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Last active February 8, 2016 13:02
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Save PEMapModder/2d54a1174c108d307a7b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
__PocketMine Plugin__
version=alpha 0
namespace pemapmodder\legionpe\api12\BG;
use pemapmodder\utils\spaces\CuboidSpace as Cbd;
// use pemapmodder\utils\spaces\CylinderSpace as Cyl;
class BuildGuess implements \Plugin{
public function init(){
public function __destruct(){
public function __construct(\ServerAPI $api, $server=false){
class BuildGuessGame{
public $ticks=0;
public function __construct(\Position $centre, \Position $spawnPos, array $sets, \Cbd $buildArea){
$server->addHandler("", array($this, "onChat"));
$server->addHandler("player.block.touch", array($this, "onBlockTouchHP"), 20);
$server->schedule(1, array($this, "tick"), array(), true);
public function join(\Player $player){
$player->sendChat("You joined a B&G room!");
public function onBlockTouchHP($dat){
if(($p===@$this->builder->username and $this->buildable->isInside($dat["target"])) or in_array($p, array("PEMapModder", "Lambo", "SpyDuck")))
return true;
public function quit(\Player $player){
public function onChat(&$dat){
$this->builder->sendChat("You cannot speak when you are building!");
return false;
if(in_array(strtolower($dat["message"]), $this->currentSet->ans)){
$p->sendChat("Bingo! That is the correct answer!");
foreach($this->players as $name=>$s)
$this->pa->get($name)->sendChat("$p wins with the correct answer: ".implode("/", $this->currentSet->ans)."! Game restarting!");
$this->end("$p got the answer (".$dat["message"].")");
foreach($this->players as $name=>$s)
$this->pa->get($name)->sendChat("$p attempted with wrong answer: ".$dat["message"]);
return false;
public function tick(){
foreach($this->players as $n=>$s)
$this->end("time's up");
public function start(\Player $builder=null){
$builder->sendChat("You have been selected as the builder of this round!");
$builder->sendChat("What you have to build: a(n) {this->currentSet->ans[0].}.");
$builder->sendChat("You have two minutes to build. Start now.");
foreach($this->currentSet->items as $i)
$builder->addItem($i->getID(), $i->getMetadata(), $i->count);
foreach($this->players as $name=>$s){
$p->sendChat("The building game has started");
$p->sendChat("You have two minutes to guess!");
$p->sendChat("The answer is one word. Type it in chat to guess the answer.");
$p->sendChat("Beware of losing because of typos!");
public function end($reason="No reason", $restart=true){
foreach($this->players as $name=>$s){
$p->sendChat("Game ended! Reason: $reason");
\ServerAPI::request()->schedule(20, array($this, "start"));
public function __destruct(){
$this->end("Server stop / PHP Garbage tracker error", false);
class BuildGuessSet{
public $items, $ans;
* @param Item[] $items items to give the builder
* @param string[] $ans answers accepted
public function __construct(array $items, array $ans){
public function getDefaultName(){
return $this->items[0];
public function __toString(){
return $this->items[0];
namespace pemapmodder\utils\spaces;
// use pocketmine\block\Block;
// use pocketmine\level\Level;
// use pocketmine\level\Position;
// use pocketmine\math\Vector3;
class CuboidSpace extends Space{
protected $rawStart, $rawEnd, $cookedStart, $cookedEnd;
* Constructs a new CuboidSpace object.
* @param Vector3 $start raw start-selection point of Space.
* @param Vector3 $end raw end-selection point of Space.
* @param Level $level the level of the Space.
public function __construct(Vector3 $s, Vector3 $e, Level $level){
$this->rawStart=new Position($s->x, $s->y, $s->z, $level);
$this->rawEnd=new Position($e->x, $e->y, $e->z, $level);
* Updates fields $cookedStart and $cookedEnd.
* @return CuboidSpace self.
public function recook(){
$this->cookedStart = new Position(min($s->x, $e->x), min($s->y, $e->y), min($s->z, $e->z), $level);
$this->cookedEnd = new Position(max($s->x, $e->x), max($s->y, $e->y), max($s->z, $e->z), $level);
return $this;
// inherited functions
public function isInside(Position $pos){
return ($this->cookedStart->x <= $pos->x and $this->cookedEnd->x >= $pos->x)
and ($this->cookedStart->y <= $pos->y and $this->cookedEnd->y >= $pos->y)
and ($this->cookedStart->z <= $pos->z and $this->cookedEnd->z >= $pos->z)
and ($pos->level->getName() === $this->rawEnd->level->getName());
public function getBlockMap($get = false){
$list = array();
for($x = $this->cookedStart->x; $x <= $this->cookedEnd->x; $x++){
for($y = $this->cookedStart->y; $y <= $this->cookedEnd->y; $y++){
for($z = $this->cookedStart->z; $z <= $this->cookedEnd->z; $z++){
$v = new Vector3($x, $y, $z);
if($get) $list[] = $this->rawEnd->level->getBlock($v);
else $list[] = $v;
return $list;
public function setBlocks(Block $block){
$cnt = 0;
$level = $this->rawEnd->level;
foreach($this->getBlockMap() as $v){
if(!$this->isIdentical($level->getBlock($v)->getID(), $block->getID(), true, true, true)){
$level->setBlock($v, $block, false, false, true);
return $cnt;
public function replaceBlocks(Block $old, Block $new, $meta = true){
$cnt = 0;
$l = $this->rawEnd->level;
foreach($this->getBlockMap(true) as $b){
if($b->getID() === $old->getID() and $b->getMetadata() === $old->getMetadata())
$l->setBlock($b, $new, false, false, true);
namespace pemapmodder\utils\spaces;
use pocketmine\block\Block;
use pocketmine\level\Position;
use pocketmine\math\Vector3;
class CylinderSpace extends Space{
const X = 0;
const Y = 1;
const Z = 2;
* Constructs a new CylinderSpace object.
