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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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_ff-addon-snippet-ObjC_CF_ControlDock - Using js-ctypes to utilize Objective-C and CoreFoundation to control the icons in the dock. Adapted from Chromium. [macosx] [objectivec] [corefoundation] [jsctypes]
var objc ='objc'));
var libcf ='/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/CoreFoundation');
// CoreFoundation Types
var TYPES = {
__CFAllocator: new ctypes.StructType('__CFAllocator'),
__CFDictionary: new ctypes.StructType('__CFDictionary'),
__CFURL: new ctypes.StructType('__CFURL'),
CFPropertyListRef: ctypes.voidptr_t,
CFTypeID: ctypes.unsigned_long,
CFTypeRef: ctypes.voidptr_t
// CoreFoundation Advanced Types
TYPES.CFAllocatorRef = TYPES.__CFAllocator.ptr;
TYPES.CFDictionaryRef = TYPES.__CFDictionary.ptr;
// CoreFoundation Declares
var _CFURLCopyPropertyListRepresentation = libcf.declare('_CFURLCopyPropertyListRepresentation', ctypes.default_abi, TYPES.CFPropertyListRef, TYPES.CFURLRef);
var _CFURLCreateFromPropertyListRepresentation = libcf.declare('_CFURLCopyPropertyListRepresentation', ctypes.default_abi, TYPES.CFURLRef, TYPES.CFAllocatorRef, TYPES.CFPropertyListRef);
//var _CFURLCopyPropertyListRepresentation = libcf.declare('_CFURLCopyPropertyListRepresentation', ctypes.default_abi, ctypes.voidptr_t, ctypes.voidptr_t);
//var _CFURLCreateFromPropertyListRepresentation = libcf.declare('_CFURLCopyPropertyListRepresentation', ctypes.default_abi, ctypes.voidptr_t, ctypes.voidptr_t, ctypes.voidptr_t);
var CFGetTypeID = libcf.declare('CFGetTypeID', ctypes.default_abi, TYPES.CFTypeID, TYPES.CFTypeRef);
var CFDictionaryGetTypeID = libcf.declare('CFDictionaryGetTypeID', ctypes.default_abi, TYPES.CFTypeID);
// types
var ID = ctypes.voidptr_t;
var SEL = ctypes.voidptr_t;
var BOOL = ctypes.signed_char;
var CHAR = ctypes.char;
if (bit64) {
var NSUInteger = ctypes.unsigned_long;
} else {
var NSUInteger = ctypes.unsigned_int;
// constants
var bit64 = (ctypes.voidptr_t.size == 8);
var NIL = ctypes.voidptr_t(ctypes.UInt64('0x0'));
var NO = ctypes.voidptr_t(ctypes.UInt64('0x0'));
var YES = ctypes.voidptr_t(ctypes.UInt64('0x1'))
if (bit64) {
var NSIntegerMax = ctypes.Int64('0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF'); /*toString: 9223372036854775807 /*python: 2 ** 63 -1) */
var NSIntegerMin = ctypes.Int64('-9223372036854775808'); /*python: -(2 ** 63)) */
var NSUIntegerMax = ctypes.UInt64('0xffffffffffffffff'); /*toString: 18446744073709551615*/ /*python: 2**64-1) */
} else {
var NSIntegerMax = Math.pow(2, 31) - 1; /*python: 2 ** 31 -1) */
var NSIntegerMin = Math.pow(2, 31) * -1; /*python: -(2 ** 31)) */
var NSUIntegerMax = Math.pow(2, 32) - 1; /*python: 2**32-1) */
var NSNotFound = NSIntegerMax; // NSNotFound is different on 32 bit vs 64 bit platforms, so don't hardcode or store that value anywhere. //
//common functions
var objc_getClass = objc.declare('objc_getClass', ctypes.default_abi, ID, ctypes.char.ptr);
var sel_registerName = objc.declare('sel_registerName', ctypes.default_abi, SEL, ctypes.char.ptr);
