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# go勉強会、ソースコードリーディングの会vol.1
福岡でGoやってる! なにそれ?面白そう? とか、Goroutine気になるだとか!
CやC++でシステムプヨグヤミングやりたくないぽよ! とか思う人のためのGo勉強会でつ!
## 今回メンバー構成
(defmacro ++ (&rest rest)
`(concatenate 'string ,@rest))
(let ((name "John"))
(princ (++ "Hello, " name "\n")))
# 問題: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, ...
# という数列のn番目の数字を求める関数を書け
f = (n) -> n + 5
solve = (index)->
ret = ""
cnt = 0
while true
ret += f(cnt++)
(define (expr num1)
(lambda (op)
(cond [(member op '("+" "*" "-" "/"))
(lambda (num2) (expr ((eval (string->symbol op)) num1 num2)))]
[else num1])))
((((((((expr 4) "+") 3) "*") 2) "-") 1) "=")
(define (expr x)
(define (calc op oprnd ans)
(if (null? op)
(calc (cdr op) (cdr oprnd) ((car op) ans (car oprnd)))))
(define (expr-sub x op-stack oprnd-stack)
(cond [(number? x)
(lambda (y) (expr-sub y op-stack (cons x oprnd-stack)))]
[(member x '("+" "*" "-" "/"))
(lambda (y) (expr-sub y (cons (eval (string->symbol x)) op-stack) oprnd-stack))]
require "./rpn"
describe "rpn" do
it "" do
to eq(->(){
comp1 = 3 * 2;
comp2 = 3 + comp1;
comp3 = comp2 - 1;
return comp3 }.call)
(function (global)
var expr = function (n)
var utilities = {
"+": function (a, b) { return a + b; },
"-": function (a, b) { return a - b; },
"*": function (a, b) { return a * b; },
"/": function (a, b) { return a / b; }
(function (global)
var expr = function (n)
var utilities = {
"+": function (a) { return function(b){ return a + b; } },
"-": function (a) { return function(b){ return a - b; } },
"*": function (a) { return function(b){ return a * b; } },
"/": function (a) { return function(b){ return a / b; } }
(function ()
function partial(fun)
var _slice = [].slice,
args =;
return function ()
return fun.apply(this, args.concat(;
var Switch = function(expr){
return new YetSucceed(expr);
var Succeed = { case : function(cond,proc){ return this; } };
var YetSucceed = function(expr){ this.expr = expr; }; = function(cond, proc){
if(cond() === this.expr){