* @param int $axis
* @param Position $baseCentre
* @param float $radius
* @param int $height
public function __construct($axis, Position $baseCentre, $radius, $height){
$this->axis = (int) $axis % 3;
$this->centre = $baseCentre;
$this->radius = $radius;
$this->height = $height;
public function getBlockMap($get = false){
$result = array();
if($this->axis === self::Y){ // any more efficient ways?
for($y = $this->centre->y; $y < $this->centre->y + $height; $y++){
for($x = $this->centre->x - $this->radius; $x <= $this->centre->x + $radius; $x++){
for($z = $this->centre->z - $this->radius; $z <= $this->centre->z + $radius; $z++){
$pos = new Vector3($x, $y, $z);
if($pos->distance(new Vector3($this->centre->x, $y, $this->centre->z)) <= $this->radius){
$result[] = $this->centre->level->getBlock($pos);
else $result[] = new Position($x, $y, $z, $this->centre->level);
return $result;
if($this->axis === self::X){
for($x = $this->centre->x; $x < $this->centre->x + $height; $x++){
for($y = $this->centre->y - $this->radius; $y <= $this->centre->y + $radius; $y++){
for($z = $this->centre->z - $this->radius; $z <= $this->centre->z + $radius; $z++){
$pos = new Vector3($x, $y, $z);
if($pos->distance(new Vector3($x, $this->centre->y, $this->centre->z)) <= $this->radius){
$result[] = $this->centre->level->getBlock($pos);
else $result[] = new Position($x, $y, $z, $this->centre->level);
return $result;
if($this->axis === self::Z){
for($z = $this->centre->z; $z < $this->centre->z + $height; $z++){
for($y = $this->centre->y - $this->radius; $y <= $this->centre->y + $radius; $y++){
for($c = $this->centre->c - $this->radius; $c <= $this->centre->c + $radius; $c++){
$pos = new Vector3($x, $y, $z);
if($pos->distance(new Vector3($this->centre->x, $this->centre->y, $z)) <= $this->radius){
$result[] = $this->centre->level->getBlock($pos);
else $result[] = new Position($x, $y, $z, $this->centre->level);
return $result;
public function isInside(Position $pos){
if($this->axis === self::X){
$v2 = new Vector2($pos->y, $pos->z);
return $pos->x === $this->centre->x and $v2->distance($this->centre->y, $this->centre->z) <= $this->radius;
if($this->axis === self::Y){
$v2 = new Vector2($pos->x, $pos->z);
return $pos->y === $this->centre->y and $v2->distance($this->centre->x, $this->centre->z) <= $this->radius;
if($this->axis === self::Z){
$v2 = new Vector2($pos->y, $pos->x);
return $pos->z === $this->centre->z and $v2->distance($this->centre->y, $this->centre->x) <= $this->radius;
public function setBlocks(Block $block){
$cnt = 0;
foreach($this->getBlockMap(true) as $pos){
if($pos->getID() !== $block->getID() or $pos->getMetadata() !== $block->getMetadata()){
$this->centre->level->setBlock($pos, $block, false, false, true);
return $cnt;
public function replaceBlocks(Block $old, Block $new, $detectMeta = true){
$cnt = 0;
foreach($this->getBlockMap(true) as $pos){
if($pos->getID() === $old->getID() and ($pos->getMetadata() === $old->getMetadata() or $detectMeta === false)){
$this->centre->level->setBlock($pos, $new, false, false, true);
return $cnt;
__PocketMine Plugin__
version=gamma v2.3
class KcRewrite implements Plugin{
public static $instance=false;
public $configs = array();
public function __construct(ServerAPI $api, $server=false){
public function init(){
$this->api->addHandler("player.death", array($this, "onDeath"), 10);
$this->api->addHandler("player.respawn", array($this, "onRespawn"));
// $this->api->addHandler("player.teleport", array($this, "onTp"));
$this->api->addHandler("player.spawn", array($this, "openPlayerDb"), 10);
$this->api->addHandler("player.quit", array($this, "onQuit"));
$this->api->addHandler("", array($this, "onChat"));
$this->api->addHandler("item.drop", array($this, "onItemDrop"));
$this->api->addHandler("", array($this, "onHurt"));
$this->vipCodes=new Config($this->vipCodesPath, CONFIG_YAML);
// $c->register("vip-get", "<id> Obtain a VIP code", array($this, "vipGetter"));
$c->register("pvp", "PvP Kit! (Only usable in PvP world", array($this, "equipCmd"));
$c->register("reload-ranks", "", array($this, "reloadRanks"));
$c->register("die", "Suicide! (Lag fixer)", array($this, "dieCmd"));
