-09 13:59:38.948 D/Mono ( 3889): AOT: image '/usr/local/lib/mono/aot-cache/x86/' not found: dlopen failed: library "/data/app/xam_android_news.xam_android_news-1/lib/x86/" not found
09-09 13:59:38.948 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.Reflection.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:38.948 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System.Reflection/System.Reflection.config'.
09-09 13:59:38.948 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Ref addref Java.Interop[0x9baf8ae0] -> System.Reflection[0x9baf8ba0]: 2
09-09 13:59:38.948 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Ref addref System.Reflection[0x9baf8ba0] -> mscorlib[0x9baf8420]: 7
Loaded assembly: System.Reflection.dll [External]
09-09 13:59:38.952 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System.Collections[0x9baf8f60] -> System.Collections.dll[0x9baeb200]: 2
09-09 13:59:38.952 D/Mono ( 3889): Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Collections' (System.Collections.dll)
09-09 13:59:38.952 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly System.Collections[0x9baf8f60] added to domain RootDomain, ref_count=1
09-09 13:59:38.952 D/Mono ( 3889): AOT: image '' not found: dlopen failed: library "/data/app/xam_android_news.xam_android_news-1/lib/x86/" not found
09-09 13:59:38.952 D/Mono ( 3889): AOT: image '/usr/local/lib/mono/aot-cache/x86/' not found: dlopen failed: library "/data/app/xam_android_news.xam_android_news-1/lib/x86/" not found
09-09 13:59:38.952 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.Collections.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:38.952 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System.Collections/System.Collections.config'.
09-09 13:59:38.952 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Ref addref Java.Interop[0x9baf8ae0] -> System.Collections[0x9baf8f60]: 2
09-09 13:59:38.952 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Ref addref System.Collections[0x9baf8f60] -> mscorlib[0x9baf8420]: 8
Loaded assembly: System.Collections.dll [External]
09-09 13:59:38.973 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
09-09 13:59:38.973 D/Mono ( 3889): Searching for 'java_interop_jnienv_find_class'.
09-09 13:59:38.973 D/Mono ( 3889): Probing 'java_interop_jnienv_find_class'.
09-09 13:59:38.973 D/Mono ( 3889): Found as 'java_interop_jnienv_find_class'.
09-09 13:59:38.973 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
09-09 13:59:38.973 D/Mono ( 3889): Searching for 'java_interop_jnienv_exception_clear'.
09-09 13:59:38.973 D/Mono ( 3889): Probing 'java_interop_jnienv_exception_clear'.
09-09 13:59:38.973 D/Mono ( 3889): Found as 'java_interop_jnienv_exception_clear'.
09-09 13:59:38.973 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
09-09 13:59:38.973 D/Mono ( 3889): Searching for 'java_interop_jnienv_call_object_method_a'.
09-09 13:59:38.973 D/Mono ( 3889): Probing 'java_interop_jnienv_call_object_method_a'.
09-09 13:59:38.973 D/Mono ( 3889): Found as 'java_interop_jnienv_call_object_method_a'.
09-09 13:59:38.973 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
09-09 13:59:38.973 D/Mono ( 3889): Searching for 'java_interop_jnienv_delete_local_ref'.
09-09 13:59:38.973 D/Mono ( 3889): Probing 'java_interop_jnienv_delete_local_ref'.
09-09 13:59:38.973 D/Mono ( 3889): Found as 'java_interop_jnienv_delete_local_ref'.
09-09 13:59:38.978 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
09-09 13:59:38.978 D/Mono ( 3889): Searching for '_monodroid_lref_log_new'.
09-09 13:59:38.978 D/Mono ( 3889): Probing '_monodroid_lref_log_new'.
09-09 13:59:38.978 D/Mono ( 3889): Found as '_monodroid_lref_log_new'.
09-09 13:59:38.983 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
09-09 13:59:38.983 D/Mono ( 3889): Searching for '_monodroid_lref_log_delete'.
09-09 13:59:38.983 D/Mono ( 3889): Probing '_monodroid_lref_log_delete'.
09-09 13:59:38.983 D/Mono ( 3889): Found as '_monodroid_lref_log_delete'.
09-09 13:59:38.988 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
09-09 13:59:38.988 D/Mono ( 3889): Searching for 'java_interop_jnienv_get_method_id'.
09-09 13:59:38.988 D/Mono ( 3889): Probing 'java_interop_jnienv_get_method_id'.
09-09 13:59:38.988 D/Mono ( 3889): Found as 'java_interop_jnienv_get_method_id'.
09-09 13:59:38.990 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
09-09 13:59:38.990 D/Mono ( 3889): Searching for '_monodroid_gref_log_delete'.
09-09 13:59:38.990 D/Mono ( 3889): Probing '_monodroid_gref_log_delete'.
09-09 13:59:38.990 D/Mono ( 3889): Found as '_monodroid_gref_log_delete'.
09-09 13:59:38.992 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
09-09 13:59:38.992 D/Mono ( 3889): Searching for 'java_interop_jnienv_delete_global_ref'.
09-09 13:59:38.992 D/Mono ( 3889): Probing 'java_interop_jnienv_delete_global_ref'.
09-09 13:59:38.992 D/Mono ( 3889): Found as 'java_interop_jnienv_delete_global_ref'.
09-09 13:59:38.997 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
09-09 13:59:38.997 D/Mono ( 3889): Searching for 'java_interop_jnienv_get_static_method_id'.
09-09 13:59:38.997 D/Mono ( 3889): Probing 'java_interop_jnienv_get_static_method_id'.
09-09 13:59:38.997 D/Mono ( 3889): Found as 'java_interop_jnienv_get_static_method_id'.
09-09 13:59:39.002 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
09-09 13:59:39.002 D/Mono ( 3889): Searching for 'java_interop_jnienv_call_static_object_method_a'.
09-09 13:59:39.003 D/Mono ( 3889): Probing 'java_interop_jnienv_call_static_object_method_a'.
09-09 13:59:39.003 D/Mono ( 3889): Found as 'java_interop_jnienv_call_static_object_method_a'.
09-09 13:59:39.010 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
09-09 13:59:39.010 D/Mono ( 3889): Searching for '_monodroid_get_identity_hash_code'.
09-09 13:59:39.010 D/Mono ( 3889): Probing '_monodroid_get_identity_hash_code'.
09-09 13:59:39.010 D/Mono ( 3889): Found as '_monodroid_get_identity_hash_code'.
09-09 13:59:39.025 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
09-09 13:59:39.025 D/Mono ( 3889): Searching for 'java_interop_jnienv_get_object_class'.
09-09 13:59:39.025 D/Mono ( 3889): Probing 'java_interop_jnienv_get_object_class'.
09-09 13:59:39.025 D/Mono ( 3889): Found as 'java_interop_jnienv_get_object_class'.
09-09 13:59:39.027 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
09-09 13:59:39.027 D/Mono ( 3889): Searching for 'java_interop_jnienv_call_object_method'.
09-09 13:59:39.027 D/Mono ( 3889): Probing 'java_interop_jnienv_call_object_method'.
09-09 13:59:39.027 D/Mono ( 3889): Found as 'java_interop_jnienv_call_object_method'.
09-09 13:59:39.030 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
09-09 13:59:39.030 D/Mono ( 3889): Searching for 'java_interop_jnienv_get_string_length'.
09-09 13:59:39.030 D/Mono ( 3889): Probing 'java_interop_jnienv_get_string_length'.
09-09 13:59:39.030 D/Mono ( 3889): Found as 'java_interop_jnienv_get_string_length'.
09-09 13:59:39.030 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
09-09 13:59:39.030 D/Mono ( 3889): Searching for 'java_interop_jnienv_get_string_chars'.
