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Created August 30, 2022 09:51
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MACOSX Script contains helper functions that allows verification of script dependencies. Is required tool installed on the laptop? Is the tool version is right? What developer should do to fix the dependency?
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# shellcheck disable=SC2034
SCRIPT_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)"
# shellcheck disable=SC1090
source "$SCRIPT_DIR/"
logger dependencies "$@" # register own debug tag & logger functions
#set -x # Uncomment to DEBUG
# shellcheck disable=SC2001,SC2155,SC2046,SC2116
function isDebug() {
local args=("$@")
if [[ "${args[*]}" =~ "--debug" ]]; then echo true; else echo false; fi
function isExec() {
local args=("$@")
if [[ "${args[*]}" =~ "--exec" ]]; then echo true; else echo false; fi
function isOptional() {
local args=("$@")
if [[ "${args[*]}" =~ "--optional" ]]; then echo true; else echo false; fi
function isSilent() {
local args=("$@")
if [[ "${args[*]}" =~ "--silent" ]]; then echo true; else echo false; fi
# shellcheck disable=SC2001,SC2155,SC2086
function dependency() {
local tool_name=$1
local tool_version_pattern=$2
local tool_fallback=${3:-"No details. Please google it."}
local tool_version_flag=${4:-"--version"}
local is_exec=$(isExec "$@")
local is_optional=$(isOptional "$@")
configDebugDependencies "$@" # refresh debug flags
# escape symbols: & / . { }, remove end of line, replace * by expectation from 1 to 4 digits
local tool_version=$(sed -e 's#[&\\/\.{}]#\\&#g; s#$#\\#' -e '$s#\\$##' -e 's#*#[0-9]\\{1,4\\}#g' <<<$tool_version_pattern)
# try to find tool
local WHICH_TOOL=$(command -v $tool_name)
if [ -z "$WHICH_TOOL" ]; then
printfDependencies "which : %s\npattern: %s, sed: \"s#.*\(%s\).*#\1#g\"\n-------\n" \
"${WHICH_TOOL:-"command -v $tool_name"}" "$tool_version_pattern" "$tool_version"
if $is_optional; then
echo "Optional [${cl_red}NO${cl_reset}]: \`$tool_name\` - ${cl_red}not found${cl_reset}! Try: ${cl_purple}$tool_fallback${cl_reset}"
return 0
echo "${cl_red}Error: dependency \`$tool_name\` not found."
echo "${cl_reset} Hint. To install tool use the command below: "
echo " $> $tool_fallback"
exit 1
local VERSION_MSG=$($tool_name $tool_version_flag 2>&1)
local VERSION_CLEAN=$(echo "'$VERSION_MSG'" | sed -n "s#.*\($tool_version\).*#\1#p")
printfDependencies "which : %s\nversion: %s\npattern: %s, sed: \"s#.*\(%s\).*#\1#g\"\nver. : %s\n-------\n" \
"$WHICH_TOOL" "$VERSION_MSG" "$tool_version_pattern" "$tool_version" "$VERSION_CLEAN"
if [ "$VERSION_CLEAN" == "" ]; then
if $is_optional; then
echo "Optional [${cl_red}NO${cl_reset}]: \`$tool_name\` - ${cl_red}wrong version${cl_reset}! Try: ${cl_purple}$tool_fallback${cl_reset}"
return 0
echo "${cl_red}Error: dependency version \`$tool_name\` is wrong."
echo " Extracted: \`$VERSION_CLEAN\`"
echo " Expected : \`$tool_version_pattern\`${cl_reset}"
if $is_exec; then
# shellcheck disable=SC2006
echo " Executing: ${cl_yellow}$($tool_fallback)${cl_reset}"
echo ""
eval $tool_fallback
echo ""
echo " Hint. To install tool use the command below: "
echo " $> $tool_fallback"
exit 1
if $is_optional; then echo -n "Optional "; else echo -n "Dependency "; fi
echo "[${cl_green}OK${cl_reset}]: \`$tool_name\` - version: $VERSION_CLEAN"
function optional() {
local args=("$@")
# remove all flags from call
local del=("--debug" "--exec" "--silent" "--optional")
for value in "${del[@]}"; do
for i in "${!args[@]}"; do
if [[ ${args[i]} == "${value}" ]]; then unset 'args[i]'; fi
# inject default parameters
if [ "${#args[@]}" == "2" ]; then
args+=("No details. Please google it." "--version")
elif [ "${#args[@]}" == "3" ]; then
# recover flags
if [ "$(isExec "$@")" == "true" ]; then args+=("--exec"); fi
if [ "$(isSilent "$@")" == "true" ]; then args+=("--silent"); fi
if [ "$(isDebug "$@")" == "true" ]; then args+=("--debug"); fi
# we should expand any number of input arguments to required 4 + extra flags
dependency "${args[@]}"
# Tests:
#dependency bash "5.0.18(1)-release" "brew install bash" "--version"
#dependency bash "5.0.[0-9]{2}(1)-release" "brew install bash" "--version"
#dependency bash "5.0.*(1)-release" "brew install bash" "--version"
#dependency bash "5.*.*(1)-release" "brew install bash" "--version"
#dependency bash "5.*.*" "brew install bash" "--version" --debug # print debug info
#dependency bash "5.*.*" "brew install bash" "--version" 0 # ignore $5 parameter
#dependency git "2.*.*" "brew install git" "--version"
#dependency bazelisk "4.*.*" "brew install bazel" "--version"
#dependency yq "4.13.2" "brew install yq" "-V"
#dependency jq "1.6" "brew install jq"
#dependency bash "[45].*.*" "brew install bash" # allow 4.xx and 5.xx versions
#dependency go "1.17.*" "brew install go" "version"
#dependency buildozer "redacted" "go get" "-version" 1
#dependency buildozer "redacted" "go get"
#dependency go "1.17.*" "brew install go && (echo 'export GOPATH=\$HOME/go; export PATH=\$GOPATH/bin:\$PATH;' >> ~/.zshrc)" "version"
#dependency go "2.17.*" "echo 'export GOPATH=\$HOME/go; export PATH=\$GOPATH/bin:\$PATH;'" "version" --exec
#dependency go "2.17.*" "echo 'export GOPATH=\$HOME/go; export PATH=\$GOPATH/bin:\$PATH;' >> ~/.zshrc" "version" --debug
# ref:
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