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Last active January 13, 2021 07:26
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Sign Up
Sign Up
Splash Page
click sign up -> Phone Number Page
click log in -> Login Page
Phone Number Page
back -> Splash Page
Phone Number Input Active*
typed -> Phone Number Input Entry
blur -> Phone Number Input Inactive
Phone Number Input Empty*
Phone Number Input Entry
submitted -> Phone Number Input Validating
clear input -> Phone Number Input Empty
Phone Number Error Input Entry
submitted -> Phone Number Input Validating
skip -> Manual PII Page
Phone Number Input Inactive
focused -> Phone Number Input Active
# This page is actually a bit weird since you will get a text and click a link. That validates it and not an OTP.
Phone Number Input Validating
valid -> Bank Link Flow Page
invalid -> Phone Number Error Input Entry
## This is purely a fallback when user's can't be validated or are having issues with the phone validation
Manual PII Page
back -> Phone Number Input Entry
full name input typed -> Full Name Input Active
email input typed -> Email Input Active
street address input typed -> Street Address Input Active
Full Name Input*
Full Name Input Active*
Email Input
Email Input Active*
## Use Google Maps Autocomplete API
Street Address Input
Street Address Input Active*
Manual PII Submit Button
validated -> Bank Link Flow Page
invalidated -> Manual PII Page
Bank Link Flow Page
Bank Link Explainer*
click next -> Bank Link Webview
# A separate diagram can be made for all possible events here as there are dozens. Instead this is high level of linked or not only.
Bank Link Webview
success -> Expense Choosing Page
fail -> Home Page
close -> Home Page
Expense Choosing Page
select expenses -> Terms And Credit Pull Approval Page
skip -> Terms And Credit Pull Approval Page
Terms And Credit Pull Approval Page
Credit Pull Checkbox*
checked -> Home Page
# Login is here for event flow purposes but is not meant to be part of this spec. This spec focuses on sign up.
Login Page
login -> Home Page
Home Page
function render(model){
let current_state_name = model.active_states[0].name;
return $("h1",
{style: {color: "darkBlue"}},
`The current state is: ${current_state_name}`);
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