09-09 13:59:39.030 D/Mono ( 3889): Probing 'java_interop_jnienv_get_string_chars'.
09-09 13:59:39.030 D/Mono ( 3889): Found as 'java_interop_jnienv_get_string_chars'.
09-09 13:59:39.033 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
09-09 13:59:39.033 D/Mono ( 3889): Searching for 'java_interop_jnienv_release_string_chars'.
09-09 13:59:39.033 D/Mono ( 3889): Probing 'java_interop_jnienv_release_string_chars'.
09-09 13:59:39.033 D/Mono ( 3889): Found as 'java_interop_jnienv_release_string_chars'.
09-09 13:59:39.039 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
09-09 13:59:39.039 D/Mono ( 3889): Searching for 'monodroid_typemap_java_to_managed'.
09-09 13:59:39.039 D/Mono ( 3889): Probing 'monodroid_typemap_java_to_managed'.
09-09 13:59:39.039 D/Mono ( 3889): Found as 'monodroid_typemap_java_to_managed'.
09-09 13:59:39.074 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
09-09 13:59:39.074 D/Mono ( 3889): Searching for 'java_interop_jnienv_get_superclass'.
09-09 13:59:39.074 D/Mono ( 3889): Probing 'java_interop_jnienv_get_superclass'.
09-09 13:59:39.074 D/Mono ( 3889): Found as 'java_interop_jnienv_get_superclass'.
09-09 13:59:39.121 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
09-09 13:59:39.121 D/Mono ( 3889): Searching for 'java_interop_jnienv_is_instance_of'.
09-09 13:59:39.121 D/Mono ( 3889): Probing 'java_interop_jnienv_is_instance_of'.
09-09 13:59:39.121 D/Mono ( 3889): Found as 'java_interop_jnienv_is_instance_of'.
09-09 13:59:39.123 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
09-09 13:59:39.123 D/Mono ( 3889): Searching for '_monodroid_gref_log'.
09-09 13:59:39.123 D/Mono ( 3889): Probing '_monodroid_gref_log'.
09-09 13:59:39.123 D/Mono ( 3889): Found as '_monodroid_gref_log'.
09-09 13:59:39.156 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System.Linq[0x9baf9860] -> System.Linq.dll[0x9baebc00]: 2
09-09 13:59:39.156 D/Mono ( 3889): Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Linq' (System.Linq.dll)
09-09 13:59:39.157 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly System.Linq[0x9baf9860] added to domain RootDomain, ref_count=1
09-09 13:59:39.157 D/Mono ( 3889): AOT: image '' not found: dlopen failed: library "/data/app/xam_android_news.xam_android_news-1/lib/x86/" not found
09-09 13:59:39.157 D/Mono ( 3889): AOT: image '/usr/local/lib/mono/aot-cache/x86/' not found: dlopen failed: library "/data/app/xam_android_news.xam_android_news-1/lib/x86/" not found
09-09 13:59:39.157 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.Linq.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:39.157 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System.Linq/System.Linq.config'.
09-09 13:59:39.157 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Ref addref Java.Interop[0x9baf8ae0] -> System.Linq[0x9baf9860]: 2
09-09 13:59:39.158 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System.Core[0x9baf9aa0] -> System.Core.dll[0x9baea800]: 2
09-09 13:59:39.158 D/Mono ( 3889): Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Core' (System.Core.dll)
09-09 13:59:39.158 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly System.Core[0x9baf9aa0] added to domain RootDomain, ref_count=1
09-09 13:59:39.158 D/Mono ( 3889): AOT: image '' not found: dlopen failed: library "/data/app/xam_android_news.xam_android_news-1/lib/x86/" not found
09-09 13:59:39.158 D/Mono ( 3889): AOT: image '/usr/local/lib/mono/aot-cache/x86/' not found: dlopen failed: library "/data/app/xam_android_news.xam_android_news-1/lib/x86/" not found
09-09 13:59:39.159 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.Core.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:39.159 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System.Core/System.Core.config'.
09-09 13:59:39.159 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Ref addref System.Linq[0x9baf9860] -> System.Core[0x9baf9aa0]: 2
09-09 13:59:39.159 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Ref addref System.Core[0x9baf9aa0] -> mscorlib[0x9baf8420]: 9
Loaded assembly: System.Linq.dll [External]
Loaded assembly: System.Core.dll [External]
09-09 13:59:39.167 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System.Runtime.Extensions[0x9baf9c20] -> System.Runtime.Extensions.dll[0x9baead00]: 2
09-09 13:59:39.167 D/Mono ( 3889): Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Runtime.Extensions' (System.Runtime.Extensions.dll)
09-09 13:59:39.167 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly System.Runtime.Extensions[0x9baf9c20] added to domain RootDomain, ref_count=1
09-09 13:59:39.167 D/Mono ( 3889): AOT: image '' not found: dlopen failed: library "/data/app/xam_android_news.xam_android_news-1/lib/x86/" not found
09-09 13:59:39.168 D/Mono ( 3889): AOT: image '/usr/local/lib/mono/aot-cache/x86/' not found: dlopen failed: library "/data/app/xam_android_news.xam_android_news-1/lib/x86/" not found
09-09 13:59:39.168 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.Runtime.Extensions.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:39.168 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System.Runtime.Extensions/System.Runtime.Extensions.config'.
09-09 13:59:39.168 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Ref addref Java.Interop[0x9baf8ae0] -> System.Runtime.Extensions[0x9baf9c20]: 2
09-09 13:59:39.168 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Ref addref System.Runtime.Extensions[0x9baf9c20] -> mscorlib[0x9baf8420]: 10
Loaded assembly: System.Runtime.Extensions.dll [External]
09-09 13:59:39.178 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System.Reflection.Extensions[0x9baf9e00] -> System.Reflection.Extensions.dll[0x9baec600]: 2
09-09 13:59:39.178 D/Mono ( 3889): Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Reflection.Extensions' (System.Reflection.Extensions.dll)
09-09 13:59:39.178 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly System.Reflection.Extensions[0x9baf9e00] added to domain RootDomain, ref_count=1
09-09 13:59:39.178 D/Mono ( 3889): AOT: image '' not found: dlopen failed: library "/data/app/xam_android_news.xam_android_news-1/lib/x86/" not found
09-09 13:59:39.178 D/Mono ( 3889): AOT: image '/usr/local/lib/mono/aot-cache/x86/' not found: dlopen failed: library "/data/app/xam_android_news.xam_android_news-1/lib/x86/" not found
09-09 13:59:39.178 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.Reflection.Extensions.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:39.178 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System.Reflection.Extensions/System.Reflection.Extensions.config'.
09-09 13:59:39.178 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Ref addref Java.Interop[0x9baf8ae0] -> System.Reflection.Extensions[0x9baf9e00]: 2
09-09 13:59:39.178 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Ref addref System.Reflection.Extensions[0x9baf9e00] -> mscorlib[0x9baf8420]: 11
Loaded assembly: System.Reflection.Extensions.dll [External]
09-09 13:59:39.200 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Ref addref Mono.Android[0x9baf85a0] -> System.Core[0x9baf9aa0]: 3
09-09 13:59:39.200 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
09-09 13:59:39.200 D/Mono ( 3889): Searching for 'monodroid_typemap_managed_to_java'.
09-09 13:59:39.200 D/Mono ( 3889): Probing 'monodroid_typemap_managed_to_java'.
09-09 13:59:39.200 D/Mono ( 3889): Found as 'monodroid_typemap_managed_to_java'.
09-09 13:59:39.229 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
09-09 13:59:39.229 D/Mono ( 3889): Searching for 'java_interop_jnienv_alloc_object'.
09-09 13:59:39.229 D/Mono ( 3889): Probing 'java_interop_jnienv_alloc_object'.
09-09 13:59:39.229 D/Mono ( 3889): Found as 'java_interop_jnienv_alloc_object'.
