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Created January 5, 2016 12:08
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  • Save Nilzor/78e9e4a4cd14268a7fe2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Nilzor/78e9e4a4cd14268a7fe2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Android screenshot and video grab helper script for PowerShell
Records a video to a temp file on the device then downloads to local system and deletes temp file.
Destination path and file on local file system
Author : Frode Nilsen <>
And-Record c:\temp\video.mp4
.LINK #>
function global:And-Record() {
[String] $DestFile
$FileName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($DestFile)
Write-Host "Recording video to $FileName. Ctrl+C when done"
if ($FileName -eq "") { Write-Error "'DestFile' must include a file name" }
else {
$TempDeviceFile = "/sdcard/temp-video.mp4"
Start-Process -Wait "adb" -ArgumentList "shell screenrecord $TempDeviceFile"
adb pull $TempDeviceFile $DestFile
adb shell rm $TempDeviceFile
Grabs a screenshot and optionally resizes it to a scale of choice.
Resizing depends on Imagemagick being installed.
Destination path and file on local file system
.PARAMETER ResizePercent
Scale in percentage. If not provided will not rescale
Author : Frode Nilsen <>
And-Screenshot c:\temp\screenshot.png
function global:And-Screenshot() {
[String] $DestFile,
[Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$FALSE)]
[int] $ResizePercent
if ($ResizePercent -eq "") { $ResizePercent = "33" }
$FileName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($DestFile)
if ($FileName -eq "") { Write-Error "'DestFile' must include a file name" }
else {
$ResizePercentStr = "$ResizePercent%"
$OutStr = "Screngrabbing to $DestFile"
if ($ResizePercent -ne "100") {
$OutStr += " and resizing to $ResizePercentStr of original size"
Write-Host $OutStr
$TempDeviceFile = "/sdcard/temp-screen.png"
adb shell screencap -p $TempDeviceFile
adb pull $TempDeviceFile $DestFile
adb shell rm $TempDeviceFile
if ($ResizePercent -ne "100") {
convert $DestFile -resize $ResizePercentStr $DestFile
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