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Created May 10, 2016 11:55
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namespace ProxyManagerTest\Functional;
class Foo5731cbdb7cfb2968834795 extends \ProxyManagerTestAsset\ClassWithProtectedProperties implements \ProxyManager\Proxy\GhostObjectInterface
* @var \Closure|null initializer responsible for generating the wrapped object
private $initializer5731cbdb7cffb583775228 = null;
* @var bool tracks initialization status - true while the object is initializing
private $initializationTracker5731cbdb7d001134221031 = false;
* @var bool[] map of public properties of the parent class
private static $publicProperties5731cbdb7cfd6063402948 = array(
* @var array[][] visibility and default value of defined properties, indexed by
* property name and class name
private static $privateProperties5731cbdb7cfe5357704282 = array(
* @var string[][] declaring class name of defined protected properties, indexed by
* property name
private static $protectedProperties5731cbdb7cfed889038150 = array(
'property0' => 'ProxyManagerTestAsset\\ClassWithProtectedProperties',
'property1' => 'ProxyManagerTestAsset\\ClassWithProtectedProperties',
'property2' => 'ProxyManagerTestAsset\\ClassWithProtectedProperties',
'property3' => 'ProxyManagerTestAsset\\ClassWithProtectedProperties',
'property4' => 'ProxyManagerTestAsset\\ClassWithProtectedProperties',
'property5' => 'ProxyManagerTestAsset\\ClassWithProtectedProperties',
'property6' => 'ProxyManagerTestAsset\\ClassWithProtectedProperties',
'property7' => 'ProxyManagerTestAsset\\ClassWithProtectedProperties',
'property8' => 'ProxyManagerTestAsset\\ClassWithProtectedProperties',
'property9' => 'ProxyManagerTestAsset\\ClassWithProtectedProperties',
* Triggers initialization logic for this ghost object
* @param string $methodName
* @param mixed[] $parameters
* @return mixed
private function callInitializer5731cbdb7d009166243431($methodName, array $parameters)
if ($this->initializationTracker5731cbdb7d001134221031 || ! $this->initializer5731cbdb7cffb583775228) {
$this->initializationTracker5731cbdb7d001134221031 = true;
$this->property0 = 'property0';
$this->property1 = 'property1';
$this->property2 = 'property2';
$this->property3 = 'property3';
$this->property4 = 'property4';
$this->property5 = 'property5';
$this->property6 = 'property6';
$this->property7 = 'property7';
$this->property8 = 'property8';
$this->property9 = 'property9';
$properties = [
'' . "\0" . '*' . "\0" . 'property0' => & $this->property0,
'' . "\0" . '*' . "\0" . 'property1' => & $this->property1,
'' . "\0" . '*' . "\0" . 'property2' => & $this->property2,
'' . "\0" . '*' . "\0" . 'property3' => & $this->property3,
'' . "\0" . '*' . "\0" . 'property4' => & $this->property4,
'' . "\0" . '*' . "\0" . 'property5' => & $this->property5,
'' . "\0" . '*' . "\0" . 'property6' => & $this->property6,
'' . "\0" . '*' . "\0" . 'property7' => & $this->property7,
'' . "\0" . '*' . "\0" . 'property8' => & $this->property8,
'' . "\0" . '*' . "\0" . 'property9' => & $this->property9,
$result = $this->initializer5731cbdb7cffb583775228->__invoke($this, $methodName, $parameters, $this->initializer5731cbdb7cffb583775228, $properties);
$this->initializationTracker5731cbdb7d001134221031 = false;
return $result;
* Constructor for lazy initialization
* @param \Closure|null $initializer
public static function staticProxyConstructor($initializer)
static $reflection;
$reflection = $reflection ?: $reflection = new \ReflectionClass(__CLASS__);
$instance = (new \ReflectionClass(get_class()))->newInstanceWithoutConstructor();
unset($instance->property0, $instance->property1, $instance->property2, $instance->property3, $instance->property4, $instance->property5, $instance->property6, $instance->property7, $instance->property8, $instance->property9);
$instance->initializer5731cbdb7cffb583775228 = $initializer;