09-09 13:59:39.376 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
09-09 13:59:39.376 D/Mono ( 3889): Searching for 'java_interop_jnienv_register_natives'.
09-09 13:59:39.376 D/Mono ( 3889): Probing 'java_interop_jnienv_register_natives'.
09-09 13:59:39.376 D/Mono ( 3889): Found as 'java_interop_jnienv_register_natives'.
09-09 13:59:39.382 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
09-09 13:59:39.382 D/Mono ( 3889): Searching for 'java_interop_jnienv_call_nonvirtual_void_method_a'.
09-09 13:59:39.383 D/Mono ( 3889): Probing 'java_interop_jnienv_call_nonvirtual_void_method_a'.
09-09 13:59:39.383 D/Mono ( 3889): Found as 'java_interop_jnienv_call_nonvirtual_void_method_a'.
09-09 13:59:39.386 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
09-09 13:59:39.386 D/Mono ( 3889): Searching for '_monodroid_gc_wait_for_bridge_processing'.
09-09 13:59:39.386 D/Mono ( 3889): Probing '_monodroid_gc_wait_for_bridge_processing'.
09-09 13:59:39.386 D/Mono ( 3889): Found as '_monodroid_gc_wait_for_bridge_processing'.
09-09 13:59:39.392 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
09-09 13:59:39.392 D/Mono ( 3889): Searching for 'java_interop_jnienv_is_same_object'.
09-09 13:59:39.392 D/Mono ( 3889): Probing 'java_interop_jnienv_is_same_object'.
09-09 13:59:39.392 D/Mono ( 3889): Found as 'java_interop_jnienv_is_same_object'.
09-09 13:59:39.396 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
09-09 13:59:39.396 D/Mono ( 3889): Searching for 'java_interop_jnienv_call_static_void_method_a'.
09-09 13:59:39.396 D/Mono ( 3889): Probing 'java_interop_jnienv_call_static_void_method_a'.
09-09 13:59:39.396 D/Mono ( 3889): Found as 'java_interop_jnienv_call_static_void_method_a'.
09-09 13:59:39.399 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Ref addref xam-android-news[0x9baf87e0] -> Mono.Android[0x9baf85a0]: 2
09-09 13:59:39.462 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
09-09 13:59:39.462 D/Mono ( 3889): Searching for 'java_interop_jnienv_get_array_length'.
09-09 13:59:39.462 D/Mono ( 3889): Probing 'java_interop_jnienv_get_array_length'.
09-09 13:59:39.462 D/Mono ( 3889): Found as 'java_interop_jnienv_get_array_length'.
Loaded assembly: MonoDroidConstructors [External]
09-09 13:59:39.539 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Ref addref xam-android-news[0x9baf87e0] -> mscorlib[0x9baf8420]: 12
09-09 13:59:39.568 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
09-09 13:59:39.568 D/Mono ( 3889): Searching for 'java_interop_jnienv_new_string'.
09-09 13:59:39.568 D/Mono ( 3889): Probing 'java_interop_jnienv_new_string'.
09-09 13:59:39.568 D/Mono ( 3889): Found as 'java_interop_jnienv_new_string'.
09-09 13:59:39.571 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
09-09 13:59:39.571 D/Mono ( 3889): Searching for 'java_interop_jnienv_call_static_int_method_a'.
09-09 13:59:39.571 D/Mono ( 3889): Probing 'java_interop_jnienv_call_static_int_method_a'.
09-09 13:59:39.571 D/Mono ( 3889): Found as 'java_interop_jnienv_call_static_int_method_a'.
09-09 13:59:39.572 D/MainActivity( 3889): Binding MainActivity
09-09 13:59:39.573 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
09-09 13:59:39.573 D/Mono ( 3889): Searching for 'java_interop_jnienv_call_nonvirtual_object_method_a'.
09-09 13:59:39.573 D/Mono ( 3889): Probing 'java_interop_jnienv_call_nonvirtual_object_method_a'.
09-09 13:59:39.573 D/Mono ( 3889): Found as 'java_interop_jnienv_call_nonvirtual_object_method_a'.
09-09 13:59:39.583 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Ref addref xam-android-news[0x9baf87e0] -> RestSharp[0x9baf86c0]: 2
09-09 13:59:39.583 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Ref addref RestSharp[0x9baf86c0] -> mscorlib[0x9baf8420]: 13
09-09 13:59:39.584 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System[0xa5605f40] -> System.dll[0x885f1300]: 2
09-09 13:59:39.584 D/Mono ( 3889): Prepared to set up assembly 'System' (System.dll)
09-09 13:59:39.584 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly System[0xa5605f40] added to domain RootDomain, ref_count=1
09-09 13:59:39.585 D/Mono ( 3889): AOT: image '' not found: dlopen failed: library "/data/app/xam_android_news.xam_android_news-1/lib/x86/" not found
09-09 13:59:39.585 D/Mono ( 3889): AOT: image '/usr/local/lib/mono/aot-cache/x86/' not found: dlopen failed: library "/data/app/xam_android_news.xam_android_news-1/lib/x86/" not found
09-09 13:59:39.585 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:39.585 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System/System.config'.
09-09 13:59:39.585 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Ref addref RestSharp[0x9baf86c0] -> System[0xa5605f40]: 2
09-09 13:59:39.586 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Ref addref System[0xa5605f40] -> mscorlib[0x9baf8420]: 14
Loaded assembly: System.dll [External]
09-09 13:59:39.595 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System.Xml.Linq[0xa5603840] -> System.Xml.Linq.dll[0x885f1d00]: 2
09-09 13:59:39.595 D/Mono ( 3889): Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Xml.Linq' (System.Xml.Linq.dll)
09-09 13:59:39.595 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly System.Xml.Linq[0xa5603840] added to domain RootDomain, ref_count=1
09-09 13:59:39.596 D/Mono ( 3889): AOT: image '' not found: dlopen failed: library "/data/app/xam_android_news.xam_android_news-1/lib/x86/" not found
09-09 13:59:39.596 D/Mono ( 3889): AOT: image '/usr/local/lib/mono/aot-cache/x86/' not found: dlopen failed: library "/data/app/xam_android_news.xam_android_news-1/lib/x86/" not found
09-09 13:59:39.596 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.Xml.Linq.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:39.596 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System.Xml.Linq/System.Xml.Linq.config'.
09-09 13:59:39.596 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Ref addref RestSharp[0x9baf86c0] -> System.Xml.Linq[0xa5603840]: 2
09-09 13:59:39.596 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Ref addref System.Xml.Linq[0xa5603840] -> mscorlib[0x9baf8420]: 15
09-09 13:59:39.597 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System.Xml[0xa5605e80] -> System.Xml.dll[0x885f2200]: 2
09-09 13:59:39.597 D/Mono ( 3889): Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Xml' (System.Xml.dll)
09-09 13:59:39.597 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly System.Xml[0xa5605e80] added to domain RootDomain, ref_count=1
09-09 13:59:39.598 D/Mono ( 3889): AOT: image '' not found: dlopen failed: library "/data/app/xam_android_news.xam_android_news-1/lib/x86/" not found
09-09 13:59:39.598 D/Mono ( 3889): AOT: image '/usr/local/lib/mono/aot-cache/x86/' not found: dlopen failed: library "/data/app/xam_android_news.xam_android_news-1/lib/x86/" not found
09-09 13:59:39.598 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.Xml.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:39.598 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System.Xml/System.Xml.config'.