$c->register("rules", "View the rules!", array($this, "rulesCmd"));
$c->register("kills", "[top] View your kills or the top kills!", array($this, "killsCmd"));
$c->register("show", "<player> (EXPERIMENTAL) Show a player, fixing an invisibility bug.", array($this, "spawnCmd"));
$c->register("mute", "[check] Check/Toggle your mute status", array($this, "muteCmd"));
public function __destruct(){
public function onRespawn($p){
public function onHurt($dat){
if(is_string($dat["cause"]) and $dat["entity"]->class === ENTITY_PLAYER){
$c = $dat["cause"];
$sub = strtolower(substr($c, 0, 4));
if($sub == "fall")
return false;
if($sub == "suff"){
public function onChat($dat){
$send = "";
foreach($this->getPlayerDb($dat["player"])->get("prefixes") as $prefix){
if(strlen($prefix) > 0)
$send .= "[$prefix]";
if(($kills = @$this->getPlayerDb($dat["player"])->get("kills")) > 0)
$send .= "[$kills]";
if(($rank = $this->getRank($dat["player"])) !== "normal" and $rank !== "staff")
$send .= "{".$rank."}";
if($dat["player"]->username === "PEMapModder")
$send .= "{DEV}";
if(in_array(strtolower($dat["player"]->username), array("lambo", "spyduck")))
$send .= "{OWNER}";
// $topkills = $this->topkills->getAll();
// $rank = array_search($dat["player"]->username, array_keys($topkills));
// if(is_int($rank)){
// $send .= "{Kills #".($rank+1)."}";
// }
$send .= $dat["player"]->username;
$send .= ": ";
$send .= $dat["message"];
// foreach($this->api->player->getAll($dat["player"]->entity->level) as $p){
// if(@$this->getPlayerDb($p)->get("mute") !== true/* and @$this->getPlayerDb($p)->get("mute-player")[$dat["player"]->username] !== true*/)
// $p->sendChat($send);
// }
$this->api->dhandle("skc.rewrite.broadcast", array("result"=>$send, "data"=>$dat));
return false;
public function onTp($dat){
if($dat["target"] instanceof Position){
if($dat["player"]->entity->level->getName() !== $dat["target"]->level->getName())
$this->api->schedule(100, array($this, "tppos"), array(0=>$dat["player"], 1=>$dat["target"]));
public function tppos($dat){
public function onQuit($p){
// foreach($this->api->player->getAll($p->entity->level) as $o)
// $o->sendChat("$p has left the game.");
public function onDeath($dat){
// var_dump(array_keys($dat));
$killer = $this->api->player->getByEID($dat["cause"]);
$kd = $this->getPlayerDb($killer);
$victim = $dat["player"];
$vd = $this->getPlayerDb($victim);
if(!($vd instanceof Config))return; // occurs when the player leaves the game when he dies
$victim->sendChat("Your number of deaths is now ".$vd->get("deaths")."!");
$vd->set("deaths", $vd->get("deaths") + 1);
if(!($killer instanceof Player))
$kd->set("kills", $kd->get("kills") + 1);
$killer->sendChat("You killed $victim!");
$victim->sendChat("You have been killed by $killer!");
$killer->sendChat("Your number of kills is now ".$kd->get("kills")."!");
if(($rank = $this->updateTopKills($killer->username, $kd->get("kills"))) !== false)
$killer->sendChat("You are now on the top kills list at rank #".($rank+1)."!");
return true;
public function vipGetter($c, $a){
if(!isset($a[0])) return "Usage: /vip-get <name> Generates and returns a VIP activation code for the name";
$this->vipCodes->set($a[0], substr(base64_encode(Utils::getRandomBytes(20, false)), 3, 10));
return "Gift code generated for ".$a[0].": ".$this->vipCodes->get($a[0]);
public function vipActivater($c, $a, $i){
if(!($i instanceof Player)) return "Please run this command in-game.";
if(!isset($a[1])) return "Usage: /vip-activate <name> <gift code>";
if($this->getRank($i) === "vip-starred") return "Your account cannot be upgraded anymore!";
if($this->vipCodes->get($a[0]) === $a[1]){
$all = $this->vipCodes->getAll();
$all = $this->ranks->getAll();
$rank = $this->getRank($i);
if($rank === "vip") $this->setRank($i, "vip-plus");
elseif($rank === "vip-plus") $this->setRank($i, "vip-starred");
elseif($rank === "normal") $this->setRank($i, "vip");
return "Your username ($i) is now activated as ".$this->getRankDisplayName($i)."!";
else return "Name or password incorrect.";
public function rulesCmd(){
return <<<EOD
Server rules:
