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Created May 19, 2021 02:45
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import React, { useCallback, useEffect, useRef } from 'react';import { defaults, omit, pick } from 'lodash';
import { useController, UseControllerProps } from 'react-hook-form';
import { TextInput, TextInputProps } from 'react-native';import { HookedInputTransformer } from 'src/lib/react-hook-form-transforms';interface HookedTextInputProps
extends Omit<TextInputProps, 'defaultValue'>,
UseControllerProps {
transform?: HookedInputTransformer;
}export default function withHookedInput(
ControlledInputComponent: typeof TextInput
) {
function HookedInput({ transform, ...props }: HookedTextInputProps) {
const controllerProps = defaults(
pick(props, 'control', 'defaultValue', 'name', 'rules'),
{ defaultValue: '' }
); const textInputProps = omit(props, Object.keys(controllerProps)); const controller = useController(controllerProps); // the last value that had its equivalent string representation rendered in
// the UI
const savedLastUiValue = useRef(controllerProps.defaultValue); const handleChangeText = useCallback(
(text: Parameters<NonNullable<TextInputProps['onChangeText']>>[0]) => {
// Don't use nullish coalescing here because a valid output can be
// `undefined` or `null`.
const transformedValue = transform?.output
? transform?.output(text)
: text; savedLastUiValue.current = transformedValue; controller.field.onChange(transformedValue);
); const textInputRef = useRef<TextInput>(); // Set value of TextInput if value is changed externally (not due to
// TextInput.onChangeText)
useEffect(() => {
// Use `includes` because value may be `NaN` and `NaN === NaN` is `false`,
// but `[NaN].includes(NaN)` is `true`.
const isValueRenderedInUi = [savedLastUiValue.current].includes(
); if (isValueRenderedInUi === false) {
// Untransform the value. Meaning get the string representation of the value.
const text =
transform?.input?.(controller.field.value) ??
String(controller.field.value); // Update savedLastUiValue because doing setNativeProps does not trigger
// onChange (at least on ios, need to verify on android)
savedLastUiValue.current = controller.field.value; textInputRef.current?.setNativeProps({ text });
}, [controller.field.value]); const handleBlur = React.useCallback(
(e: Parameters<NonNullable<TextInputProps['onBlur']>>[0]) => {
); // Memo TextInput so it does not re-render when `controller` re-renders due to
// `value` change
return (
} // do not accept defaultValue or value props, as HookedTextInput will use
const MemoedInputComponent = React.memo(
React.forwardRef<TextInput, Omit<TextInputProps, 'value'>>((props, ref) => (
<ControlledInputComponent {...props} ref={ref} />
); return HookedInput;
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