return $instance;
* @param string $name
public function & __get($name)
$this->initializer5731cbdb7cffb583775228 && ! $this->initializationTracker5731cbdb7d001134221031 && $this->callInitializer5731cbdb7d009166243431('__get', array('name' => $name));
if (isset(self::$publicProperties5731cbdb7cfd6063402948[$name])) {
return $this->$name;
if (isset(self::$protectedProperties5731cbdb7cfed889038150[$name])) {
if ($this->initializationTracker5731cbdb7d001134221031) {
return $this->$name;
// check protected property access via compatible class
$callers = debug_backtrace(\DEBUG_BACKTRACE_PROVIDE_OBJECT, 2);
$caller = isset($callers[1]) ? $callers[1] : [];
$object = isset($caller['object']) ? $caller['object'] : '';
$expectedType = self::$protectedProperties5731cbdb7cfed889038150[$name];
if ($object instanceof $expectedType) {
return $this->$name;
$class = isset($caller['class']) ? $caller['class'] : '';
if ($class === $expectedType || is_subclass_of($class, $expectedType) || $class === 'ReflectionProperty') {
return $this->$name;
} elseif (isset(self::$privateProperties5731cbdb7cfe5357704282[$name])) {
// check private property access via same class
$callers = debug_backtrace(\DEBUG_BACKTRACE_PROVIDE_OBJECT, 2);
$caller = isset($callers[1]) ? $callers[1] : [];
$class = isset($caller['class']) ? $caller['class'] : '';
static $accessorCache = [];
if (isset(self::$privateProperties5731cbdb7cfe5357704282[$name][$class])) {
$cacheKey = $class . '#' . $name;
$accessor = isset($accessorCache[$cacheKey])
? $accessorCache[$cacheKey]
: $accessorCache[$cacheKey] = \Closure::bind(function & ($instance) use ($name) {
return $instance->$name;
}, null, $class);
return $accessor($this);
if ($this->initializationTracker5731cbdb7d001134221031 || 'ReflectionProperty' === $class) {
$tmpClass = key(self::$privateProperties5731cbdb7cfe5357704282[$name]);
$cacheKey = $tmpClass . '#' . $name;
$accessor = isset($accessorCache[$cacheKey])
? $accessorCache[$cacheKey]
: $accessorCache[$cacheKey] = \Closure::bind(function & ($instance) use ($name) {
return $instance->$name;
}, null, $tmpClass);
return $accessor($this);
$realInstanceReflection = new \ReflectionClass(get_parent_class($this));
if (! $realInstanceReflection->hasProperty($name)) {
$targetObject = $this;
$backtrace = debug_backtrace(false);
trigger_error('Undefined property: ' . get_parent_class($this) . '::$' . $name . ' in ' . $backtrace[0]['file'] . ' on line ' . $backtrace[0]['line'], \E_USER_NOTICE);
return $targetObject->$name;
$targetObject = unserialize(sprintf('O:%d:"%s":0:{}', strlen(get_parent_class($this)), get_parent_class($this)));
$accessor = function & () use ($targetObject, $name) {
return $targetObject->$name;
$backtrace = debug_backtrace(true);
$scopeObject = isset($backtrace[1]['object']) ? $backtrace[1]['object'] : new \ProxyManager\Stub\EmptyClassStub();
$accessor = $accessor->bindTo($scopeObject, get_class($scopeObject));
$returnValue = & $accessor();
return $returnValue;
* @param string $name
public function __set($name, $value)
$this->initializer5731cbdb7cffb583775228 && $this->callInitializer5731cbdb7d009166243431('__set', array('name' => $name, 'value' => $value));
if (isset(self::$publicProperties5731cbdb7cfd6063402948[$name])) {
return ($this->$name = $value);
if (isset(self::$protectedProperties5731cbdb7cfed889038150[$name])) {
// check protected property access via compatible class
$callers = debug_backtrace(\DEBUG_BACKTRACE_PROVIDE_OBJECT, 2);
$caller = isset($callers[1]) ? $callers[1] : [];
$object = isset($caller['object']) ? $caller['object'] : '';
$expectedType = self::$protectedProperties5731cbdb7cfed889038150[$name];
if ($object instanceof $expectedType) {
return ($this->$name = $value);
$class = isset($caller['class']) ? $caller['class'] : '';
if ($class === $expectedType || is_subclass_of($class, $expectedType) || $class === 'ReflectionProperty') {