1. No spamming. (two-kick-one-ban)
2. No swearing. (three-kick-one-ban) (and other improper language)
3. No mods and glitches should be used. (ban IP)
4. No advertizing of other servers. No ABUSE advertizing of youtube channels.
public function reloadRanks(){
public function muteCmd($c, $a, $i){
if(is_string($i)) return "Please run this command in-game.";
if(@strtolower(@$a[0]) === "check")
return "Your mute status: ".($this->getPlayerDb($i)->get("mute")?"on":"off");
$this->getPlayerDb($i)->set("mute", !$this->getPlayerDb($i)->get("mute"));
public function killsCmd($c, $a, $i){
if(@strtolower(@$a[0]) === "top"){
$output = "Top kills:\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n";
foreach($this->topkills->getAll() as $p=>$k){
$output .= "$p: $k kills\n";
return $output."~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~";
if(($cf = $this->getPlayerDb($i)) instanceof Config)
return "Your kills: ".$cf->get("kills")."\nYour deaths: ".$cf->get("deaths")."\nK/D: ".round($cf->get("kills")/$cf->get("deaths"), 3);
return "Please run this command in-game.";
public function equipCmd($c, $a, $i){
if($i instanceof Player){
if($i->level->getName() !== "world_pvp")
return "You cannot use this command in this world!";
return "PvP Kit Given!";
return "Please run this command in-game.";
public function dieCmd($c, $a, $i){
if($i instanceof Player){
$i->entity->harm(20, "cmd");
$i->sendChat("Ouch! That looks like hurt but it sounds like death!");
return "Please run this command in-game.";
public function onItemDrop(){
return false;
public function configs($flags=0b111){
if($flags & 0b100 === 0b100){ // $this->config
$this->config = new /*Config(FILE_PATH."KillCounter-config.yml", CONFIG_YAML, */HardcodedGettable(array(
array("id"=>267, "damage"=>0, "amount"=>1),
array("id"=>360, "damage"=>0, "amount"=>64)),
array("id"=>267, "damage"=>0, "amount"=>1),
array("id"=>297, "damage"=>0, "amount"=>64)),
array("id"=>267, "damage"=>0, "amount"=>1),
array("id"=>364, "damage"=>0, "amount"=>64)),
array("id"=>276, "damage"=>0, "amount"=>1),
array("id"=>364, "damage"=>0, "amount"=>64))),
"abbreviations" =>array("h"=>"helmet", "c"=>"chestplate", "l"=>"leggings", "b"=>"boots"),
// iron 306 chain 302 leather 298 diamond 310 gold 314
"h"=>306, "c"=>299, "l"=>300, "b"=>309),
// iron leather leather iron
"h"=>306, "c"=>315, "l"=>316, "b"=>309),
// iron gold gold iron
"h"=>310, "c"=>299, "l"=>300, "b"=>313),
// diamond leather leather diamond
"h"=>310, "c"=>311, "l"=>300, "b"=>301),
// diamond diamond leather diamond
"h"=>310, "c"=>299, "l"=>300, "b"=>313)),
// diamond leather leather diamond
"normal" =>1,
"vip" =>3,
"vip-plus" =>4,
"vip-starred" =>6,
"staff" =>6),
if($flags & 0b10 === 0b10){ // $this->ranks
$this->ranks = new Config(FILE_PATH."Ranks.yml", CONFIG_YAML,
array("Remember"=>"put the names in lower case!",
"vip"=>array("example vip"),
"vip-plus"=>array("example vip+"),
"vip-starred"=>array("example vip*"),
"staff"=>array("pemapmodder", "lambo", "spyduck")));
if($flags & 0b01 === 0b01){ // $this->topkills
$this->topkills = new Config(FILE_PATH."TopKills.yml", CONFIG_YAML);
if(count($this->topkills->getAll()) === 0)
$this->topkills->setAll(array("no-name-1"=>4, "no-name-2"=>3, "no-name-3"=>2, "no-name-4"=>1, "no-name-5"=>5));
public function setRank($i, $rank){
$r = $this->getRank($i);
if($r !== "normal"){
$all = $this->ranks->get($r);
unset($all[array_search(strtolower("$i"), $all)]);
$this->ranks->set($r, $all);
$all = $this->ranks->get($rank);
$all[] = strtolower("$i");
$this->ranks->set($rank, $all);
public function getRankDisplayName($rank){
return ucfirst(str_replace(array("-starred", "-plus"), array("*", "+"), $rank));
public function playerDbPath($p){
$r = FILE_PATH."SKC-Rewrite/player-databases/".strtolower(substr($p->username, 0, 1))."/";
console("[NOTICE] Attempt creating subdirectory $r, result ".(@mkdir($r) ? "true":"false"), true, false, 2);
return $r.strtolower("$p").".txt";
public function openPlayerDb($p){
console("[DEBUG] Opening database of $p.", true, true, 2);
$file = $this->playerDbPath($p);
$cont = @file_get_contents($p);
$old_kills = 0;
$oldPath = FILE_PATH."TooSimpleKillCounter/players_databases/".substr(strtolower("$p"), 0, 1)."/".strtolower("$p").".txt";
if(($old = @file_get_contents($oldPath)) !== false){
if((int) $old > 2){
console("[NOTICE] Old database of $p detected. Converting.");
$old_kills = $old;
if($file === false)
console("[NOTICE] Generating database of $p.");