09-09 13:59:39.598 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Ref addref System.Xml.Linq[0xa5603840] -> System.Xml[0xa5605e80]: 2
Loaded assembly: System.Xml.Linq.dll [External]
Loaded assembly: System.Xml.dll [External]
09-09 13:59:39.713 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Ref addref RestSharp[0x9baf86c0] -> System.Core[0x9baf9aa0]: 4
09-09 13:59:39.931 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref Mono.Security[0x8840b840] -> Mono.Security.dll[0x885f3600]: 2
09-09 13:59:39.931 D/Mono ( 3889): Prepared to set up assembly 'Mono.Security' (Mono.Security.dll)
09-09 13:59:39.931 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Mono.Security[0x8840b840] added to domain RootDomain, ref_count=1
09-09 13:59:39.932 D/Mono ( 3889): AOT: image '' not found: dlopen failed: library "/data/app/xam_android_news.xam_android_news-1/lib/x86/" not found
09-09 13:59:39.932 D/Mono ( 3889): AOT: image '/usr/local/lib/mono/aot-cache/x86/' not found: dlopen failed: library "/data/app/xam_android_news.xam_android_news-1/lib/x86/" not found
09-09 13:59:39.932 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'Mono.Security.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:39.932 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/Mono.Security/Mono.Security.config'.
09-09 13:59:39.932 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Ref addref System[0xa5605f40] -> Mono.Security[0x8840b840]: 2
09-09 13:59:39.932 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Ref addref Mono.Security[0x8840b840] -> mscorlib[0x9baf8420]: 16
Loaded assembly: Mono.Security.dll [External]
09-09 13:59:39.975 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Ref addref Mono.Android[0x9baf85a0] -> System[0xa5605f40]: 3
09-09 13:59:40.013 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
09-09 13:59:40.013 D/Mono ( 3889): Searching for 'java_interop_jnienv_call_int_method'.
09-09 13:59:40.013 D/Mono ( 3889): Probing 'java_interop_jnienv_call_int_method'.
09-09 13:59:40.013 D/Mono ( 3889): Found as 'java_interop_jnienv_call_int_method'.
09-09 13:59:40.025 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
09-09 13:59:40.025 D/Mono ( 3889): Searching for 'java_interop_jnienv_get_static_field_id'.
09-09 13:59:40.025 D/Mono ( 3889): Probing 'java_interop_jnienv_get_static_field_id'.
09-09 13:59:40.025 D/Mono ( 3889): Found as 'java_interop_jnienv_get_static_field_id'.
09-09 13:59:40.028 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
09-09 13:59:40.028 D/Mono ( 3889): Searching for 'java_interop_jnienv_get_static_object_field'.
09-09 13:59:40.028 D/Mono ( 3889): Probing 'java_interop_jnienv_get_static_object_field'.
09-09 13:59:40.028 D/Mono ( 3889): Found as 'java_interop_jnienv_get_static_object_field'.
09-09 13:59:40.031 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
09-09 13:59:40.031 D/Mono ( 3889): Searching for 'java_interop_jnienv_call_nonvirtual_boolean_method_a'.
09-09 13:59:40.031 D/Mono ( 3889): Probing 'java_interop_jnienv_call_nonvirtual_boolean_method_a'.
09-09 13:59:40.031 D/Mono ( 3889): Found as 'java_interop_jnienv_call_nonvirtual_boolean_method_a'.
Thread started: #2
Thread started: <Thread Pool> #3
Thread started: <Thread Pool> #4
09-09 13:59:40.171 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87dfe920] worker starting
Thread started: <Thread Pool> #5
09-09 13:59:40.178 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker starting
09-09 13:59:40.178 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:40.184 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:40.184 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker parking
Thread started: <Thread Pool> #6
09-09 13:59:40.188 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker starting
09-09 13:59:40.188 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:40.188 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:40.188 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:40.188 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:40.192 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:40.456 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:40.456 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:40.457 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:40.457 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker parking
Thread started: <Thread Pool> #7
09-09 13:59:40.459 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:40.459 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:40.462 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:40.462 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:40.462 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:40.468 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:40.472 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:40.473 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87dfe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:40.473 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:40.473 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:40.479 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:40.606 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87dfe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:40.610 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:40.611 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:40.611 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:40.611 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:40.663 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87dfe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:40.664 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:40.664 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:40.676 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:40.676 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:40.676 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:40.676 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87dfe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:40.676 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87dfe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:40.681 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:40.709 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:40.709 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:40.709 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:40.709 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:40.709 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87dfe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:40.710 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87dfe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:40.710 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:40.710 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:40.710 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:40.710 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:40.710 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87dfe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:40.711 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87dfe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:40.711 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:40.711 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:40.711 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:40.711 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:40.711 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87dfe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:40.711 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:40.711 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:40.711 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87dfe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:40.712 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:40.712 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:40.833 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:40.833 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87dfe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:40.834 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:40.834 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:40.834 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87dfe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:40.834 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:40.835 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:40.835 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:40.835 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87dfe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:40.835 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87dfe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:40.836 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:40.836 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:40.836 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:40.836 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:40.836 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:40.836 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87dfe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:40.836 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:40.836 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87dfe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:40.941 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:40.942 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:40.942 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87dfe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:40.942 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87dfe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:40.942 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:40.943 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:40.943 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:40.943 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:40.943 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87dfe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:40.943 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87dfe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:40.943 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:40.944 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87dfe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:40.945 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87dfe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:40.945 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:40.945 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:40.945 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:40.945 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87dfe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:40.946 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:40.946 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:40.947 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:40.947 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:40.961 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87dfe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:41.033 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:41.034 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:41.034 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:41.034 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:41.034 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87dfe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:41.034 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87dfe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:41.034 I/art ( 3889): Starting a blocking GC Explicit
09-09 13:59:41.042 I/art ( 3889): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 5692(284KB) AllocSpace objects, 1(64KB) LOS objects, 39% free, 4MB/7MB, paused 450us total 6.979ms
09-09 13:59:41.042 D/Mono ( 3889): GC_TAR_BRIDGE bridges 3 objects 3 opaque 0 colors 3 colors-bridged 3 colors-visible 3 xref 0 cache-hit 0 cache-semihit 0 cache-miss 0 setup 0.02ms tarjan 0.01ms scc-setup 0.15ms gather-xref 0.13ms xref-setup 0.01ms cleanup 0.22ms
09-09 13:59:41.042 D/Mono ( 3889): GC_BRIDGE: Complete, was running for 8.10ms
09-09 13:59:41.042 D/Mono ( 3889): GC_MINOR: (Nursery full) time 0.84ms, stw 1.80ms promoted 207K major size: 1040K in use: 297K los size: 1024K in use: 370K
09-09 13:59:41.046 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Ref addref RestSharp[0x9baf86c0] -> System.Xml[0xa5605e80]: 3
09-09 13:59:41.046 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Ref addref System.Xml[0xa5605e80] -> mscorlib[0x9baf8420]: 17
09-09 13:59:41.046 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Ref addref System.Xml[0xa5605e80] -> System[0xa5605f40]: 4
09-09 13:59:41.162 D/MainActivity( 3889): Binding MainActivity
09-09 13:59:41.165 W/art ( 3889): JNI RegisterNativeMethods: attempt to register 0 native methods for md59e716a179cd4bca44c046b2cc34820ea.ArticleTeaserView
09-09 13:59:41.181 D/ArticleTeaserView( 3889): Image loading starting:[]=102x57q80
09-09 13:59:41.194 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System.Net.Http[0x8840c800] -> System.Net.Http.dll[0x8817a600]: 2
09-09 13:59:41.194 D/Mono ( 3889): Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Net.Http' (System.Net.Http.dll)
09-09 13:59:41.194 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly System.Net.Http[0x8840c800] added to domain RootDomain, ref_count=1
09-09 13:59:41.195 D/Mono ( 3889): AOT: image '' not found: dlopen failed: library "/data/app/xam_android_news.xam_android_news-1/lib/x86/" not found
09-09 13:59:41.195 D/Mono ( 3889): AOT: image '/usr/local/lib/mono/aot-cache/x86/' not found: dlopen failed: library "/data/app/xam_android_news.xam_android_news-1/lib/x86/" not found
09-09 13:59:41.195 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.Net.Http.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:41.195 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System.Net.Http/System.Net.Http.config'.
