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Last active January 4, 2016 18:59
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  • Save Noitidart/8663868 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Noitidart/8663868 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is the source to bootstrap addon "Custom About Page Demo". It demonstrates how to create an about:**** url for the MDN document located here:
const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr, manager: Cm} = Components;
var selfPath; //note: file system on windows uses \ (forward slash)) but firefox browser uses / (backward slash) //do not edit //the jar will have forward slashes but to navigate so if just want a file within the main folder its selfPath + fileName. but if want folder its selfPath + fileName + '\\'fileInFolder //so as u can see must use forward slashes to navigate folders
var AboutModuleUnloaders = [];
function AboutModule() {}
function registerAbout() {
AboutModule.prototype = {
uri: + 'frontend module/index.txt', null, null), //EXAMPLE1: uri:'', null, null), //EXAMPLE2: uri:'chrome://about-addons-memory/content/about.xhtml', null, null),
classDescription: 'This shows custom about page demo',
classID: Components.ID('9acb8b00-8616-11e3-baa7-0800200c9a66'), //EXAMPLE: classID: Components.ID('1704E6F0-8039-11E3-9CE1-C4766188709B'),
contractID: ';1?what=demo', //EXAMPLE: contractID: ';1?what=yabba'
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIAboutModule]),
newChannel: function (aURI) {
let chan =;
chan.originalURI = aURI;
return chan;
getURIFlags: function (aURI) 0
for (let[y, cls] in Iterator([AboutModule])) {
//Cu.reportError('y: ' + y);
//Cu.reportError('cls: ' + cls);
try {
var factory = {
_cls: cls,
createInstance: function (outer, iid) {
if (outer) {
return new cls();
Cm.registerFactory(cls.prototype.classID, cls.prototype.classDescription, cls.prototype.contractID, factory);
Cm.unregisterFactory(factory._cls.prototype.classID, factory);
} catch (ex) {
Cu.reportError('failed to register module: ' + + '\nexception thrown: ' + ex);
function unregisterAbout() {
for (var i=0; i<AboutModuleUnloaders.length; i++) {
function startup(aData, aReason) {
selfPath = aData.resourceURI.spec; //has final slash at end so for use use as: "aData.resourceURI.spec + 'bootstrap.js'" this gets the bootstrap file //note the final slash being a backward "/" is very important
Cu.reportError('selfPath = "' + selfPath + '"');
Cu.reportError('about registered')
function shutdown(aData, aReason) {
if (aReason == APP_SHUTDOWN) return;
function install() {}
function uninstall() {}
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- file, You can obtain one at -->
<RDF xmlns="" xmlns:em="">
<Description about="urn:mozilla:install-manifest">
<!-- Firefox -->
<!-- Front End MetaData -->
<em:name>custom about page demo</em:name>
<em:description>This addon shows how to make a custom about page</em:description>
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Gists do not support folders it looks like. If you would like to try this addon, in the bootstrap.js directory, create a folder called "frontend module" and then inside it place index.txt.

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