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Created November 11, 2022 16:23
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Connecting Nextcloud + Authelia + LLDAP + OpenID Connect Tutorial


Set up Authelia according to it's documentation, including the OpenID Connect and Nextcloud instructions.


Set up LLDAP (Light Lightweight Directory Access Protocol according to its standard documentation.

Add a group and note the name you use. For this tutorial, we're using the group users. Create a new user and add it to the users group.


Once setup, add an admin or config user and add to the lldap_strict_readonly group. This will be the config account used for Nextcloud to read your groups and users from the server.


When we get to the OpenID section, we will be using the same defaults as Authelia's documentation. As a reminder, they are:

Login to your Nextcloud instance as an admin. Setup an LDAP server connection according to LLDAP's Documentation.Once your configuration is setup and Nextcloud doesn't show any errors, you can move onto the next step. It's also a good idea to test this by logging into your Nextcloud instance with your LLDAP credentials. OpenID Connect won't work if you don't first have this working.

Next, navigate to the Apps section.


Search for the Nextcloud app Social Login. Enable the app.

Once enabled, navigate to Settings > Administration > Social Login.

You'll see many different options for various auth methods, including major 3rd party integrations. For the top section, check off these three options:

  • Allow Users to Connect Social Logins with their Account
  • Prevent creating an account if the email address exists in another account
  • Update user profile every login


You can test out the other options such as preventing users without a group, but I haven't tested all the options. These are just the ones I know that worked so far.

Scroll down and select Custom OpenID Connect. Fill out the following options:

The first two can be any string you'd like to identify the connection with. Note that Title is the string that will show up on the button at the login screen.

Field Value
Internal Name Authelia
Title Authelia OpenID
Authorize URL
Token URL
Display Name Claim (Optional) display_name
User info URL (Optional)
Logout URL (Optional)
Client ID: nextcloud
Client Secret: nextcloud_client_secret
Scope: openid profile email groups
Groups Claim (Optional)
Button Style None
Default Group users

Some Notes:

  • The scope should be the same as the scope that was setup in Authelia.
  • Do not use commas in the scope! This caused many issues for me.
  • If you've setup LDAP correctly in nextcloud, the last dropdown for Default Group should show you the group you setup in LLDAP. In this example, that group is called users.

Once you've filled out the fields correctly, scroll to the bottom and hit save and confirm that you don't recieve any errors from Nextcloud.


Lastly, we need to add the following line to your config.php file on your Nextcloud Server.

  • 'social_login_auto_redirect' => false,

If this is set to false your login screen will show the standard User/Email and Password input fields with an additional button underneath that should say: Login with Authelia OpenID (the name is coming from the Title field in the Social Login options we setup earlier).

If this is set to true then the user flow will skip the login page and automatically bring you to the Authelia Consent Page at


And that's it! Assuming all the settings that worked for me, work for you, you should be able to login using OpenID Connect via Authelia. If you find any errors, it's a good idea to keep a document of all your settings from Authelia/Nextcloud/LLDAP etc so that you can easily reference and ensure everything lines up.

Please comment here if you face any issues and we can test out other settings.

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