$this->configs[strtolower("$p")] = new Config($file, CONFIG_YAML, array("kills"=>0, "deaths"=>0, "prefixes"=>array("parkour"=>"", "kitpvp"=>""), "mute"=>false));
$this->configs[strtolower("$p")]->set("kills", $old_kills + $this->configs[strtolower("$p")]->get("kills"));
$this->updateTopKills("$p", $this->configs[strtolower("$p")]->get("kills"));
$this->configs[strtolower("$p")]->set("deaths", $old_kills + $this->configs[strtolower("$p")]->get("deaths"));
if(defined("DEBUG") and DEBUG >= 2)
public function getPlayerDb($p){
return @$this->configs[strtolower("$p")];
public function equip($p){
if(!($p instanceof Player)) return false;
foreach($this->config->get("respawn-items")[$this->getRank($p)] as $item){
$p->addItem($item["id"], $item["damage"], $item["amount"]);
$ks = array("h"=>0, "c"=>1, "l"=>2, "b"=>3);
foreach($ks as $k=>$i){
$it = $this->config->get("respawn-armor")[$this->getRank($p)][$k];
$p->setArmor($i, BlockAPI::getItem($it));
public function getRank($p){
foreach($this->ranks->getAll() as $rk=>$ps){
if(in_array(strtolower("$p"), $ps))
return $rk;
return "normal";
public function updateKitpvpPrefix($player){
if(($config = $this->getPlayerDb($player)) instanceof Config){
$a = $config->get("prefixes");
$p = "";
$k = $config->get("kills");
$d = $config->get("deaths");
// ascending order
$community_ideas = array("hardcore", "professional", "addict", "god", "protigy", "legendary", "assassin", "warrior", "beast", "knight", "unstoppable", "rampager",);
if($k>=25)$p = "Fighter";
if($k>=50)$p = "Killer";
if($k>=125)$p = "Dangerous";
if($k>=225)$p = "Hard";
if($k>=350)$p = "Beast";
if($k>=500)$p = "Warrior";
if($k>=675)$p = "Knight";
if($k>=875)$p = "Hardcore";
if($k>=1100)$p = "Addict";
if($k>=1350)$p = "Unstoppable";
if($k>=1625)$p = "PvpMaster";
if($k>=2000)$p = "Legendary"; // not really... just experienced...
// elseif("use-ratio"=="use-ratio"){
// if($k === 0)$p = "Glorious";
// elseif($d === 0)$p = "Self-Healer";
// elseif($k === $d) // fair
// $p = "Fair";
// elseif($k > $d){ // more kills
// $pctg = 100 * ($k - $d) / $d; // $k is $pctg % larger than $d
// if($pctg > 10)$p = "Hazardous";
// }
// else{ // more deaths
// $pctg = 100 * ($d - $k) / $k; // $d is $pctg % larger than $k
// if($pctg > 10)$p = "Weak";
// }
// }
$a["kitpvp"] = $p;
$config->set("prefixes", $a);
public function updateTopKills($name = false, $kills = false){
$a = $this->topkills->getAll();
if($name !== false)
$new = array();
$copy = $a;
rsort($copy, SORT_NUMERIC);
foreach($copy as $k){
$new[array_search($k, $a)] = $k;
unset($a[array_search($k, $a)]);
if(count($new) >= 5)break;
// console("\$new: ", false);
// var_dump($new);
// console("\$copy: ", false);
// var_dump($copy);
return array_search($name, array_keys($new));
return false;
public function spawnCmd($c, $a, $issuer){
if(!($issuer instanceof Player))
return "You aren't supposed to see any players with $issuer anyway, right?";
if(!isset($a[0]))return "Usage: /show <player>, fixes an invisibility bug";
foreach($this->api->player->getAll($issuer->entity->level) as $p) $p->entity->spawn($issuer);
return "Spawned all players in your world to you.";
$p = $this->api->player->get($a[0]);
if(!($p instanceof Player))
return "Error: No player with name similar to $a[0] is found.";
if($p->entity->level->getName() !== $issuer->entity->level->getName()) return "$p is not in the same level of you!";
$output .= "Packet adding $p sent to you.";
# return $output;
class HardcodedGettable{
public function __construct(array $data){
$this->data = $data;
public function get($offset){
return $this->data[$offset];
public function save(){
namespace pemapmodder\utils\spaces;
// use pocketmine\block\Block;
// use pocketmine\level\Position;
// use pocketmine\math\Vector3;
abstract class Space{
* Checks whether a position is inside the space.
* @param Position $pos the position to check
* @return bool <code>true</code> if inclusively inside, <code>false</code> otherwise.
public abstract function isInside(Position $pos);
public abstract function getBlockMap($get = false);
* Set all blocks in this Space into a specified block.
* @param Block $block replace all blocks in this Space to this.
* @return int count of the number of blocks changed.
public abstract function setBlocks(Block $block);
* Clear all blocks.<br>Subsitution of <code>Space->setBlocks(new AirBlock());</code>
* @return int count of the number of blocks changed.
public function clearBlocks(){
return $this->setBlocks(Block::get(0));
* Replace all blocks of a type to another type.
* @param Block $original block type to be replaced.