09-09 13:59:41.195 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Ref addref xam-android-news[0x9baf87e0] -> System.Net.Http[0x8840c800]: 2
09-09 13:59:41.195 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Ref addref System.Net.Http[0x8840c800] -> mscorlib[0x9baf8420]: 18
09-09 13:59:41.196 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87dfe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:41.196 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87dfe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:41.197 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:41.197 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:41.197 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:41.197 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker parking
Loaded assembly: System.Net.Http.dll [External]
09-09 13:59:41.200 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87dfe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:41.200 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87dfe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:41.212 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Ref addref System.Net.Http[0x8840c800] -> System[0xa5605f40]: 5
09-09 13:59:41.255 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Ref addref System.Net.Http[0x8840c800] -> System.Core[0x9baf9aa0]: 5
09-09 13:59:41.314 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:41.315 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:41.315 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:41.324 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87dfe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:41.324 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:41.324 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:41.337 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:41.341 D/ArticleTeaserView( 3889): Image loading started:[]=102x57q80
09-09 13:59:41.351 D/Mono ( 3889): Assembly Ref addref Mono.Security[0x8840b840] -> System[0xa5605f40]: 6
09-09 13:59:41.351 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
09-09 13:59:41.352 D/Mono ( 3889): Searching for 'java_interop_jnienv_new_local_ref'.
09-09 13:59:41.352 D/Mono ( 3889): Probing 'java_interop_jnienv_new_local_ref'.
09-09 13:59:41.352 D/Mono ( 3889): Found as 'java_interop_jnienv_new_local_ref'.
09-09 13:59:41.353 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
09-09 13:59:41.354 D/Mono ( 3889): Searching for 'java_interop_jnienv_call_void_method_a'.
09-09 13:59:41.354 D/Mono ( 3889): Probing 'java_interop_jnienv_call_void_method_a'.
09-09 13:59:41.354 D/Mono ( 3889): Found as 'java_interop_jnienv_call_void_method_a'.
09-09 13:59:41.357 D/ArticleTeaserView( 3889): Image loading starting:
09-09 13:59:41.358 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:41.358 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:41.358 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:41.358 D/ArticleTeaserView( 3889): Image loading started:
09-09 13:59:41.359 D/ArticleTeaserView( 3889): Image loading starting:
09-09 13:59:41.359 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:41.360 D/ArticleTeaserView( 3889): Image loading started:
09-09 13:59:41.360 D/ArticleTeaserView( 3889): Image loading starting:
09-09 13:59:41.360 D/ArticleTeaserView( 3889): Image loading started:
09-09 13:59:41.361 D/ArticleTeaserView( 3889): Image loading starting:
09-09 13:59:41.363 D/ArticleTeaserView( 3889): Image loading started:
09-09 13:59:41.363 D/ArticleTeaserView( 3889): Image loading starting:
09-09 13:59:41.363 D/ArticleTeaserView( 3889): Image loading started:
09-09 13:59:41.364 D/ArticleTeaserView( 3889): Image loading starting:[]=102x57q80
09-09 13:59:41.364 D/ArticleTeaserView( 3889): Image loading started:[]=102x57q80
09-09 13:59:41.365 D/ArticleTeaserView( 3889): Image loading starting:
09-09 13:59:41.366 D/ArticleTeaserView( 3889): Image loading started:
09-09 13:59:41.366 D/ArticleTeaserView( 3889): Image loading starting:
09-09 13:59:41.367 D/ArticleTeaserView( 3889): Image loading started:
09-09 13:59:41.367 D/ArticleTeaserView( 3889): Image loading starting:
09-09 13:59:41.367 D/ArticleTeaserView( 3889): Image loading started:
09-09 13:59:41.374 D/ ( 3889): HostConnection::get() New Host Connection established 0x87452100, tid 3889
09-09 13:59:41.384 W/ ( 3889): Unrecognized GLES max version string in extensions: ANDROID_EMU_CHECKSUM_HELPER_v1 ANDROID_EMU_dma_v1
09-09 13:59:41.428 D/ ( 3889): HostConnection::get() New Host Connection established 0x881c3900, tid 3926
09-09 13:59:41.429 W/ ( 3889): Unrecognized GLES max version string in extensions: ANDROID_EMU_CHECKSUM_HELPER_v1 ANDROID_EMU_dma_v1
09-09 13:59:41.430 I/OpenGLRenderer( 3889): Initialized EGL, version 1.4
09-09 13:59:41.430 D/OpenGLRenderer( 3889): Swap behavior 1
09-09 13:59:41.430 W/OpenGLRenderer( 3889): Failed to choose config with EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED, retrying without...
09-09 13:59:41.430 D/OpenGLRenderer( 3889): Swap behavior 0
09-09 13:59:41.434 D/EGL_emulation( 3889): eglCreateContext: 0xa9286020: maj 2 min 0 rcv 2
09-09 13:59:41.448 D/EGL_emulation( 3889): eglMakeCurrent: 0xa9286020: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0x877382b0)
09-09 13:59:41.456 D/EGL_emulation( 3889): eglMakeCurrent: 0xa9286020: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0x877382b0)
Thread started: <Thread Pool> #8
09-09 13:59:42.197 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x86800920] worker starting
Thread started: <Thread Pool> #9
09-09 13:59:42.210 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x866ff920] worker starting
Thread started: <Thread Pool> #10
09-09 13:59:43.699 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x865fe920] worker starting
Thread started: <Thread Pool> #11
09-09 13:59:43.713 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x864fd920] worker starting
Thread started: <Thread Pool> #12
09-09 13:59:44.707 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x863fc920] worker starting
Thread started: <Thread Pool> #13
09-09 13:59:44.723 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x862fb920] worker starting
Thread started: <Thread Pool> #14
09-09 13:59:45.716 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x861fa920] worker starting
Thread started: <Thread Pool> #15
09-09 13:59:45.741 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x860f9920] worker starting
09-09 13:59:45.947 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.dll [0x873cc400].
09-09 13:59:45.947 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System[0x99e0ecc0] -> System.dll[0x885f1300]: 5
09-09 13:59:45.947 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:45.948 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System/System.config'.
09-09 13:59:45.955 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.dll [0x873cc400].
09-09 13:59:45.955 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System[0x99e0ecc0] -> System.dll[0x885f1300]: 6
09-09 13:59:45.955 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:45.955 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System/System.config'.
09-09 13:59:45.957 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.dll [0x873cc400].
09-09 13:59:45.957 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System[0x99e0ecc0] -> System.dll[0x885f1300]: 7
09-09 13:59:45.957 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:45.957 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System/System.config'.
09-09 13:59:45.960 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.dll [0x873cc400].
09-09 13:59:45.960 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System[0x99e0ecc0] -> System.dll[0x885f1300]: 8
09-09 13:59:45.961 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:45.961 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System/System.config'.
09-09 13:59:45.988 D/NetworkSecurityConfig( 3889): No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
09-09 13:59:45.994 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
09-09 13:59:45.994 D/Mono ( 3889): Searching for 'java_interop_jnienv_get_object_array_element'.
09-09 13:59:45.994 D/Mono ( 3889): Probing 'java_interop_jnienv_get_object_array_element'.
09-09 13:59:45.994 D/Mono ( 3889): Found as 'java_interop_jnienv_get_object_array_element'.
09-09 13:59:46.023 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
09-09 13:59:46.023 D/Mono ( 3889): Searching for 'java_interop_jnienv_is_assignable_from'.
