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Last active November 9, 2023 07:27
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A small compendium of what is possible with `vimeo/psalm` 3.9.x to add some decent type system features to PHP
// -- types are a compile-time propagated concept
class TheType
/** @var string */
public $foo = 'bar';
/** @param TheType $typed */
function doSomethingWith($typed) : void
// While PHP supports types in method signatures, this is sufficient,
// when using a type checker
// -- constant types
class SomeConstants
const C = 'c';
const OTHER_D = 'd';
const OTHER_E = 'e';
/** @psalm-param 1|2|'a'|'b'|SomeConstants::C|SomeConstants::OTHER_* $parameter */
function intOrAOrB($parameter): void
echo $parameter;
intOrAOrB('B'); // error
// -- true and false types
/** @psalm-return true */
function alwaysTrue(int $input) : bool
return (bool) $input; // error
// -- array types
* @psalm-param array{
* key: string,
* optionalKey?: string,
* nullableKey: ?string
* } $parameter
function requiresSpecificArrayShape(array $parameter) : void
echo $parameter['key'];
// -- lists
* @psalm-param list<string> $parameter
* @psalm-return list<int>
function requiresList(array $parameter) : array
return array_keys($parameter);
// -- non-empty lists
/** @psalm-param list<string> $parameter */
function requiresPossiblyEmptyList(array $parameter) : string
return $parameter[0]; // error
/** @psalm-param non-empty-list<string> $parameter */
function requiresNonEmptyList(array $parameter) : string
return $parameter[0];
// -- intersection and union types
interface HasA { function doA() : void; }
interface HasB { function doB() : void; }
/** @psalm-param HasA&HasB $ab */
function doAAndB($ab): void
/** @psalm-param HasA|HasB $ab */
function doAOrB($ab): void
$ab->doA(); // error
$ab->doB(); // error
assert(! $ab instanceof HasB);
$ab->doA(); // OK
// -- templated types
class Thing { function doTheThing(): void { echo "ok"; } }
/** @psalm-template ContainedThing as mixed */
interface ContainsSomething
/** @psalm-return ContainedThing */
function get();
* @psalm-template ThingToBeWrapped as mixed
* @psalm-param ThingToBeWrapped $thing
* @psalm-return self<ThingToBeWrapped>
public static function make($thing);
/** @psalm-param ContainsSomething<Thing> $container */
function doTheThing($container): void
$container->get()->doTheThing(); // OK
/** @psalm-param class-string<ContainsSomething> $containerClass */
function makeAndDoTheThing(string $containerClass): void
$containerClass::make(new Thing())->get()->doTheThing();
// -- iterable is a generic type
interface ItemType { function doSomething(int $index): void; }
/** @psalm-return iterable<int, ItemType> */
function makeIteratorOfItemType(): iterable
return [];
foreach (makeIteratorOfItemType() as $key => $item) {
// -- read-only
class HasReadOnlyProperties
* @var string
* @psalm-readonly
public $foo = 'a';
$hasReadOnlyProperties = new HasReadOnlyProperties();
$hasReadOnlyProperties->foo = 'b'; // error
// -- mutation-free
function unsafeFunction() : void { /* does nothing, but we don't know */ }
final class MethodDoesNotMutate {
/** @var int */
private $state = 0;
/** @psalm-mutation-free */
function cannotMutate() : string {
$this->state++; // error
return 'ha';
/** @psalm-external-mutation-free */
function cannotMutateOthers(self $others) : string {
$this->state++; // OK
unsafeFunction(); // error
return 'ha';
// -- templated type inheritance
class Goodies {}
/** @psalm-template ItemType */
interface MyCollection {
/** @psalm-return iterable<ItemType> */
function get();
/** @extends MyCollection<Goodies> */
interface CollectionOfGoodies extends MyCollection{
/** @implements MyCollection<Goodies> */
class ConcreteCollectionOfGoodies implements MyCollection {
function get() { return []; }
// -- assertions
* @psalm-assert !'a' $value
* @psalm-assert !int $value
* @param mixed $value
function assertItIsNotThatThing($value): void
// @TODO exceptions here
echo gettype($value);
* @psalm-param 'a'|'b'|'c'|1|2 $value
* @psalm-return 'b'|'c'
function useThePreciseType($value): string
return $value;
// -- supporting both psalm and the IDE or other tools
* @psalm-template TKey
* @psalm-template TValue
interface Collection {}
* @psalm-template TKey
* @psalm-template TValue
* @implements Collection<TKey, TValue>
final class ArrayCollection implements Collection {}
class ReferencedEntity {}
class MyEntity {
* @var Collection|ReferencedEntity[]
* @psalm-var Collection<int, ReferencedEntity>
private $collection;
public function __construct() {
$this->collection = new ArrayCollection();
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Thank you for those snippets.

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bcremer commented Mar 9, 2020

Examples for templated callables for properly typed higher-order functions:

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