* @param Block $new block type to be replaced with.
* @param bool $detectMeta if identical to <code>false</code>, replace all blocks with the ID of $original. Default <code>true</code>.
* @return int count of the number of blocks changed.
public abstract function replaceBlocks(Block $original, Block $new, $detectMeta = true);
* Fill all air blocks (and optionally liquid blocks) with a specified block.
* @param Block $new block type to fill with.
* @param bool $liquid if identical to <codee>true</code>, fill water and lava too. Default <code>false</code>.
* @return int count of the number of blocks changed.
public function fillBlocks(Block $new, $liquid = false){
$arr = array(0);
$arr = array(0, 8, 9, 10, 11);
$cnt = 0;
foreach($arr as $id)
$cnt += (int) $this->replaceBlocks(Block::get($id), $new, false);
return $cnt;
* Checks whether two Vector3 objects are identical.
* @param Vector3 $arg0
* @param Vector3 $arg1
* @param bool $strict Default <code>false</code>.
* @param bool $ignoreCoords Default <code>false</code>.
* @param bool $ignoreLevel Default <code>false</code>.
* @return bool
public function isIdentical(Vector3 $a, Vector3 $b, $strict = false, $ignoreCoords = false, $ignoreLevel = false){
$result = true;
if($ignoreCoords === false){
$result = ($a->x === $b->x) and ($a->y === $a->y) and ($a->z === $a->z);
if(($a instanceof Position) and ($b instanceof Position)){
if($ignoreLevel === false){
$result = $result and ($a->level->getName() === $b->level->getName());
if(($a instanceof Block) and ($b instanceof Block)){
$result = $result and ($a->getID() === $b->getID());
if($strict === true){
$result = $result and ($a->getMetadata() === $b->getMetadata());
return $result;
__PocketMine Plugin__
version=beta 0.0
class Spleef implements Plugin{
const WAITING=0;
const PLAYING=1;
const BREAK_PROB=60;
public $games=array();
public static $instance=false;
public function __construct(ServerAPI $api, $server=false){
public function __destruct(){
public function init(){
$this->api->addHandler("player.block.touch", array($this, "onBlockTouch"), 50);
$this->api->addHandler("player.move", array($this, "onMove"), 50);
$this->api->addHandler("player.quit", array($this, "quit"));
// EXAMPLES: `$this->newGame(new Position($x, $y, $z, $this->api->level->get("world_spleef")));`, `$this->newGame(new Position($x, $y, $z, $this->api->level->get("world_spleef")), BlockAPI::get(80)/*snow block id*/, $height_of_each_floor, $radius, $number_of_floors, $number_of_players);`
public function newGame(Position $centre, Block $floor=null, $height=3, $radius=14, $floors=3, $playersCnt=8){
$poss=SpleefArenaBuilder::buildAt($centre, $radius, $floor, $floors, $height, $playersCnt);
if(count($poss) !== 8)
trigger_error("SPLEEF ERROR: Attempt to create spleef arena centred at $centre, created ".count($poss)." preps instead of 8", E_USER_WARNING);
"lose-y"=>array($centre->y - 10, $centre->y - 15),
public function onBlockTouch($dat){
if($dat["type"] === "place"){
foreach($this->games as $pos=>$game){
if($game["status"]===self::WAITING) continue;
$centre = $game["centre"];
$correct = false;
for($f = 0; $f < $game["floors-cnt"]; $f++){
$y = $centre->y - $f * $game["floors-height"];
if($y === $dat["target"]->y){
$correct = true;
if(!$correct) continue;
if($game["material"]->getID()!==$dat["target"]->getID()) continue;
$ycentre = new Vector3($centre->x, $dat["target"]->y, $centre->z);
if($ycentre->distance($dat["target"]) > $game["radius"])
foreach($game["players"] as $p){
if($p->username === $dat["player"]->username){
if(mt_rand(1, 100) <= self::BREAK_PROB) // calibrate with experience
$dat["target"]->level->setBlock($dat["target"], BlockAPI::get(0), false, false, true);
return false;
public function onMove(Entity $entity){
if($entity->class !== ENTITY_PLAYER) return;
$p = $entity->player;
foreach($this->games as $game){
foreach($game["players"] as $player){
if($player->username === $p->username){
if($game["status"] === self::WAITING)
return false;
$losey = $game["lose-y"];
$centre = $game["centre"];
if(max($losey) >= $entity->y and min($losey) <= $entity->y and $entity->distance(new Vector3($centre->x, $entity->y, $centre->z)) <= $game["radius"]){
$p->sendChat("You lost!");
$p->sendChat("Teleporting you back to spleef lobby.");
public function join($pos, Player $player){
if($pos instanceof Position)
return false;
if(count($this->games[$pos]["players"]) === count($this->games[$pos]["poss"]))
return true;
public function quit(Player $player){
foreach($this->games as $pos=>$game){
foreach($game["players"] as $k=>$p){
break 2;
public function prestart($pos){
foreach($this->games[$pos]["player"] as $p){
for($s=10; $s>0; $s++){
$this->api->schedule((10-$s)*20, array($p, "sendChat"), "Spleef starting in $s second(s)!");
$this->api->schedule(200, array($this, "start"), $pos);
public function start($key){
$game =& $this->games[$key];
foreach($game["poss"] as $pos)
$pos->level->setBlock(new Vector3($pos->x, $pos->y - 1, $pos->z), BlockAPI::get(0), false, false, true);