var objc_msgSend = objc.declare('objc_msgSend', ctypes.default_abi, ID, ID, SEL, '...');
//common selectors
var alloc = sel_registerName('alloc');
var init = sel_registerName('init');
var release = sel_registerName('release');
// start helper functions
var __sel_registerName = {};
function _sel_registerName(jsStr) {
if (!(jsStr in __sel_registerName)) {
__sel_registerName[jsStr] = sel_registerName(jsStr);'__sel_registerName ::', jsStr + ':', __sel_registerName[jsStr], __sel_registerName[jsStr].toString(), uneval(__sel_registerName[jsStr]), __sel_registerName[jsStr].isNull());
return __sel_registerName[jsStr];
var __objc_getClass = {};
function _objc_getClass(jsStr) {
if (!(jsStr in __objc_getClass)) {
__objc_getClass[jsStr] = objc_getClass(jsStr);'__objc_getClass ::', jsStr + ':', __objc_getClass[jsStr], __objc_getClass[jsStr].toString(), uneval(__objc_getClass[jsStr]), __objc_getClass[jsStr].isNull());
return __objc_getClass[jsStr];
var __NSString = {};
function _NSString(jsStr) {
if (!(jsStr in __NSString)) {
var NSString = _objc_getClass('NSString');
var initWithUTF8String = _sel_registerName('initWithUTF8String:');
__NSString[jsStr] = objc_msgSend(objc_msgSend(NSString, alloc), initWithUTF8String, CHAR.array()(jsStr));'NSString.alloc ::', jsStr + ':', __NSString[jsStr], __NSString[jsStr].toString(), uneval(__NSString[jsStr]), __NSString[jsStr].isNull());
return __NSString[jsStr];
var __isKindOfClassHelper = {};
function _isKindOfClassHelper(jsStr) {
if (!(jsStr in __isKindOfClassHelper)) {
var isKindOfClass = _objc_getClass('isKindOfClass:');
var obj = _objc_getClass(jsStr);
var sel_class = _sel_registerName('class');
__isKindOfClassHelper[jsStr] = objc_msgSend(obj, sel_class);'__isKindOfClassHelper ::', jsStr + ':', __isKindOfClassHelper[jsStr], __isKindOfClassHelper[jsStr].toString(), uneval(__isKindOfClassHelper[jsStr]), __isKindOfClassHelper[jsStr].isNull());
return __isKindOfClassHelper[jsStr];
// end helper functions
var autorelease_pool;
function AddIcon(installed_path /* NSString* */, dmg_app_path /* NSString* */) {
// autorelease_pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]
var NSAutoreleasePool = _objc_getClass('NSAutoreleasePool');
autorelease_pool = objc_msgSend(objc_msgSend(NSAutoreleasePool, alloc), init);
// NSUserDefaults* user_defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
var NSUserDefaults = _objc_getClass('NSUserDefaults');
var standardUserDefaults = _sel_registerName('standardUserDefaults');
var user_defaults = objc_msgSend(NSUserDefaults, standardUserDefaults);'user_defaults:', user_defaults, user_defaults.toString(), uneval(user_defaults), user_defaults.isNull());
// NSString* const kDockDomain = @"";
var kDockDomain = _NSString('');
// NSDictionary* dock_plist_const = [user_defaults persistentDomainForName:kDockDomain];
var persistentDomainForName = _sel_registerName('persistentDomainForName:');
var dock_plist_const = objc_msgSend(user_defaults, persistentDomainForName, kDockDomain);'dock_plist_const:', dock_plist_const, dock_plist_const.toString(), uneval(dock_plist_const), dock_plist_const.isNull());
// Bool dpc_class_is_nsd [dock_plist_const isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]