return ($this->$name = $value);
} elseif (isset(self::$privateProperties5731cbdb7cfe5357704282[$name])) {
// check private property access via same class
$callers = debug_backtrace(\DEBUG_BACKTRACE_PROVIDE_OBJECT, 2);
$caller = isset($callers[1]) ? $callers[1] : [];
$class = isset($caller['class']) ? $caller['class'] : '';
static $accessorCache = [];
if (isset(self::$privateProperties5731cbdb7cfe5357704282[$name][$class])) {
$cacheKey = $class . '#' . $name;
$accessor = isset($accessorCache[$cacheKey])
? $accessorCache[$cacheKey]
: $accessorCache[$cacheKey] = \Closure::bind(function ($instance, $value) use ($name) {
return ($instance->$name = $value);
}, null, $class);
return $accessor($this, $value);
if ('ReflectionProperty' === $class) {
$tmpClass = key(self::$privateProperties5731cbdb7cfe5357704282[$name]);
$cacheKey = $tmpClass . '#' . $name;
$accessor = isset($accessorCache[$cacheKey])
? $accessorCache[$cacheKey]
: $accessorCache[$cacheKey] = \Closure::bind(function ($instance, $value) use ($name) {
return ($instance->$name = $value);
}, null, $tmpClass);
return $accessor($this, $value);
$realInstanceReflection = new \ReflectionClass(get_parent_class($this));
if (! $realInstanceReflection->hasProperty($name)) {
$targetObject = $this;
return $targetObject->$name = $value;
$targetObject = unserialize(sprintf('O:%d:"%s":0:{}', strlen(get_parent_class($this)), get_parent_class($this)));
$accessor = function & () use ($targetObject, $name, $value) {
return $targetObject->$name = $value;
$backtrace = debug_backtrace(true);
$scopeObject = isset($backtrace[1]['object']) ? $backtrace[1]['object'] : new \ProxyManager\Stub\EmptyClassStub();
$accessor = $accessor->bindTo($scopeObject, get_class($scopeObject));
$returnValue = & $accessor();
return $returnValue;
* @param string $name
public function __isset($name)
$this->initializer5731cbdb7cffb583775228 && $this->callInitializer5731cbdb7d009166243431('__isset', array('name' => $name));
if (isset(self::$publicProperties5731cbdb7cfd6063402948[$name])) {
return isset($this->$name);
if (isset(self::$protectedProperties5731cbdb7cfed889038150[$name])) {
// check protected property access via compatible class
$callers = debug_backtrace(\DEBUG_BACKTRACE_PROVIDE_OBJECT, 2);
$caller = isset($callers[1]) ? $callers[1] : [];
$object = isset($caller['object']) ? $caller['object'] : '';
$expectedType = self::$protectedProperties5731cbdb7cfed889038150[$name];
if ($object instanceof $expectedType) {
return isset($this->$name);
$class = isset($caller['class']) ? $caller['class'] : '';
if ($class === $expectedType || is_subclass_of($class, $expectedType)) {
return isset($this->$name);
} else {
// check private property access via same class
$callers = debug_backtrace(\DEBUG_BACKTRACE_PROVIDE_OBJECT, 2);
$caller = isset($callers[1]) ? $callers[1] : [];
$class = isset($caller['class']) ? $caller['class'] : '';
static $accessorCache = [];
if (isset(self::$privateProperties5731cbdb7cfe5357704282[$name][$class])) {
$cacheKey = $class . '#' . $name;
$accessor = isset($accessorCache[$cacheKey])
? $accessorCache[$cacheKey]
: $accessorCache[$cacheKey] = \Closure::bind(function ($instance) use ($name) {
return isset($instance->$name);
}, null, $class);
return $accessor($this);
if ('ReflectionProperty' === $class) {
$tmpClass = key(self::$privateProperties5731cbdb7cfe5357704282[$name]);
$cacheKey = $tmpClass . '#' . $name;
$accessor = isset($accessorCache[$cacheKey])
? $accessorCache[$cacheKey]
: $accessorCache[$cacheKey] = \Closure::bind(function ($instance) use ($name) {
return isset($instance->$name);
}, null, $tmpClass);
return $accessor($this);
$realInstanceReflection = new \ReflectionClass(get_parent_class($this));
if (! $realInstanceReflection->hasProperty($name)) {
$targetObject = $this;
return isset($targetObject->$name);
