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Last active January 15, 2016 08:13
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# HereAuth configuration file
# Default settings for each account (players can change them if they have the permission)
# Enable these methods for automatic authentication
# Automatically authenticate if the client secret is same as the last login
# "Client secret" is a password automatically sent by the client, and is different for every
# server (so other servers can't steal it) and changes with device.
ClientSecretAuth: true
# Automatically authenticate if the player joins from the IP address same as the last login
# IP (Internet Protocol) address identifies the network that the player connects from. People
# from the same network (e.g. having the same Wi-Fi) have the same IP address. Also, two
# players with dynamic IP may have overlapping IP address record (but it is a rare case).
IPAuth: false
# Automatically authenticate if the player has the same UUID as the last login
# UUID is the combination of IP address and client ID (and username too).
# Client ID is a value that can be easily stolen, so using it alone is not reliable.
UUIDAuth: false
# Mask some data about the player before authenticating
# If the player cannot be automatically authenticated, teleport him to another location (e.g. spawn).
# He will be teleported back when he is authenticated. This may cause extra chunk loading time,
# but players can choose to enable/disable this and/or set their own homes
Enabled: false
# Where is the default "another location"?
# Format for spawn in world "some_level": "?spawn?@some_level"
# Format for spawn in the player's world: "?spawn?@?current?"
# Format for specific coordinates (x, y, z) in world "some_level": "x,y,z@some_level"
# Format for specific coordinates (x, y, z) in the player's world: "x,y,z@?current?"
Value: "?spawn?@?current?"
# Do not send the inventory to the player unless he is auto-authenticated.
Inventory: true
# Multi-factor authentication
# Apart from checking the password (or through AutoAuth), also check these:
# Player must use the same skin as the last login
Skin: false
# Players may be unable to login without realizing that they have dynamic IP if you enable this.
IP: false
# Disallow these if the player is registered but not authenticated
# "Chat" and "Command" are unavailable options, because HereAuth will consider all chat messages as register information
# "true" = disallow, "false" = allow
# Move
# Move from one place to one place.
Locomotion: true
# Rotate head
Rotation: true
# Get hurt
Damage: true
# Touch other entities
Attack: true
# Drop items from inventory
DropItem: true
# Touch blocks/air, including placing/breaking blocks, opening chests, shooting arrows and throwing snowballs
Touch: true
# Pick a dropped item into inventory
Pick: true
# Eat food by long-clicking the screen
Eat: true
# Block the player from directly talking his password into chat
# This won't block the message if it contains anything other than the pssword, including spaces.
BlockPasswordChat: true
# Force players to register before playing
# If this is set to false, players have to execute /register to register.
Enabled: true
Reminder: "[HereAuth] Protip: type '/register' in chat to register so that other people can't impersonate you."
# The place to store data
# The type of database to use.
# Currently, only "JSON" and "MySQL" are available.
Type: JSON
# Please check this if you are using JSON.
# The path of the accounts data folder
# If you want to specify an absolute path, use "accounts" instead.
DataFolder: accounts
# If this is set to "true", the file for "steve" will be located at .../s/steve.json
# If this is set to "false", the file for "steve" will be located at .../steve.json
EnableLeadingIndex: false
# You MUST correct these if you are using MySQL
# The connection details of your database
# IP address/DNS address to your MySQL database
# If it is hosted on the same machine, "localhost" is also OK, but it sometimes doesn't work
# (or you need to fill in the "socket" line)
# Port of the MySQL database. It is 3306 by default.
Port: 3306
# Username to the MySQL account.
# Avoid using "root", in case the plugin accidentally does complete destruction to your whole database
# (e.g. including other schemas)
Username: root
# Password to the MySQL account.
# Yes, this has to be in plaintext, so make sure to keep this file secret (unless your password is blank,
# which is highly discouraged).
Password: ""
# Schema for HereAuth in the MySQL database.
# If it is not created yet, HereAuth will automatically create it.
Schema: hereauth
# Prefix for table names
# If your database provider only provides you with one schema, you may want to add a prefix to the table names to
# avoid duplicating table names.
TablePrefix: hereauth_
# Options related to registering
# Minimum password length, in UTF-8 bytes. (i.e. if you put 6 here, you have to at least type two Chinese characters,
# since one Chinese character takes 3 bytes in UTF-8)
MinLength: 4
# Maximum password length, in UTF-8 bytes.
# Put -1 for infinity (non-modded MCPE will limit it, though)
MaxLength: -1
# Enable this to disallow the password to be purely letters (26 alphabets of two cases)
BanPureLetters: false
# Enable this to disallow the password to be purely numbers
BanPureNumbers: false
# Require the player to repeat their password after typing for the first time.
RequireConfirm: true
# Extra information to require (mandatory) when registering
# These data will be stored into the database (into the `opts` column), but HereAuth will not automatically do
# anything about it.
# If you want these data to be handled, e.g. if you want an email to be sent to that address, please request/make
# another plugin that will handle them. The developer documentation has a tutorial for that.
# The "RegExp" line is optional. If the player input does **not** match your RegExp (if any), it will be rejected,
# just like how password is rejected if it is too long.
# - Message: "[HereAuth] Please enter your email."
# FieldName: email
# RegExp: ''
### Delete the # on the above three lines to enable. You can also duplicate it to make another field.
# Messages that are sent to players
# This message is shown when a player has to type password to login.
Login: "Please type your password directly into chat. If you didn't register this account, please choose another username."
# Messages related to registration
# This message is shown if the player is required to register without doing /register first
ImplicitRegister: This server uses HereAuth to protect your account from being impersonated.
# This is to ask the player for the first password input.
PasswordInput: Please type your password directly into chat. Other players can't see it.
# This is to notify that the password is too short. Remember to change the "4" if you changed the config above too.
PasswordUnderflow: Your password is too short. Please type a longer password (at least 4 characters).
# This is to notify that the password is too long. Remember to edit this if you enabled it.
PasswordOverflow: Your password is too long. Please type a longer password (at most 16 characters).
# This is to notify that the password must contain something more than letters.
PasswordPureLetters: Your password only contains English letters. It is insecure. Maybe add some numbers into it?
# This is to notify that the password must contain something more than numbers.
PasswordPureNumbers: Your password only contains numbers. It is insecure. Maybe add some letters into it?
# This is to ask the player to confirm the second password input.
PasswordConfirm: Please type your password again to confirm.
# This is the message when the player typed the password wrongly the second time.
PasswordMismatch: The two passwords you typed are not the same! Please type again. You can type a different password this time.
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That's a lot of configs wow

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