// Class nsd_class [NSDictionary class]
var nsd_class = _isKindOfClassHelper('NSDictionary');
// Bool dpc_class_is_nsd [dock_plist_const isKindOfClass:nsd_class]
var isKindOfClass = _sel_registerName('isKindOfClass:');
var dpc_class_is_nsd = objc_msgSend(dock_plist_const, isKindOfClass, nsd_class);'dpc_class_is_nsd:', dpc_class_is_nsd, dpc_class_is_nsd.toString(), uneval(dpc_class_is_nsd), dpc_class_is_nsd.isNull());
if (dpc_class_is_nsd.toString() == NO.toString()) {
throw 'IconAddFailure :: dock_plist_const not NSDictionary';
// NSMutableDictionary* dock_plist = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:dock_plist_const];
var NSMutableDictionary = _objc_getClass('NSMutableDictionary');
var dictionaryWithDictionary = _sel_registerName('dictionaryWithDictionary:');
var dock_plist = objc_msgSend(NSMutableDictionary, dictionaryWithDictionary, dock_plist_const);'dock_plist:', dock_plist, dock_plist.toString(), uneval(dock_plist), dock_plist.isNull());
// NSString* const kDockPersistentAppsKey = @"persistent-apps";
var kDockPersistentAppsKey = _NSString('persistent-apps');
// NSArray* persistent_apps_const = [dock_plist objectForKey:kDockPersistentAppsKey];
var objectForKey = _sel_registerName('objectForKey:');
var persistent_apps_const = objc_msgSend(dock_plist, objectForKey, kDockPersistentAppsKey);'persistent_apps_const:', persistent_apps_const, persistent_apps_const.toString(), uneval(persistent_apps_const), persistent_apps_const.isNull());
// Bool pac_class_is_nsa [persistent_apps_const isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]
// [NSArray class]
var nsa_class = _isKindOfClassHelper('NSArray');
// Bool pac_class_is_nsa [persistent_apps_const isKindOfClass:nsa_class]
var pac_class_is_nsa = objc_msgSend(persistent_apps_const, isKindOfClass, nsa_class);'pac_class_is_nsa:', pac_class_is_nsa, pac_class_is_nsa.toString(), uneval(pac_class_is_nsa), pac_class_is_nsa.isNull());
if (pac_class_is_nsa.toString() == NO.toString()) {
throw 'IconAddFailure :: persistent_apps_const not NSArray';
// NSMutableArray* persistent_apps = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:persistent_apps_const];
var NSMutableArray = _objc_getClass('NSMutableArray');
var arrayWithArray = _sel_registerName('arrayWithArray:');
var persistent_apps = objc_msgSend(NSMutableArray, arrayWithArray, persistent_apps_const);'persistent_apps:', persistent_apps, persistent_apps.toString(), uneval(persistent_apps), persistent_apps.isNull());
// NSMutableArray* persistent_app_paths = PersistentAppPaths(persistent_apps);
var persistent_app_paths = PersistentAppPaths(persistent_apps);
return; //debug
if (persistent_app_paths.isNull()) {
throw 'IconAddFailure';
//NSUInteger already_installed_app_index = NSNotFound;
var already_installed_app_index = NSNotFound;
//NSUInteger app_index = NSNotFound;
var app_index = NSNotFound
function PersistentAppPaths(persistent_apps /* NSArray* */) {
// Returns an array parallel to |persistent_apps| containing only the
// pathnames of the Dock tiles contained therein. Returns nil on failure, such
// as when the structure of |persistent_apps| is not understood.
