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Created June 10, 2014 10:52
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A snapshot of LegionPE hub's core code
class HubPlugin extends PluginBase{
public function onChat(PlayerChatEvent $event){ // if session is not self::HUB, monitor it. if session is self::HUB, prevent typing password here
$p = $event->getPlayer();
if(($s = $this->sessions[$p->getID()]) < self::HUB or $s >= self::LOGIN){ // if not authed
elseif($this->getDb($p)->get("pw-hash") === $this->hash($event->getMessage())){ // if authed but is telling password
$p->sendMessage("Never talk loudly to others your password!");
if($s === self::REGISTER){ // request repeat password: registry wizard step 1
$this->tmpPws[$p->getID()] = $event->getMessage();
$p->sendMessage("Step 2:");
$p->sendMessage("Please enter your password again to confirm.");
$this->sessions[$p->getID()] ++;
elseif($s === self::REGISTER + 1){ // check repeated password: registry wizard step 2
if($this->tmpPws[$p->getID()] === $event->getMessage()){ // choose team, if matches password
$p->sendMessage("The password matches! Type this password into your chat and send it next time you login.");
$p->sendMessage("LegionPE registry wizard closed!");
$this->getDb($p)->set("pw-hash", $this->hash($event->getMessage()));
console($p->getDisplayName()." successfully registered!");
else{ // if password different
$p->sendMessage("Password doesn't match! Going back to step 1.");
$p->sendMessage("Please type your password in the chat.");
$this->sessions[$p->getID()] = self::REGISTER;
elseif($s >= self::LOGIN){ // check password, if session is waiting login
$hash = $this->getDb($p)->get("pw-hash");
if($this->hash($event->getMessage()) === $hash){ // auth, if password matches
if($this->getDb($p)->get("ip-auth") !== false){ // update IP
$this->getDb($p)->set("ip-auth", $p->getAddress());
$p->sendMessage("Your IP address has been updated to \"{$p->getAddress()}\".");
else{ // add session, if password doesn't match
$p->sendMessage("Password doesn't match! Please try again.");
if($s >= self::LOGIN_MAX){ // if reaches maximum trials of login
$p->sendMessage("You exceeded the max number of trials to login! You are being kicked.");
new CallbackPluginTask(array($p, "close"), $this, array("Failing to auth.", "Auth failure"), true), 80);
class Hub{
protected function joinMg(Player $p, MgMain $mg){
$TID = $this->hub->getDb($p)->get("team");
if(($reason = $mg->isJoinable($p, $TID)) === true){
$this->server->getScheduler()->scheduleDelayedTask(new CallbackPluginTask(array($p, "teleport"), $this->hub, $mg->getSpawn($p, $TID)), 40);
$p->teleport($mg->getSpawn($p, $TID));
$p->sendMessage("You are teleported to the");
$p->sendMessage(" ".$mg->getName()." world! You might lag!");
$this->teleports[$p->getID()] = time();
$this->hub->sessions[$p->getID()] = $mg->getSessionId();
$this->setChannel($p, $mg->getDefaultChatChannel($p, $TID));
$p->sendMessage("{$mg->getName()} cannot be joined currently due to $reason!");
public function parseChannel(Player $player, $chan){
$t = $this->hub->getDb($player)->get("team");
$s = $this->hub->getSession($player);
$spleef = ($s === HubPlugin::SPLEEF);
case "general":
case "gen":
case "g":
case "public":
case "pub":
case "p":
$ch = "public";
case "team":
case "t":
$ch = $t;
case "arena":
case "a":
case "at":
case "arenateam":
case "teamarena":
case "ta":
$ch = Spleef::get()->getArena($player);
if($ch !== false){
$ch = "s".$ch.((stripos($chan, "t") !== false) ? (".t".$t):"");
$player->sendMessage("You are not in a spleef arena! Your chat channel will be set to the default one in your minigame.");
$ch = $this->getMgClass($player);
eval("return $ch::get()->getDefaultChatChannel(\$player, \$t);");
$player->sendMessage("Unidentified chat channel identifier $chan. Your chat channel will be set to the default one in your minigame.");
$ch = $this->getMgClass($player);
eval("return $ch::get()->getDefaultChatChannel(\$player, \$t);");
return "".$this->getMgClass($player, true, true).$ch;
abstract class MgMain{
public abstract function onJoinMg(Player $player);
public abstract function onQuitMg(Player $player);
public abstract function getName();
public abstract function getSessionId();
* @return \pocketmine\level\Position
public abstract function getSpawn(Player $player, $TID);
* @return string
public abstract function getDefaultChatChannel(Player $player, $TID);
* @return bool
public abstract function isJoinable();
* @return string|bool|null string stat message, boolean false or null
public abstract function getStats(Player $player, array $args = []);
// public abstract static function init();
* @return self
// public abstract static function get();
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