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Last active July 10, 2024 10:11
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Fabric/Quilt Server Optimization

Fabric/Quilt Server Optimization

This has updated for 1.20.4, all of the optimization mods mentioned here are compatible with each other and don't affect vanilla behaviour by default.


Lithium - A mod designed to drastically improve the general performance of Minecraft without breaking things.

VMP - A mod designed to improve general server performance at high playercount.

C2ME - A mod designed to improve the performance of chunk generation, I/O, and loading. This is done by taking advantage of multiple CPU cores in parallel.

Starlight - A mod that rewrites the light engine to fix lighting performance and lighting errors. (Only useful if using C2ME).

FerriteCore - A mod that reduces the memory usage of Minecraft in a few different ways.

Krypton - A mod that optimizes the Minecraft networking stack and entity tracker.

Noisium - A mod that optimises world generation performance. The improvements lie between a 20-30% speedup when generating new chunks.

RecipeCooldown - A mod that prevents excessive crafting recipe request from the client to lag out the server.

MC-249136 Fix - A mod that implements a minimal hacky fix for MC-249136, a significant server lag spike that occurs when locating buried treasure structures for shipwreck loot.

Other useful mods

Chunky Pregenerator - A mod which pre-generates chunks, quickly and efficiently.

Spark - A performance profiler mod.

View Distance Fix - A mod that fixes the fog when having a higher render distance on the client than on the server. The server tricks the client into thinking that it has the same render distance as the client.

LibreExpFix - A small mod that fixes experience bug after teleporting across dimensions.

Disable Portal Checks - Disables unnecessary portal checks that causes lag.

Ledger = A logging mod similar to CoreProtect.

Carpet - A mod for vanilla Minecraft that allows you to take full control of what matters from a technical perspective of the game.

Carpet Extra - A mod that adds extra features to the Carpet mod.


simulation-distance should ideally be 8 if you want all types farms to work as intended, but lowering it will improve performance

Java optimization


Since 1.18 Minecraft requires Java 17 to run. If you don't have Java 17 installed already you can get it from here.

Java start-up flags

Generate a start-up script for your server here.
If you're using GraalVM you can try out my set of GraalVM start-up flags.


I highly recommend BisectHosting for your server needs. They have 20 server locations, advanced DDoS protection and an user-friendly panel for server management. Use code OBYDUX to get 25% off! BisectHosting

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Obydux commented Jul 15, 2023

and am i downloading the correct version

I would suggest using Adoptium's version of Java : Also yes, 17 is correct

I want the graalvm i just want to know whitc one of those should i use the JDK or native image

Can't guarantee that mods will work correctly on Graal since I faced some issues before but you need the JDK if you want to be able to run the server

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booa12 commented Jul 15, 2023

and am i downloading the correct version

I would suggest using Adoptium's version of Java : Also yes, 17 is correct

I want the graalvm i just want to know whitc one of those should i use the JDK or native image

Can't guarantee that mods will work correctly on Graal since I faced some issues before but you need the JDK if you want to be able to run the server

So i need the jdk edition if it dosent work then 💀

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booa12 commented Jul 15, 2023

I cant get the ee version

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booa12 commented Jul 15, 2023

Should i use ce

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Obydux commented Jul 15, 2023

Should i use ce

You don't need Graal

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booa12 commented Jul 15, 2023

Should i use ce

You don't need Graal

Ok ill use adoptium

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RVZO6 commented Aug 15, 2023

The JVM args specified in the guide make my RAM usage on pterodactyl max out, but not in game (using spark). I am very inexperienced in JVM args, so I have absolutely no idea what is wrong lol.

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wicivo commented Aug 15, 2023

The JVM args specified in the guide make my RAM usage on pterodactyl max out, but not in game (using spark). I am very inexperienced in JVM args, so I have absolutely no idea what is wrong lol.

Because the minimum value is the same as the maximum value

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IshanYe commented Oct 18, 2023

What i

and here mine tuned for low end processors and small RAM (adapt the number 2 in first three flags to your cores count)


  1. This only works with OpenJ9 VM
  2. It creates 2 GB shared class cache (this can hugely improve startup on weaker processor by letting OpenJ9 AOT compile methods and saves information about various stuff not just class data)
-Xgcmaxthreads2 -XX:ParallelGCThreads=2 -XcompilationThreads2 -Xgcpolicy:gencon -XX:+IdleTuningGcOnIdle -XX:+UseAggressiveHeapShrink -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow -XX:+UseFastAccessorMethods -XX:+OptimizeStringConcat -Xshareclasses:allowClasspaths -Xaot -XX:+UseCompressedOops -XX:ObjectAlignmentInBytes=256 -Xshareclasses -Xscmx2000M -XX:SharedCacheHardLimit=2000M  -Xtune:virtualized -XX:+TieredCompilation -Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true -XX:-DisableExplicitGC -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=60 -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=6 -XX:-ParallelRefProcEnabled -XX:+UseTLAB -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=70M -XX:+AdaptiveGCThreading -XX:+UseStringDeduplication -XX:-PortableShareCache -XX:+UseGCStartupHints -XX:+ShareUnsafeClasses -XX:+ShareAnonymousClasses -XX:ShareClassesEnableBCI -Xshareclasses:cacheRetransformed -Xshareclasses:enableBCI 

How can I use this? And what is it? I'm new to servers.

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