// returns NSMutableArray*
// NSMutableArray* app_paths = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:[persistent_apps count]];
// NSUInteger pac [persistent_apps count]
var count = _sel_registerName('count');
var objc_msgSend_NSUInteger = objc.declare('objc_msgSend', ctypes.default_abi, NSUInteger, ID, SEL, '...');
var pac = objc_msgSend_NSUInteger(persistent_apps, count);'pac:', pac, pac.toString(), uneval(pac), parseInt(pac)); // this is number of "kept in dock" items
// NSMutableArray* app_paths = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:pac];
var NSMutableArray = _objc_getClass('NSMutableArray');
var arrayWithCapacity = _sel_registerName('arrayWithCapacity:');
var app_paths = objc_msgSend(NSMutableArray, arrayWithCapacity, ctypes.voidptr_t(pac)); //have to voidptr_t pac as objc_msgSend is declared to take ID which voidptr_t'app_paths:', app_paths, app_paths.toString(), uneval(app_paths), app_paths.isNull());
// for (NSDictionary* app in persistent_apps) {
for (var i=0; i<parseInt(pac); i++) {
// NSDictionary* app = [persistent_apps objectAtIndex: [NSUInteger i]] // can use objectAtIndexo n persistent_apps even though its a NSMutableArray because NSMutalbleArray inherites from NSArray (per docs) and NSArray has the objectAtIndex: function
//var preI = NSUInteger(i);
console.error('targeting i:', i);
var iCasted = NSUInteger(i); //ctypes.cast(preI, ctypes.voidptr_t); // this line is sometiems, like first run of code, throwing this `Error: target CType has undefined or larger size than source CType Stack trace: PersistentAppPaths@Scratchpad/1:197:17` //`ctypes.voidptr_t(NSUInteger(i));` wouldn't work it would say "expected type pointer got ctyeps.usnigned_long(ctypes.UInt64(0))" where 0 was the value of i
var objectAtIndex = _sel_registerName('objectAtIndex:');
var app = objc_msgSend(persistent_apps, objectAtIndex, iCasted);'app:', app, app.toString(), uneval(app), app.isNull());
// Bool app_class_is_nsd [app isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]
// Class nsd_class [NSDictionary class]
var nsd_class = _isKindOfClassHelper('NSDictionary');
// Bool app_class_is_nsd [app isKindOfClass:nsd_class]
var isKindOfClass = _sel_registerName('isKindOfClass:');
var app_class_is_nsd = objc_msgSend(app, isKindOfClass, nsd_class);'app_class_is_nsd:', app_class_is_nsd, app_class_is_nsd.toString(), uneval(app_class_is_nsd), app_class_is_nsd.isNull());
if (app_class_is_nsd.toString() == NO.toString()) {
throw 'app not NSDictionary';
var kDockTileDataKey = _NSString('tile-data');
// NSDictionary* tile_data = [app objectForKey:kDockTileDataKey];
var objectForKey = _sel_registerName('objectForKey:');
var tile_data = objc_msgSend(app, objectForKey, kDockTileDataKey);'tile_data:', tile_data, tile_data.toString(), uneval(tile_data), tile_data.isNull());
// Bool td_class_is_nsd [tile_data isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]
var nsd_class = _isKindOfClassHelper('NSDictionary')
var td_class_is_nsd = objc_msgSend(tile_data, isKindOfClass, nsd_class);'td_class_is_nsd:', td_class_is_nsd, td_class_is_nsd.toString(), uneval(td_class_is_nsd), td_class_is_nsd.isNull());
if (td_class_is_nsd.toString() == NO.toString()) {
throw 'tile_data not NSDictionary';
var kDockFileDataKey = _NSString('file-data');
// NSDictionary* file_data = [app objectForKey:kDockFileDataKey];
var objectForKey = _sel_registerName('objectForKey:');
var file_data = objc_msgSend(tile_data, objectForKey, kDockFileDataKey);'file_data:', file_data, file_data.toString(), uneval(file_data), file_data.isNull());
// Bool fd_class_is_nsd [file_data isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]
var nsd_class = _isKindOfClassHelper('NSDictionary')
var fd_class_is_nsd = objc_msgSend(file_data, isKindOfClass, nsd_class);'fd_class_is_nsd:', fd_class_is_nsd, fd_class_is_nsd.toString(), uneval(fd_class_is_nsd), fd_class_is_nsd.isNull());
// start - just me doing checking - comment says tile-type should be some specail value i want to see that
var kDockTileTypeKey = _NSString('tile-type');
var objectForKey = _sel_registerName('objectForKey:');
var tile_type = objc_msgSend(app, objectForKey, kDockTileTypeKey);'tile_type:', tile_type, tile_type.toString(), uneval(tile_type), tile_type.isNull());
// im guessing tile_type is NSString, lets test it
var nss_class = _isKindOfClassHelper('NSString')
var tt_class_is_nss = objc_msgSend(tile_type, isKindOfClass, nss_class);'tt_class_is_nss:', tt_class_is_nss, tt_class_is_nss.toString(), uneval(tt_class_is_nss), tt_class_is_nss.isNull());
// yes this verifies that it is NSString, lets try to read it
var UTF8String = _sel_registerName('UTF8String');
var tt_read = objc_msgSend(tile_type, UTF8String);'tt_read:', tt_read, tt_read.toString(), uneval(tt_read), tt_read.isNull());
var tt_read_casted = ctypes.cast(tt_read, ctypes.unsigned_char.ptr); //had to use ctypes.unsigned_char cuz when i used ctypes.char the contents was -96 (note teh negative), with ctypes.unsigned_char it was 128. althought doing readStr with negative contents worked, way weird. and sometimes using ctypes.char doesnt reutrn negative contents number, weird'tt_read_casted:', tt_read_casted, tt_read_casted.toString(), uneval(tt_read_casted), tt_read_casted.isNull());
var tt_read_jsStr = tt_read_casted.readString();
console.error('tt_read_jsStr:', tt_read_jsStr, tt_read_jsStr.toString(), uneval(tt_read_jsStr)); // TypeError: tt_read_jsStr.isNull is not a function
// tt_read_jsStr value i ahve seen are: "file-tile"
// end - just me doing checking - comment says tile-type should be some specail value i want to see that
if (fd_class_is_nsd.toString() == NO.toString()) {
// Some apps (e.g. Dashboard) have no file data, but instead have a
// special value for the tile-type key. For these, add an empty string to
// align indexes with the source array.
