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Created April 8, 2017 15:24
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package **; // <-- add own package name
import rx.Observable;
import rx.subjects.PublishSubject;
import rx.subjects.Subject;
/** Generic implementation of value/property that triggers subscribers on value change. */
public class RxValue<T> {
/** Observable and an Observer of the value. */
private final Subject<T, T> subject = PublishSubject.create();
/** Last known value. */
private T lastValue;
/** Is value in empty state or not. */
private boolean isEmpty;
private RxValue() {
lastValue = null;
isEmpty = true;
/** Hidden constructor. */
private RxValue(final T initialValue) {
lastValue = initialValue;
/** Static method for simplified instance creation. Less verbose syntax. */
public static <T> RxValue<T> of(T initialValue) {
return new RxValue<>(initialValue);
/** Create rx value that does is empty from the beginning. */
public static <T> RxValue<T> empty() {
return new RxValue<>();
/** Get the current value. */
public T value() {
return lastValue;
/** Set the instance to a new value. */
public T set(final T value) {
if (isEmpty || value != lastValue) {
isEmpty = false;
lastValue = value;
if (subject.hasObservers()) {
return value();
/** Get instance of observable for triggering. */
public Observable<T> asObservable() {
if (isEmpty) {
return subject;
return Observable.merge(Observable.just(lastValue), subject);
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OleksandrKucherenko commented Apr 8, 2017

Unit Tests

package **; // <-- add own package name

import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.JUnit4;
import org.mockito.ArgumentCaptor;
import org.mockito.Captor;
import org.mockito.Mock;
import org.mockito.Mockito;

import rx.functions.Action1;

import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.*;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;

/** Unit tests of the {@link RxValue} class. */
public class RxValueTest extends AncestorTest /* <-- can be skipped */ {

    //region Mocks
    @Mock /* package */ Action1<Boolean> subscriber;
    @Captor /* package */ ArgumentCaptor<Boolean> catcher;

    //region Tests
    public void testInitializeValues() throws Exception {
        final RxValue<Boolean> underTheTest_False = RxValue.of(false);

        final RxValue<Boolean> underTheTest_True = RxValue.of(true);

    public void testSubscriberCallWithCurrentValue() throws Exception {
        final RxValue<Boolean> underTheTest = RxValue.of(false);

        // verify that after subscription we do not change the value

        // on attaching we receive the current value

    public void testOnValueChanged() throws Exception {
        final RxValue<Boolean> underTheTest = RxValue.of(false);

        // verify number of calls, 1 - on subscribe, 2 - on value change
        verify(subscriber, times(2)).call(anyBoolean());

    public void testOnValueChangedSameValue() throws Exception {
        final RxValue<Boolean> underTheTest = RxValue.of(false);


        // do second call, due to no value change we should not receive any updates

        // verify number of calls, 1 - on subscribe, 2 - on value change
        verify(subscriber, times(2)).call(anyBoolean());

    public void testOnValueChangedParams() throws Exception {
        final RxValue<Boolean> underTheTest = RxValue.of(false);

        // reset mock class for next call


        // verify the call value

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