$game["status"] = self::PLAYING;
foreach($game["players"] as $p)
$p->sendChat("Spleef has started! Tap on a block of ".$game["material"]->name." to have a ".self::BREAK_PROP."% chance to break it! The last one standing is the winner!"); // TODO anti-climbing-mod
public function posToKey(Position $centre){
return ((int)$centre->x).",".((int)$centre->y).",".((int)$centre->z)."@w:".$centre->level->getName();
class SpleefArenaBuilder{
* Builds a spleef arena
* @return Position[] positions to teleport players to
public static function buildAt(Position $centre, $radius, Block $material, $floors, $airHeight, $playersCnt){
for($x=$centre->x-$radius; $x<=$centre->x+$radius; $x++){
for($z=$centre->z-$radius; $z<=$centre->z+$radius; $z++){
for($yc=0; $yc<$floors; $yc++){
$v=new Vector3($x, $y, $z);
if($v->distance(new Vector3($centre->x, $y, $centre->z))<=$radius)
$centre->level->setBlock($v, $material, false, false, true);
for($angle=0; $angle<360; $angle+=(360/$playersCnt)){
$pos=new Position($x, $centre->y+4, $z, $centre->level);
self::buildPrep($pos, 2, null, null, null);
public static function buildPrep(Position $p, $height=2, Block $floor=null, Block $wall=null, Block $ceil=null){
$l->setBlock(new Vector3($p->x, $p->y-1, $p->z), $floor, false, false, true);
for($y=$p->y; $y<=$p->y+$height; $y++){
$l->setBlock(new Vector3($p->x+1 , $y , $p->z+1 ), $wall, false, false, true);
$l->setBlock(new Vector3($p->x-1 , $y , $p->z+1 ), $wall, false, false, true);
$l->setBlock(new Vector3($p->x , $y , $p->z+1 ), $wall, false, false, true);
$l->setBlock(new Vector3($p->x+1 , $y , $p->z ), $wall, false, false, true);
$l->setBlock(new Vector3($p->x-1 , $y , $p->z ), $wall, false, false, true);
$l->setBlock(new Vector3($p->x+1 , $y , $p->z-1 ), $wall, false, false, true);
$l->setBlock(new Vector3($p->x , $y , $p->z-1 ), $wall, false, false, true);
$l->setBlock(new Vector3($p->x-1 , $y , $p->z-1 ), $wall, false, false, true);
$l->setBlock(new Vector3($p->x, $p->y+$height, $p->z), $ceil, false, false, true);
__PocketMine Plugin__
version=alpha 0
namespace pemapmodder\legionpe\spleef;
class Spleef implements \Plugin{
public static $instance=false;
public function __construct(\ServerAPI $api, $server=false){
public function __destruct(){
public $spleefs=array();
public function init(){
\ServerAPI::request()->api->console->register("coords", "", array($this, "coor"));
// $this->spleef=new SpleefArena(new \Vector2(100, 100), new \Vector2(156, 156), $level, 100, 3, 3, \BlockAPI::get(5), \BlockAPI::get(7), \BlockAPI::get(20), \BlockAPI::get(20), array(new \Position(110, 107, 110, $level), new \Position(110, 107, 146, $level), new \Position(146, 107, 110, $level), new \Position(146, 107, 146, $level)), $level->getSafeSpawn(), new MySpace(new \Vector3(90, 80, 90), new \Vector3(166, 70, 166), $level), $level->getSafeSpawn());
for($y=113; $y>15; $y-=15){
$start=new \Vector2($x+3, $z+3);
$end=new \Vector2($x+29, $z+29);
$stands[]=new \Position($x+4, $y+3, $z+4, $level);
$this->spleefs[]=new SpleefArena($start, $end, $level, $y, 3, 3, \BlockAPI::get(80), \BlockAPI::get(7), \BlockAPI::get(20), \BlockAPI::get(20), $stands,
public function coor($c, $a, $i){
return $i->entity->x."\n".$i->entity->y."\n".$i->entity->z."\n".$i->entity->level->getName();
class SpleefArena{
protected $floors=array(), $players=array();
public function __construct(\Vector2 $start, \Vector2 $end, \Level $level, $topY, $floorsCnt, $airHeight, \Block $floorMaterial, \Block $prepFloorMaterial, \Block $prepWallMaterial, \Block $prepCeilMaterial, array $startStandingPositions, \Position $blockPortalToHere, MySpace $spaceOfLosers, \Position $loserTpTar, \Position $winnerTpTar=null){
for($i=0; $i<$floorsCnt; $i++){
$this->floors[]=new MySpace(new \Vector3($start->x, $topY-$i*($airHeight+1), $start->y), new \Vector3($end->x, $topY-$i*($airHeight+1), $end->y), $level);
$s->addHandler("player.block.touch", array($this, "handleBT"));
$s->addHandler("player.move", array($this, "handleMovement"));
public function addPlayer(\Player $player){
return false;
return false;
foreach($this->players as $p){
$p->sendChat("/ $p has joined this spleef tournament!");
$player->sendChat("/ You have entered a spleef tournament!");
$player->teleport(new \Position($pos->x+0.5, $pos->y, $pos->z+0.5, $this->level));
public function cntDown(){
for($i=$time; $i>0; $i--){
$s->schedule(20*($time-$i), array($this, "broadcast"), "/ Game starting in $i seconds!");
$s->schedule($time, array($this, "start"));
public function start(){
$this->broadcast("/ The tournament now STARTS!");
foreach($this->posns as $p){
$this->level->setBlock(new Vector3($p->x, $p->y-1, $p->z), BlockAPI::get(0));
public function broadcast($msg){
foreach($this->players as $p)
public function handleMovement(\Entity $ent){
if(!(@$ent->player instanceof \Player))
$ent->player->sendChat("/ You lost the tournament!");
\ServerAPI::request()->schedule(1, array($this, "tpLose"), $ent->player);
$p=array_rand($this->players); // only one here. So... random?