$targetObject = unserialize(sprintf('O:%d:"%s":0:{}', strlen(get_parent_class($this)), get_parent_class($this)));
$accessor = function () use ($targetObject, $name) {
return isset($targetObject->$name);
$backtrace = debug_backtrace(true);
$scopeObject = isset($backtrace[1]['object']) ? $backtrace[1]['object'] : new \ProxyManager\Stub\EmptyClassStub();
$accessor = $accessor->bindTo($scopeObject, get_class($scopeObject));
$returnValue = $accessor();
return $returnValue;
* @param string $name
public function __unset($name)
$this->initializer5731cbdb7cffb583775228 && $this->callInitializer5731cbdb7d009166243431('__unset', array('name' => $name));
if (isset(self::$publicProperties5731cbdb7cfd6063402948[$name])) {
if (isset(self::$protectedProperties5731cbdb7cfed889038150[$name])) {
// check protected property access via compatible class
$callers = debug_backtrace(\DEBUG_BACKTRACE_PROVIDE_OBJECT, 2);
$caller = isset($callers[1]) ? $callers[1] : [];
$object = isset($caller['object']) ? $caller['object'] : '';
$expectedType = self::$protectedProperties5731cbdb7cfed889038150[$name];
if ($object instanceof $expectedType) {
$class = isset($caller['class']) ? $caller['class'] : '';
if ($class === $expectedType || is_subclass_of($class, $expectedType) || $class === 'ReflectionProperty') {
} elseif (isset(self::$privateProperties5731cbdb7cfe5357704282[$name])) {
// check private property access via same class
$callers = debug_backtrace(\DEBUG_BACKTRACE_PROVIDE_OBJECT, 2);
$caller = isset($callers[1]) ? $callers[1] : [];
$class = isset($caller['class']) ? $caller['class'] : '';
static $accessorCache = [];
if (isset(self::$privateProperties5731cbdb7cfe5357704282[$name][$class])) {
$cacheKey = $class . '#' . $name;
$accessor = isset($accessorCache[$cacheKey])
? $accessorCache[$cacheKey]
: $accessorCache[$cacheKey] = \Closure::bind(function ($instance) use ($name) {
}, null, $class);
return $accessor($this);
if ('ReflectionProperty' === $class) {
$tmpClass = key(self::$privateProperties5731cbdb7cfe5357704282[$name]);
$cacheKey = $tmpClass . '#' . $name;
$accessor = isset($accessorCache[$cacheKey])
? $accessorCache[$cacheKey]
: $accessorCache[$cacheKey] = \Closure::bind(function ($instance) use ($name) {
}, null, $tmpClass);
return $accessor($this);
$realInstanceReflection = new \ReflectionClass(get_parent_class($this));
if (! $realInstanceReflection->hasProperty($name)) {
$targetObject = $this;
$targetObject = unserialize(sprintf('O:%d:"%s":0:{}', strlen(get_parent_class($this)), get_parent_class($this)));
$accessor = function () use ($targetObject, $name) {
$backtrace = debug_backtrace(true);
$scopeObject = isset($backtrace[1]['object']) ? $backtrace[1]['object'] : new \ProxyManager\Stub\EmptyClassStub();
$accessor = $accessor->bindTo($scopeObject, get_class($scopeObject));
$returnValue = $accessor();
return $returnValue;
public function __clone()
$this->initializer5731cbdb7cffb583775228 && $this->callInitializer5731cbdb7d009166243431('__clone', []);
public function __sleep()
$this->initializer5731cbdb7cffb583775228 && $this->callInitializer5731cbdb7d009166243431('__sleep', []);
return array_keys((array) $this);
* {@inheritDoc}
public function setProxyInitializer(\Closure $initializer = null)
$this->initializer5731cbdb7cffb583775228 = $initializer;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function getProxyInitializer()
return $this->initializer5731cbdb7cffb583775228;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function initializeProxy() : bool
return $this->initializer5731cbdb7cffb583775228 && $this->callInitializer5731cbdb7d009166243431('initializeProxy', []);
* {@inheritDoc}
public function isProxyInitialized() : bool
return ! $this->initializer5731cbdb7cffb583775228;
Cannot access private property ProxyManagerTest\Functional\Foo5731cbdb7cfb2968834795::$publicProperties5731cbdb7cfd6063402948
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