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Created November 8, 2015 15:58
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Save PEMapModder/ed9edd96510ef7a216b4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
So far I made something like this: (I just started half an hour ago, so this is my efficiency)
__PocketMine Plugin__
class SpleefPluginLoadable implements Plugin{
protected $config,$cfgMem;
private $c,$p,$t,$waitTapBlock_createArena;
public function __construct(ServerAPI $a,$s=false){
public function init(){
$this->config=new Config(FILE_PATH."/spleef/cfg.yml",CONFIG_YAML,array("arenas"=>array()));
$this->s->addHandler("player.block.touch", array($this, "event"));
#$this->s->addHandler("player.join", array($this, "playerJoinRedirect")); // BTW I just found out that the reason why I always crash when using this event is because $player->entity is not set. What is the event for the player ACTUALLY joining the game? player.join and player.connect basically are the same
$this->c->register("addarena"," Adds a spleef arena",array($this,"cmds"));
$this->s->addHandler("player.quit",array($this, "event"));
public function __destruct(){$this->save();}
public function save(){//maybe add scheduled saves in case of crashes?
public function event($data,$event){
////////////////////////////////////Warp to arena////////////////////////////////////
if($target instanceof SignPostBlock){//WallSign.php:line 26: class WallSign extends SignPostBlock
if($data["Text1"]==="Enter arena"){
$msg="The arena $name mentioned on the sign at ($x,$y,$z) at world $level is undefined";
console($msg." and is tapped by $player.");
$this->c->run("tp $player w:arenas");
$this->c->run("tp $player $x $y $z");
////////////////////////////////////Add arena////////////////////////////////////
if(isset($this->waitTapBlock_createArena["$player"])){//"$player" is an alternative for $player->username or $player->__toString()
////////////////////////////////////Register add arena wait////////////////////////////////////
public function cmds($cmd,$arg,$player){
if(isset($this->waitTapBlock_createArena["$player"]))return "You already registered for adding arena.\nUse /cancel to unset.";
////////////////////////////////////World Edit////////////////////////////////////
public function generateFullCircle(Vector3 $centre,Level $level,$r,$blockid,$blockDmg=0,$arcA=0,$arcB=360){//angles in degrees, vectors in blocks
$z=$centre->z;//abbr for the centre coords
$block=BlockAPI::get($blockid);//get the Block object for $blockid
for($d=$arcA;$d<$arcB;$d=$d+$arcAccu){//changes the direction in the arc bit by bit; what is the optimal ArcAccuracy $arcAccu?
for($rL=0;$rL<=$r;$r+$rAccu){//changes the length of the angle bit by bit to generate a solid circle; what is the optimal RadiusLengthAccuracy $rAccu?
$level->setBlockRaw(new Vector3($tX,$y,$tZ),$block);
#return $result;
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