// [app_paths addObject:@""];
var addObject = _sel_registerName('addObject:');
var rez_addObject = objc_msgSend(app_paths, addObject, _NSString(''));'rez_addObject:', rez_addObject, rez_addObject.toString(), uneval(rez_addObject), rez_addObject.isNull());
console.error('`continue` to skip to next for, as was blank')
} else {
console.error('will not `continue` to skip as fd_class_is_nsd is YES');
//return; //debug
// NSURL* url = NSURLCreateFromDictionary(file_data);
var url = NSURLCreateFromDictionary(file_data);
return; //debug
if (url.isNull()) {
throw 'no URL';
//return; //debug
// Bool url_isfileurl [url isFileURL]
var isFileURL = _sel_registerName('isFileURL');
var url_isfileurl = objc_msgSend(url, isFileURL);'url_isfileurl:', url_isfileurl, url_isfileurl.toString(), uneval(url_isfileurl), url_isfileurl.isNull());
if (url_isfileurl.toString() == NO.toString()) {
throw 'non-file URL';
// NSString* path = [url path];
var path = _sel_registerName('path');
var path_NSString = objc_msgSend(url, path);
// [app_paths addObject:path];
var addObject = _sel_registerName('addObject:');
var rez_addObject = objc_msgSend(app_paths, addObject, path_NSString);'rez_addObject:', rez_addObject, rez_addObject.toString(), uneval(rez_addObject), rez_addObject.isNull());
return app_paths;
function NSURLCreateFromDictionary(dictionary /* NSDictionary* */) {
// CFDictionaryRef dictionary_cf = base::mac:NSToCFCast(dictionary);'dictionary:', dictionary, dictionary.toString(), uneval(dictionary));
var dictionary_cf = NSToCFCast(dictionary, 'Dictionary'); // i'm guessing because i use ctypes.voidptr_t for everything, i dont have to NSToCFCast, i'm testing it out now
//var dictionary_cf = dictionary;
//return; //debug
// base::ScopedCFTypeRef<CFURLRef> url_cf( _CFURLCreateFromPropertyListRepresentation(NULL, dictionary_cf) );
var specific_NIL = ctypes.cast(ctypes.uint64_t('0x0'), TYPES.CFAllocatorRef);
var url_cf = _CFURLCreateFromPropertyListRepresentation(specific_NIL, dictionary_cf);'url_cf:', url_cf, url_cf.toString(), uneval(url_cf), url_cf.isNull());
return; //debug
//var scopedCFURLRef = url_cf; //url_cf(aCFURLRef); // i found here that `NSURL* url_ns = base::mac::CFToNSCast(url_cf);` so i'm guessing `url_cf` is just NSToCFCast and is CFURL* im guessing
//'scopedCFURLRef:', scopedCFURLRef, scopedCFURLRef.toString(), uneval(scopedCFURLRef), scopedCFURLRef.isNull());
// NSURL* url = base::mac::CFToNSCast(url_cf);
var url = url_cf; //same guess here, because i use voidptr_t for everything i'm guessing no need to CFToNSCast'url:', url, url.toString(), uneval(url), url.isNull());
// if (!url) { return nil }
if (url.isNull()) {
return NIL;
// NSMakeCollectable(url_cf.release());
//i cant find which library NSMakeCollectable is defined in
// i dont have to `.release()` it looks like from here it's just clearing the variable, comment clearly states its not CFRelease:
// return [url autorelease];
var autorelease = _sel_registerName('autorelease');
var url_ar = objc_msgSend(url, autorelease);'url_ar:', url_ar, url_ar.toString(), uneval(url_ar), url_ar.isNull());
return url_ar;
function CFToNSCast(cf_val /* TypeCF##Ref */, typeStr) {
// returns TypeNS*
var ns_val;
switch (typeStr) {
case 'Dictionary':
// ensure cf_val is NSDictionary
var cfTypeId = CFDictionaryGetTypeID();
var typeIdOfNS = CFGetTypeID(cf_val);
if (cfTypeId.toString() != typeIdOfNS.toString()) {
throw new Error('cf_val is not Dictionary!')