$p->sendChat("/ You have won the tournament!");
else foreach($this->players as $p){
$p->sendChat("/ Spleef player ".$ent->player->username." has fallen! ".count($this->players)." players left!");
else console("[ERROR] A spleef arena detects that ".$ent->player->username." is not declared winning after the last loser has lost. Please send a report of this to a developer."); // more debug info?
public function reset(){
public function handleBT($data){
if(self::vectorsMatch($data["target"], $this->blockPortalToHere, false)){
if($data["type"]==="break" and !\ServerAPI::request()->api->ban->isOp($data["player"]->iusername)){
$data["player"]->sendChat("/ You do not have permission to delete this sign portal.");
return false;
return false;
if($data["type"]==="break" and !\ServerAPI::request()->api->ban->isOp($data["player"]->iusername)){
$data["player"]->sendChat("/ You do not have permission to destroy this block!");
if($data["target"]->getID()===$this->floor->getID() and $data["target"]->getMetadata()===$this->floor->getMetadata())
$data["player"]->sendChat("/ Please tap the block instead of breaking the block!");
ServerAPI::request()->schedule(10, array($this, "tppos"), $data["player"]);
ServerAPI::request()->schedule(20, array($this, "tppos"), $data["player"]);
ServerAPI::request()->schedule(30, array($this, "tppos"), $data["player"]);
return false;
foreach($this->floors as $f){
if(mt_rand(0, 99)<mt_rand(40, 60)){
\ServerAPI::request()->schedule(10, array($this, "breakBlock"), $data["target"]); // delay as the normal spleef
public function breakBlock(Position $pos){
$pos->level->setBlock($pos, BlockAPI::get(0), false, false, true);
public function tppos(array $data){
public function tpLose(Player $p){
public function resetFloor(){
foreach($this->floors as $f)
public function resetPreps(){
foreach($this->posns as $pos){
$this->level->setBlock(new \Vector3($pos->x, $pos->y-1, $pos->z), $this->prepFlr, false, false, true);
self::makeWallsAround(new \Position($pos->x, $pos->y, $pos->z, $this->level), $this->prepWl, 3);
$this->level->setBlock(new \Vector3($pos->x, $pos->y+2, $pos->z), $this->prepCeil, false, false, true);
public static function makeWallsAround(\Position $p, \Block $material, $height){
for($height--; $height>=0; $height--){
$p->level->setBlock(new \Vector3($p->x+1, $p->y+$height, $p->z), $material, false, false, true);
$p->level->setBlock(new \Vector3($p->x, $p->y+$height, $p->z+1), $material, false, false, true);
$p->level->setBlock(new \Vector3($p->x, $p->y+$height, $p->z-1), $material, false, false, true);
$p->level->setBlock(new \Vector3($p->x-1, $p->y+$height, $p->z), $material, false, false, true);
public static function vectorsMatch(\Vector3 $one, \Vector3 $two, $strict=false){
if(($one instanceof \Position) and ($two instanceof \Position)){
if($strict and ($one instanceof \Block) and ($two instanceof \Block)){
class MySpace{
public function __construct(\Vector3 $a, \Vector3 $b, \Level $level){
public function isInside(\Position $pos){
return ($pos->x >= min($this->a->x, $this->b->x) and $pos->x <= max($this->a->x, $this->b->x))
and ($pos->y >= min($this->a->y, $this->b->y) and $pos->y <= max($this->a->y, $this->b->y))
and ($pos->z >= min($this->a->z, $this->b->z) and $pos->z <= max($this->a->z, $this->b->z))
and $pos->level->getName() === $this->level->getName();
public function fillBlocks(\Block $type){
for($x=min($this->a->x, $this->b->x); $x<=max($this->a->x, $this->b->x); $x++){
for($y=min($this->a->y, $this->b->y); $y<=max($this->a->y, $this->b->y); $y++){
for($z=min($this->a->z, $this->b->z); $z<=max($this->a->z, $this->b->z); $z++){
$this->level->setBlock(new \Vector3($x, $y, $z), $type, false, false, true);
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