09-09 13:59:46.023 D/Mono ( 3889): Probing 'java_interop_jnienv_is_assignable_from'.
09-09 13:59:46.023 D/Mono ( 3889): Found as 'java_interop_jnienv_is_assignable_from'.
09-09 13:59:46.026 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
09-09 13:59:46.026 D/Mono ( 3889): Searching for 'java_interop_jnienv_get_byte_array_region'.
09-09 13:59:46.026 D/Mono ( 3889): Probing 'java_interop_jnienv_get_byte_array_region'.
09-09 13:59:46.026 D/Mono ( 3889): Found as 'java_interop_jnienv_get_byte_array_region'.
09-09 13:59:46.028 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
09-09 13:59:46.029 D/Mono ( 3889): Searching for 'java_interop_jnienv_set_byte_array_region'.
09-09 13:59:46.029 D/Mono ( 3889): Probing 'java_interop_jnienv_set_byte_array_region'.
09-09 13:59:46.029 D/Mono ( 3889): Found as 'java_interop_jnienv_set_byte_array_region'.
09-09 13:59:46.038 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
09-09 13:59:46.038 D/Mono ( 3889): Searching for 'java_interop_jnienv_new_object_array'.
09-09 13:59:46.038 D/Mono ( 3889): Probing 'java_interop_jnienv_new_object_array'.
09-09 13:59:46.038 D/Mono ( 3889): Found as 'java_interop_jnienv_new_object_array'.
09-09 13:59:46.040 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
09-09 13:59:46.040 D/Mono ( 3889): Searching for 'java_interop_jnienv_set_object_array_element'.
09-09 13:59:46.040 D/Mono ( 3889): Probing 'java_interop_jnienv_set_object_array_element'.
09-09 13:59:46.040 D/Mono ( 3889): Found as 'java_interop_jnienv_set_object_array_element'.
09-09 13:59:46.078 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.dll [0x873cbf00].
09-09 13:59:46.078 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System[0x99e10c40] -> System.dll[0x885f1300]: 9
09-09 13:59:46.078 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.078 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System/System.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.079 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.dll [0x873cbf00].
09-09 13:59:46.079 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System[0x99e10c40] -> System.dll[0x885f1300]: 10
09-09 13:59:46.079 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.079 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System/System.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.079 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.dll [0x873cbf00].
09-09 13:59:46.079 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System[0x99e10c40] -> System.dll[0x885f1300]: 11
09-09 13:59:46.079 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.079 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System/System.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.080 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.dll [0x873cbf00].
09-09 13:59:46.080 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System[0x99e10c40] -> System.dll[0x885f1300]: 12
09-09 13:59:46.080 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.080 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System/System.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.088 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.dll [0x873cc400].
09-09 13:59:46.088 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System[0x99e48360] -> System.dll[0x885f1300]: 13
09-09 13:59:46.088 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.088 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System/System.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.088 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.dll [0x873cc400].
09-09 13:59:46.088 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System[0x99e48360] -> System.dll[0x885f1300]: 14
09-09 13:59:46.088 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.088 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System/System.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.089 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.dll [0x873cc400].
09-09 13:59:46.089 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System[0x99e48360] -> System.dll[0x885f1300]: 15
09-09 13:59:46.089 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.089 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System/System.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.089 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.dll [0x873cc400].
09-09 13:59:46.090 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System[0x99e48360] -> System.dll[0x885f1300]: 16
09-09 13:59:46.090 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.090 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System/System.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.097 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.dll [0x873cc900].
09-09 13:59:46.097 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System[0x99e48ba0] -> System.dll[0x885f1300]: 17
09-09 13:59:46.097 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.097 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System/System.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.097 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.dll [0x873cc900].
09-09 13:59:46.097 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System[0x99e48ba0] -> System.dll[0x885f1300]: 18
09-09 13:59:46.097 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.098 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System/System.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.098 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.dll [0x873cc900].
09-09 13:59:46.098 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System[0x99e48ba0] -> System.dll[0x885f1300]: 19
09-09 13:59:46.098 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.098 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System/System.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.099 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.dll [0x873cc900].
09-09 13:59:46.099 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System[0x99e48ba0] -> System.dll[0x885f1300]: 20
09-09 13:59:46.099 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.099 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System/System.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.102 I/art ( 3889): Starting a blocking GC Explicit
09-09 13:59:46.109 I/art ( 3889): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 19631(849KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 39% free, 4MB/7MB, paused 449us total 7.049ms
09-09 13:59:46.109 D/Mono ( 3889): GC_TAR_BRIDGE bridges 29 objects 35 opaque 6 colors 29 colors-bridged 29 colors-visible 29 xref 0 cache-hit 0 cache-semihit 0 cache-miss 0 setup 0.02ms tarjan 0.01ms scc-setup 0.02ms gather-xref 0.01ms xref-setup 0.01ms cleanup 0.01ms
09-09 13:59:46.109 D/Mono ( 3889): GC_BRIDGE: Complete, was running for 7.89ms
09-09 13:59:46.109 D/Mono ( 3889): GC_MINOR: (Nursery full) time 1.46ms, stw 2.16ms promoted 498K major size: 1552K in use: 867K los size: 1024K in use: 770K
09-09 13:59:46.117 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.dll [0x873cce00].
09-09 13:59:46.117 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System[0x99e10ac0] -> System.dll[0x885f1300]: 21
09-09 13:59:46.117 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.117 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System/System.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.117 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.dll [0x873cce00].
09-09 13:59:46.117 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System[0x99e10ac0] -> System.dll[0x885f1300]: 22
09-09 13:59:46.117 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.117 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System/System.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.118 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.dll [0x873cce00].
09-09 13:59:46.118 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System[0x99e10ac0] -> System.dll[0x885f1300]: 23
09-09 13:59:46.118 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.118 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System/System.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.118 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.dll [0x873cce00].
09-09 13:59:46.119 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System[0x99e10ac0] -> System.dll[0x885f1300]: 24
09-09 13:59:46.119 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.119 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System/System.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.125 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.dll [0x873cd300].
09-09 13:59:46.125 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System[0x99e48360] -> System.dll[0x885f1300]: 25
09-09 13:59:46.125 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.125 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System/System.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.126 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.dll [0x873cd300].
09-09 13:59:46.126 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System[0x99e48360] -> System.dll[0x885f1300]: 26
09-09 13:59:46.126 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.126 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System/System.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.127 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.dll [0x873cd300].
09-09 13:59:46.127 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System[0x99e48360] -> System.dll[0x885f1300]: 27
09-09 13:59:46.127 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.127 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System/System.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.127 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.dll [0x873cd300].
09-09 13:59:46.127 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System[0x99e48360] -> System.dll[0x885f1300]: 28
09-09 13:59:46.127 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.128 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System/System.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.133 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.dll [0x873cd800].
09-09 13:59:46.134 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System[0x99e48e40] -> System.dll[0x885f1300]: 29
09-09 13:59:46.134 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.134 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System/System.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.134 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.dll [0x873cd800].
09-09 13:59:46.134 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System[0x99e48e40] -> System.dll[0x885f1300]: 30
09-09 13:59:46.135 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.135 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System/System.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.135 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.dll [0x873cd800].
09-09 13:59:46.135 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System[0x99e48e40] -> System.dll[0x885f1300]: 31
09-09 13:59:46.135 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.135 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System/System.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.135 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.dll [0x873cd800].
09-09 13:59:46.135 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System[0x99e48e40] -> System.dll[0x885f1300]: 32
09-09 13:59:46.136 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.136 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System/System.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.142 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.dll [0x873cdd00].
09-09 13:59:46.142 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System[0x99e49560] -> System.dll[0x885f1300]: 33
09-09 13:59:46.142 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.142 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System/System.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.142 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.dll [0x873cdd00].
