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_ff-addon-snippet-FocusWindowHwndCTypes - Given a window's handle, this function focuses the window using WinAPI js-ctypes.
var user32 ='user32.dll');
* BOOL WINAPI SetForegroundWindow(
* __in HWND hWnd
* );
var SetForegroundWindow = user32.declare('SetForegroundWindow', ctypes.winapi_abi, ctypes.bool,
* DWORD WINAPI GetWindowThreadProcessId(
* __in_ HWND hWnd,
* __out_opt_ LPDWORD lpdwProcessId
* );
var GetWindowThreadProcessId = user32.declare('GetWindowThreadProcessId', ctypes.winapi_abi, ctypes.unsigned_long, //DWORD
ctypes.int32_t, //HWND
ctypes.unsigned_long.ptr //LPDWORD
* HWND WINAPI GetLastActivePopup(
* __in HWND hWnd
* );
var GetLastActivePopup = user32.declare('GetLastActivePopup', ctypes.winapi_abi, ctypes.int32_t, // HWND
ctypes.int32_t // HWND
* __in HWND hWnd
* );
var IsIconic = user32.declare('IsIconic', ctypes.winapi_abi, ctypes.bool, // BOOL
ctypes.int32_t // HWND
* BOOL WINAPI ShowWindow(
* __in HWND hWnd
* __in INT nCmdShow
* );
var ShowWindow = user32.declare('ShowWindow', ctypes.winapi_abi, ctypes.bool, // BOOL
ctypes.int32_t, // HWND // INT
var SW_RESTORE = 9;
var me = Services.ww.activeWindow;
me.setTimeout(function() {
console.log('execing now');
var tWin = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow('navigator:browser'); // tWin means target_window
var tBaseWin = tWin.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
var cHwnd = ctypes.int32_t(ctypes.UInt64(tBaseWin.nativeHandle));
var lastActivePopupHwnd = cHwnd; //GetLastActivePopup(cHwnd);
console.log('lastActivePopupHwnd=', lastActivePopupHwnd, uneval(lastActivePopupHwnd), lastActivePopupHwnd.toString());
if (!lastActivePopupHwnd) {
throw new Error('failed to get hwnd of last active popup');
var rez = FocusWindow(lastActivePopupHwnd);
console.log('rez=', rez);
if (!rez) {
throw new Error('failed to focus window');
}, 5000);
function FocusWindow(hwnd) {
if (IsIconic(hwnd)) {
console.warn('its minimized so un-minimize it');
//its minimized so unminimize it
var rez = ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_RESTORE);
if (!rez) {
throw new Error('Failed to un-minimize window');
var rez = SetForegroundWindow(hwnd);
if (!rez) {
console.log('could not set to foreground window for a reason other than minimized, maybe process is not foreground, lets try that now');
var cPid = ctypes.cast(ctypes.voidptr_t(0), ctypes.unsigned_long);
var rez = GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, cPid.address());
if (!rez) {
throw new Error('Failed to get PID');
} else {
console.log('trying to set pid to foreground process');
return false;
} else {
return rez;
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  • Works if window is minimized
  • Does not work if process is not foreground, I'm trying to bring the process of window to foreground
Forked Rev1 to _ff-addon-snippet-FocusMostRecentWindowOfPID

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