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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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Save Noitidart/081ef49002a90fe43005 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
_ff-addon-tutorial-jsctypes_castingArrays - Shows how to cast arrays.
//doing casting like this crashes: it is the WRONG way
//making integers array like this is wrong, it throws type error, obviously
var my = ctypes.long.ptr.array()([1, 2, 3, 4]);
TypeError: expected type pointer, got 1
// so we make arr like this
var my = ctypes.long.array()([1, 2, 3, 4]);
my.addressOfElement(1).contents; // spits out `Int64 { }`
my.toString(): "ctypes.long.array(4)([ctypes.Int64("1"), ctypes.Int64("2"), ctypes.Int64("3"), ctypes.Int64("4")])"
// if i do it like this it destroys the remaining elementsi n array, i just get the first element
var cy = ctypes.cast(my,;
cy.toString(): ""
// this way is also the wrong way to cast, it also destroys all after the first element
var cy = ctypes.cast(my,;
cy.toString(); // this outputs: ""0x1"))"
// if do like this accessing elements on it crashes
var my = ctypes.long.array()([1, 2, 3, 4]);
var my2 = ctypes.cast(my,
//now this line doesnt crash it yet:
my2.addressOfElement(1) // it just spits out `CData { contents: CData }` // i was hoping contents should be same as `my.addressOfElement(1).contents;` but casted
//now this line crashes it:
// -------------------
// after finding an example out there that worked and studying it:
// ok this is something that works, i found this on github, from linux jsctypes, so i need arg 1 and arg2 in the form of this seen here:
ctypes.cast(ctypes.char.ptr(), ctypes.unsigned_long.array(nElements).ptr)
// i figured this out cuz we they did here: ctypes.cast(propData, ctypes.unsigned_long.array(nElements).ptr)
and propData is set to equal new ctypes.char.ptr();
// now this is what i need to get first arg to:
var cy =
cy.constructor: CType { targetType: CType, name: "int*", size: 4, ptr: CType, prototype: CData }
// ok now i have to keep going until i can get constructor of first arg i want to pass to ctypes.cast to match cy.constructor
// this is what i have:
var my =[1, 2, 3, 4]); //this is how to make an array of integers
my.constructor: CType { elementType: CType, length: 4, name: "int[4]", size: 16, ptr: CType, prototype: CData }
my.toString(): "[1, 2, 3, 4])"
// ok lets try to get the consturctor:
my.constructor: CType { elementType: CType, length: 4, name: "int[4]", size: 16, ptr: CType, prototype: CData }
// this doesnt match constructor of cy.constructor, as we dont have a targetType
//lets try my.address()'s constructor:
my.address().constructor: CType { targetType: CType, name: "int(*)[4]", size: 4, ptr: CType, prototype: CData }
// ok this matches the object seen in cy.constructor!!!
// ok trying it:
var ry = ctypes.cast(my.address(), ctypes.unsigned_long.array(4).ptr)
ry.constructor: CType { targetType: CType, name: "unsigned_long(*)[4]", size: 4, ptr: CType, prototype: CData }
// so now ry.contents should be ctypes.unsinged_long.array(4)([1, 2, 3, 4])
ry.contents.toString(): "ctypes.unsigned_long.array(4)([ctypes.UInt64("1"), ctypes.UInt64("2"), ctypes.UInt64("3"), ctypes.UInt64("4")])"
// so ry.contents.toString() is casted of my.toString()
// this shows that ry is succesfully casted from my. my type was int and ry type is now unsigned_long
// THEREFORE in conclusion:
var my = ctypes.long.array()([1, 2, 3, 4]); // my.addressOfElement(1).contents; is `Int64 { }` and my.addressOfElement(1).contents.toString() is `"2"`
var myCasted = ctypes.cast(my.address(),; // myCasted.addressOfElement(1).contents is now `2`
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reading string from voidtpr_t cast

var a = ctypes.jschar.array()('hi');
var b = ctypes.cast(a, ctypes.voidptr_t)
var c = ctypes.cast(b.address(), ctypes.jschar.array(3).ptr)

"ctypes.char16_t.array(3)(["h", "i", "\x00"])"

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