09-09 13:59:46.142 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System[0x99e49560] -> System.dll[0x885f1300]: 34
09-09 13:59:46.142 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.142 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System/System.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.143 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.dll [0x873cdd00].
09-09 13:59:46.143 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System[0x99e49560] -> System.dll[0x885f1300]: 35
09-09 13:59:46.143 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.143 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System/System.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.144 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.dll [0x873cdd00].
09-09 13:59:46.144 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System[0x99e49560] -> System.dll[0x885f1300]: 36
09-09 13:59:46.144 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.144 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System/System.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.151 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.dll [0x873ce200].
09-09 13:59:46.151 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System[0x99e49c80] -> System.dll[0x885f1300]: 37
09-09 13:59:46.151 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.151 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System/System.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.151 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.dll [0x873ce200].
09-09 13:59:46.151 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System[0x99e49c80] -> System.dll[0x885f1300]: 38
09-09 13:59:46.151 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.151 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System/System.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.151 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.dll [0x873ce200].
09-09 13:59:46.151 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System[0x99e49c80] -> System.dll[0x885f1300]: 39
09-09 13:59:46.152 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.152 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System/System.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.152 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.dll [0x873ce200].
09-09 13:59:46.152 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System[0x99e49c80] -> System.dll[0x885f1300]: 40
09-09 13:59:46.152 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.152 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System/System.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.159 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.dll [0x873ce700].
09-09 13:59:46.159 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System[0x99e4a520] -> System.dll[0x885f1300]: 41
09-09 13:59:46.159 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.160 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System/System.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.160 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.dll [0x873ce700].
09-09 13:59:46.160 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System[0x99e4a520] -> System.dll[0x885f1300]: 42
09-09 13:59:46.160 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.160 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System/System.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.161 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.dll [0x873ce700].
09-09 13:59:46.161 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System[0x99e4a520] -> System.dll[0x885f1300]: 43
09-09 13:59:46.161 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.161 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System/System.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.161 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.dll [0x873ce700].
09-09 13:59:46.161 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System[0x99e4a520] -> System.dll[0x885f1300]: 44
09-09 13:59:46.161 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.161 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System/System.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.231 W/Mono ( 3889): The request to load the assembly System.Core v4.0.0.0 was remapped to v2.0.5.0
09-09 13:59:46.231 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.Core.dll [0x873cfb00].
09-09 13:59:46.231 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System.Core[0x85ec74e0] -> System.Core.dll[0x9baea800]: 5
09-09 13:59:46.231 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.Core.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.231 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System.Core/System.Core.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.252 W/Mono ( 3889): The request to load the assembly System.Core v4.0.0.0 was remapped to v2.0.5.0
09-09 13:59:46.252 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.Core.dll [0x873cfb00].
09-09 13:59:46.252 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System.Core[0x85ec74e0] -> System.Core.dll[0x9baea800]: 6
09-09 13:59:46.252 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.Core.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.252 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System.Core/System.Core.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.278 W/Mono ( 3889): The request to load the assembly System.Core v4.0.0.0 was remapped to v2.0.5.0
09-09 13:59:46.278 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.Core.dll [0x873cfb00].
09-09 13:59:46.278 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System.Core[0x85ec74e0] -> System.Core.dll[0x9baea800]: 7
09-09 13:59:46.278 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.Core.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.279 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System.Core/System.Core.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.279 W/Mono ( 3889): The request to load the assembly System.Core v4.0.0.0 was remapped to v2.0.5.0
09-09 13:59:46.279 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.Core.dll [0x873cfb00].
09-09 13:59:46.279 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System.Core[0x85ec74e0] -> System.Core.dll[0x9baea800]: 8
09-09 13:59:46.279 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.Core.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.279 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System.Core/System.Core.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.284 W/Mono ( 3889): The request to load the assembly System.Core v4.0.0.0 was remapped to v2.0.5.0
09-09 13:59:46.284 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.Core.dll [0x873cfb00].
09-09 13:59:46.285 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System.Core[0x85ec74e0] -> System.Core.dll[0x9baea800]: 9
09-09 13:59:46.285 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.Core.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.285 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System.Core/System.Core.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.285 W/Mono ( 3889): The request to load the assembly System.Core v4.0.0.0 was remapped to v2.0.5.0
09-09 13:59:46.285 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.Core.dll [0x873cfb00].
09-09 13:59:46.285 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System.Core[0x85ec74e0] -> System.Core.dll[0x9baea800]: 10
09-09 13:59:46.286 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.Core.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.286 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System.Core/System.Core.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.292 W/Mono ( 3889): The request to load the assembly System.Core v4.0.0.0 was remapped to v2.0.5.0
09-09 13:59:46.292 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.Core.dll [0x873cfb00].
09-09 13:59:46.292 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System.Core[0x85ec74e0] -> System.Core.dll[0x9baea800]: 11
09-09 13:59:46.292 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.Core.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.292 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System.Core/System.Core.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.293 W/Mono ( 3889): The request to load the assembly System.Core v4.0.0.0 was remapped to v2.0.5.0
09-09 13:59:46.293 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.Core.dll [0x873cfb00].
09-09 13:59:46.293 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System.Core[0x85ec74e0] -> System.Core.dll[0x9baea800]: 12
09-09 13:59:46.293 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.Core.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.293 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System.Core/System.Core.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.300 W/Mono ( 3889): The request to load the assembly System.Core v4.0.0.0 was remapped to v2.0.5.0
09-09 13:59:46.300 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.Core.dll [0x873cfb00].
09-09 13:59:46.301 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System.Core[0x85ec74e0] -> System.Core.dll[0x9baea800]: 13
09-09 13:59:46.301 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.Core.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.301 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System.Core/System.Core.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.301 W/Mono ( 3889): The request to load the assembly System.Core v4.0.0.0 was remapped to v2.0.5.0
09-09 13:59:46.301 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.Core.dll [0x873cfb00].
09-09 13:59:46.301 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System.Core[0x85ec74e0] -> System.Core.dll[0x9baea800]: 14
09-09 13:59:46.301 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.Core.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.301 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System.Core/System.Core.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.307 W/Mono ( 3889): The request to load the assembly System.Core v4.0.0.0 was remapped to v2.0.5.0
09-09 13:59:46.307 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.Core.dll [0x873cfb00].
09-09 13:59:46.307 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System.Core[0x85ec74e0] -> System.Core.dll[0x9baea800]: 15
09-09 13:59:46.307 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.Core.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.307 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System.Core/System.Core.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.307 W/Mono ( 3889): The request to load the assembly System.Core v4.0.0.0 was remapped to v2.0.5.0
09-09 13:59:46.308 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.Core.dll [0x873cfb00].
09-09 13:59:46.308 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System.Core[0x85ec74e0] -> System.Core.dll[0x9baea800]: 16
09-09 13:59:46.308 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.Core.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.308 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System.Core/System.Core.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.313 W/Mono ( 3889): The request to load the assembly System.Core v4.0.0.0 was remapped to v2.0.5.0
09-09 13:59:46.314 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.Core.dll [0x873cfb00].
09-09 13:59:46.314 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System.Core[0x85ec74e0] -> System.Core.dll[0x9baea800]: 17
09-09 13:59:46.314 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.Core.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.314 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System.Core/System.Core.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.314 W/Mono ( 3889): The request to load the assembly System.Core v4.0.0.0 was remapped to v2.0.5.0
09-09 13:59:46.314 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.Core.dll [0x873cfb00].
09-09 13:59:46.314 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System.Core[0x85ec74e0] -> System.Core.dll[0x9baea800]: 18
09-09 13:59:46.314 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.Core.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.315 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System.Core/System.Core.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.321 W/Mono ( 3889): The request to load the assembly System.Core v4.0.0.0 was remapped to v2.0.5.0
09-09 13:59:46.321 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.Core.dll [0x873cfb00].
