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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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Know more about LegionPE Delta (LegionPE after 0.9.0)

LegionPE Delta

When will it be released?

The date MCPE 0.9.0 is released on iOS and Android is in July I think. PocketMine-MP Alpha_1.4 (Zekkou Cake) will be released not long (probably one or two days) after the release of 0.9.0. Since 0.9.0 can only be connected with servers hosted with Zekkou Cake, we have to update our plugins to support Zekkou Cake. Our promise is at most one week after the release of Zekkou Cake, but as you know, bugs are never predictable and we may come into bugs that take days to solve.

Currently (14/6/2014), the basic structure of the new API plugin is finished and debugged except chat control, which hopefully will only take 3 to 4 hours to debug. Parkour is fully finished and believed to be stable and hopefully will take no more than 15 minutes to debug. Spleef is finished, but it is based on a proof of concept of spleef arena objects by @PEMapModder, so it may take one or two days to finish debugging, and in worst ccircumstances it may need to be rewrited, which could take a whole week. PvP's structure has been finished, but since health-and-death-related things haven't been added to PocketMine-MP development versions yet, we cannot test it right now. CTF development is still in the status of a scratch, but we will finish it ASAP. (There were a few times when I wanted to start on CTF, but I always ended up fixing issues in other parts of the code)

What will be added?

So the following is a list of the features in the LegionPE-Delta plugin we worked hard on.

New auth system

When you first join LegionPE-Delta, you will be required to enter a password. You do NOT have to use /login. You should only type your password directly in chat. After registering the first time, you will be required to repeat the password in case you had a typo. Then your account will be registered. You can use /auth ip on|off|check to enable/disable/check your IP auth. Next time you login, you just need to type the password in chat. You don't need to worry about letting other people know your password because all messages that are identical to your password will be rejected. (Exclusive feature!)


After a successful register of your password, you will be required to pick a team among four by tapping a sign. If a particular team has too many members compared to the team with the fewest members, you will be unable to join that team. However, if you insist to join that team for reasons like your brother is also on that team, you can leave the game and come back a few hours later to see if that team is not so full now (because people joined the other teams). You are not allowed to change your team after picking it because almost everything you do on the server can affect your team's score. (Rules violations do not affect a team's score.) In PvP you are forced to team up with everyone on your team and fight against everyone outside your team, so you cannot friend them. In spleef if only players of the same team are left, the match will automatically end and you won't need to deathmatch your teammate. In CTF you will be separated into four teams according to these four.

PvP kits and classes

Due to a large demand of increasing class variety throughout the community, we have made it such that you can pick one class among the ones available in/below your rank. The classes will apply after you respawn to avoid an abuse. You will also be issued with extra armor/weapon/food if you bought it via coins.

Chat channels and prefixes

Instead of chatting according to different worlds, you can chat in different chat channels such as your team global (all worlds) channel, team local (this minigame/hub) channel, universal (all teams) global channel and universal local channel. For spleef arenas, you can subdivide them into team arena channels and universal arena channels. You can configure your channel using /chat ch <channel>. A documentation of <channel> will be added later.

New style of spleef!

Due to Pocket Edition variation from MCPC, we have decided that it will be easier to play spleef by touching the snow blocks instead of breaking the snow blocks! To avoid an abuse of this, different ranks will have different chances to successfully break the snow blocks, ranging from 45% to 75%. This chance can also be raised by buying special powers via coins.


To support our four-team system, CTF is hosted by having four teams. Each team has to have members guarding its own flag while having other members responsible for capturing other teams' flag. You capture the flag by breaking the obsidian block on a fence post using a diamond pickaxe. Different from classical CTF games, you can break some of the blocks in the CTF arena. Each team may also use the TNT-activator (a slimeball) to create an explosion. To avoid causing server lag, each team can only summon the TNT-activator once every minute. The magnitude of the explosion is also lower than TNT, but if the holder of the TNT-activator has a special rank or has bought a special power via coins, the magnitude could be increased. This explosion can both damage players and break blocks.

The goal is to guard your own flag, while you have returned two of the other teams' flag to the world centre. The world centre, as its name tells, is located at the centre of the world. After you have broken the obsidian block, it will be stored into your inventory. You will be shown as "crouching" to other players to symbolize that you are a flag holder. If you are killed, the killer will have the flag instead. If no one picked up the flag, it will be restored to the owning team's base. If you successfully walk back to the world centre and place it, you will "return" the flag. The match will end if you have returned two. However, the owning team can "recapture" the returned flag.


Coins are gained when you win in a minigame. They can be spent at the shops at hub. The details are available in-game.


Ranks are bought via online purchasing. The features of different ranks are shown here:

Rank KitPvP classes available Spleef break-block success chance CTF TNT magnitude CTF equipment
Player (default rank) fighter, curer 45% 5 N/D (Not Decided / Not Done)
Donater fighter, curer, killer 50 % 6 N/D
VIP fighter, curer, killer, healer 55% 7 N/D
VIP+ fighter, curer, killer, healer, warrior 60% 8 N/D
VIP++ fighter, curer, killer, healer, warrior, knight 65% 9 N/D
Premium fighter, curer, killer, healer, knight, doctor 75% 10 N/D
Sponsor fighter, curer, killer, healer, knight, doctor, legendary 80% 11 N/D
Staff fighter, curer, staff 50% 8 N/D

I know "donater" is a typo. Blame Lambo. He wrote it here not me.

New rules and ban system

Here we introduce our new ban system based on the ban points system in PocketMine Forums. All players start the game with 0 warning points. Every time you are caught violating the rules, you will be issued with a certain amount of warning points. The following table lists the rules and the relavent penalty.

Rule Warning points
Spamming that fill up the whole chat screen 3
Staff imposement using /me or attempting to login with their names 2
Cursing, swearing or speaking offending words (all the same meaning) 1
Harassing other players or framing them by submitting false reports 1
Abusively using capital letters in chat 1
Speaking of nonsense repeatedly in chat 2
Using bugs and glitches that causes unfairness to other players 1
Having an extra speed by using mods (a.k.a. using sprint mod) 3
Having an extra jump height by using mods (a.k.a. using superjump mod) 3
Being able to fly in mid air due to using climbing mod or flying mod 3

In order to give a chance of self-correction, warning points will expire after one month.

When you have too much warning points, you will be banned for a number of days. The following is a list of them.

Warning points higher than Length of ban
2 1
4 3
6 6
8 10
10 Until all warning points expire

Admins and moderators issue warning points to you via Penalties. You have 15 seconds chance to read about the Penalty. A message will be sent to you in-game. That message includes the ID of the penalty, the rules you offended and probably an extra message by the issuer of the penalty. You can write down the Penalty's ID. If you are not banned, you can come back to the game and appeal about the penalty to an administrator. If you can't find one, or if you are banned, you can send a ban appeal to staffs via these methods:

  • A message to @_Lambo_16 on Twitter
  • A private message to @Lambo or @PEMapModder on
  • If avaialble and you know how to, a private message to PEMapModder on IRC server
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