ns_val = ctypes.cast(cf_val, ctypes.voidptr_t);
throw new Error('unrecognized typeStr');
return ns_val;
function NSToCFCast(ns_val /* TypeNS* */, typeStr) {
// returns TypeCF##Ref
// Convert toll-free bridged CFTypes to NSTypes and vice-versa. This does not
// autorelease |cf_val|. This is useful for the case where there is a CFType in
// a call that expects an NSType and the compiler is complaining about const
// casting problems.
// The calls are used like this:
// NSString *foo = CFToNSCast(CFSTR("Hello"));
// CFStringRef foo2 = NSToCFCast(@"Hello");
// The macro magic below is to enforce safe casting. It could possibly have
// been done using template function specialization, but template function
// specialization doesn't always work intuitively,
// ( so the trusty combination
// of macros and function overloading is used instead.'ns_val:', ns_val, ns_val.toString(), uneval(ns_val));
var cf_val;
switch (typeStr) {
case 'Dictionary':
// ensure cf_val is NSDictionary
cf_val = ctypes.cast(ns_val, TYPES.CFDictionaryRef);'cf_val:', cf_val, cf_val.toString, uneval(cf_val));
var cfTypeId = CFDictionaryGetTypeID();'cfTypeId:', cfTypeId, cfTypeId.toString(), uneval(cfTypeId));
var typeIdOf = CFGetTypeID(cf_val);'typeIdOf:', typeIdOf, typeIdOf.toString(), uneval(typeIdOf));
if (cfTypeId.toString() != typeIdOf.toString()) {
throw new Error('failed to convert ns_val to cf_val');
throw new Error('unrecognized typeStr');
return cf_val;
try {
} catch (ex) {
console.error('ex happend:', ex)
} finally {
// [__NSString release]
for (var p in __NSString) {
objc_msgSend(__NSString[p], release);
// [autorelease_pool release]
objc_msgSend(autorelease_pool, release);
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notes on NSToCFCast and CFToNSCast

09:28 *** noida joined #jsctypes
09:30 noida man arai this is killing my i cant find the defintions of NSToCFCast and CFToNSCast,
would you have a sec to help me find where their defined. its unbelievable how can it not be defined in the source code? its function has no body.
09:33 noida these guys here say its in that file of foundation_util.h but i dont see it
11:39 --- noida is away (Auto away)
13:53 noida that page has broken link to TollFreeBridged this is the owrking one:
13:53 --- noida is back
14:03 noida o found interesting article:
16:03 --- noida is away (Auto away)
17:22 arai
17:23 arai
17:23 arai here
17:23 arai it's defined by macro
17:25 arai generally, .h file contains function prototype. and it's definition is contained in .c/.cc/.cpp/.m/.mm, or something
17:28 arai its
20:12 noida hey man!
20:12 --- noida is back
20:13 noida ohhh man i was driving myself nuts exploring the h file!! did this mm file show in the search results?
20:14 *
* noida2 joined #jsctypes

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