09-09 13:59:46.321 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System.Core[0x85ec74e0] -> System.Core.dll[0x9baea800]: 19
09-09 13:59:46.321 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.Core.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.321 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System.Core/System.Core.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.321 W/Mono ( 3889): The request to load the assembly System.Core v4.0.0.0 was remapped to v2.0.5.0
09-09 13:59:46.321 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.Core.dll [0x873cfb00].
09-09 13:59:46.322 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System.Core[0x85ec74e0] -> System.Core.dll[0x9baea800]: 20
09-09 13:59:46.322 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.Core.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.322 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System.Core/System.Core.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.327 W/Mono ( 3889): The request to load the assembly System.Core v4.0.0.0 was remapped to v2.0.5.0
09-09 13:59:46.328 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.Core.dll [0x873cfb00].
09-09 13:59:46.328 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System.Core[0x85ec74e0] -> System.Core.dll[0x9baea800]: 21
09-09 13:59:46.328 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.Core.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.328 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System.Core/System.Core.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.328 W/Mono ( 3889): The request to load the assembly System.Core v4.0.0.0 was remapped to v2.0.5.0
09-09 13:59:46.328 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.Core.dll [0x873cfb00].
09-09 13:59:46.328 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System.Core[0x85ec74e0] -> System.Core.dll[0x9baea800]: 22
09-09 13:59:46.328 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.Core.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.328 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System.Core/System.Core.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.334 W/Mono ( 3889): The request to load the assembly System.Core v4.0.0.0 was remapped to v2.0.5.0
09-09 13:59:46.335 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.Core.dll [0x873cfb00].
09-09 13:59:46.335 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System.Core[0x85ec74e0] -> System.Core.dll[0x9baea800]: 23
09-09 13:59:46.335 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.Core.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.335 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System.Core/System.Core.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.335 W/Mono ( 3889): The request to load the assembly System.Core v4.0.0.0 was remapped to v2.0.5.0
09-09 13:59:46.335 D/Mono ( 3889): Unloading image System.Core.dll [0x873cfb00].
09-09 13:59:46.335 D/Mono ( 3889): Image addref System.Core[0x85ec74e0] -> System.Core.dll[0x9baea800]: 24
09-09 13:59:46.335 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: 'System.Core.dll.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.335 D/Mono ( 3889): Config attempting to parse: '/usr/local/etc/mono/assemblies/System.Core/System.Core.config'.
09-09 13:59:46.370 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x860f9920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.370 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x860f9920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.372 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x866ff920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.372 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x866ff920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.372 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x866ff920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.372 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.373 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x866ff920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.376 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x86800920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.376 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x862fb920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.376 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x862fb920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.377 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x862fb920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.377 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x86800920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.377 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x86800920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.377 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.377 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.377 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.377 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x860f9920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.378 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x861fa920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.378 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x862fb920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.378 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x862fb920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.378 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x86800920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.378 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x86800920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.378 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.378 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.378 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.378 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.379 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x865fe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.379 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x860f9920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.379 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x860f9920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.379 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x861fa920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.379 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x861fa920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.379 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x862fb920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.379 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x862fb920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.379 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x86800920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.379 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x86800920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.380 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x863fc920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.380 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.382 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x866ff920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.383 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x861fa920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.383 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x861fa920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.383 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x862fb920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.383 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x862fb920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.383 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x86800920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.383 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x86800920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.383 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x863fc920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.383 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x863fc920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.383 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x864fd920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.383 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.383 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.384 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x865fe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.384 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x865fe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.384 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x860f9920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.384 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x860f9920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.384 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x861fa920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.384 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x862fb920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.384 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x861fa920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.385 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.385 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x866ff920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.385 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x866ff920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.385 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x863fc920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.385 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x863fc920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.385 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87dfe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.386 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x864fd920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.386 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x864fd920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.386 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.386 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.387 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x865fe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.390 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x860f9920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.393 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x86800920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.393 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x861fa920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.393 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x861fa920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.394 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.394 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.394 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x866ff920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.394 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x866ff920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.394 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x864fd920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.394 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x864fd920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.395 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x863fc920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.395 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x863fc920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.395 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.396 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x861fa920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.396 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.398 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x866ff920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.398 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x866ff920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.395 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87dfe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.398 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87dfe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.398 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x863fc920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.403 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x866ff920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.407 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87dfe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.416 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.418 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x864fd920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.418 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x864fd920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.426 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.426 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.426 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x864fd920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.426 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x864fd920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.454 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.459 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x864fd920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.462 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x861fa920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.463 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x861fa920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.463 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x861fa920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.465 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x861fa920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.468 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.474 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.474 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.475 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x863fc920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.478 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x863fc920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.478 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x863fc920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.480 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.480 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.493 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x863fc920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.494 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.494 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.494 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.494 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.496 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x863fc920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.496 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.496 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.496 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x865fe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.496 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x863fc920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.496 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x863fc920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.496 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x864fd920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.497 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x86800920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.497 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.497 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.497 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.497 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x861fa920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.501 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x865fe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.501 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x862fb920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.501 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x865fe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.503 D/Mono ( 3889): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)').
09-09 13:59:46.503 D/Mono ( 3889): Searching for 'java_interop_jnienv_new_byte_array'.
09-09 13:59:46.503 D/Mono ( 3889): Probing 'java_interop_jnienv_new_byte_array'.
09-09 13:59:46.503 D/Mono ( 3889): Found as 'java_interop_jnienv_new_byte_array'.
09-09 13:59:46.505 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87dfe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.505 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x864fd920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.505 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x864fd920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.505 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x860f9920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.506 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x863fc920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.506 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x863fc920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.506 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x86800920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:46.506 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x86800920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.506 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x866ff920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:46.509 D/ArticleTeaserView( 3889): Image load completed:
09-09 13:59:46.516 D/ArticleTeaserView( 3889): Image load completed:
09-09 13:59:46.517 D/ArticleTeaserView( 3889): Image load completed:
09-09 13:59:46.518 D/ArticleTeaserView( 3889): Image load completed:
09-09 13:59:46.520 D/ArticleTeaserView( 3889): Image load completed:
09-09 13:59:46.521 D/ArticleTeaserView( 3889): Image load completed:
09-09 13:59:46.529 D/ImageService( 3889): Failed loading image %s: %s
09-09 13:59:46.529 D/ArticleTeaserView( 3889): Image load completed:[]=480x270q80
09-09 13:59:46.531 D/ArticleTeaserView( 3889): Image load completed:
09-09 13:59:46.531 D/ImageService( 3889): Failed loading image %s: %s
09-09 13:59:46.531 D/ArticleTeaserView( 3889): Image load completed:[]=480x270q80
09-09 13:59:48.312 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:48.313 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:48.313 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:48.313 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:48.313 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x861fa920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:48.313 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x861fa920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:48.313 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x862fb920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:48.313 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x865fe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:48.314 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x865fe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:48.314 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87dfe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:48.314 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87dfe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:48.314 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x864fd920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:48.315 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x864fd920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:48.315 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x863fc920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:48.315 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x863fc920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:48.315 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x862fb920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:48.315 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x860f9920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:48.315 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x860f9920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:48.316 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x86800920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:48.316 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x86800920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:48.364 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x866ff920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:48.365 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:48.365 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x866ff920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:48.366 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x861fa920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:48.366 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x861fa920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:48.367 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:48.367 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x865fe920] worker unparking, timeout? no interrupted? no
09-09 13:59:48.368 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87afe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:48.368 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x865fe920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:48.373 D/Mono ( 3889): [0x87bff920] worker parking
09-09 13:59:48.373 D/ArticleTeaserView( 3889): Image load completed:
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