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Last active July 30, 2017 15:53
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Haskell traceroute over icmp
#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell
-- Haskell traceroute over icmp
-- now with ByteString to avoid new errors produced
-- by the deprecated recvFrom from Network.Socket
import Control.Monad
import Data.Bits(complement)
import Data.ByteString(unpack,pack)
import Data.List
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Time
import Data.Word
import Network.BSD(getProtocolNumber)
import Network.Socket hiding (send, sendTo, recv, recvFrom)
import Network.Socket.ByteString
import System.Environment
import System.Process
import System.Timeout
import Text.Printf
sec = (*) 1000000
main = withSocketsDo $
s <- fmap head getArgs
addrinfos <- getAddrInfo Nothing (Just s) (Just "0")
let serveraddr = head addrinfos
let targetAddress = addrAddress serveraddr
printf "Haskell traceroute to target Adress: %s\n" $ show targetAddress
proto <- getProtocolNumber "icmp"
sock <- socket AF_INET Raw proto
setSocketOption sock ReuseAddr 1
myAddress <- getAddrInfo (Just (defaultHints {addrFlags = [AI_PASSIVE]})) Nothing (Just "3000")
bind sock (addrAddress . head $ myAddress)
try_ttl sock 1 targetAddress
close sock
try_ttl sock ttl addr = do
setSocketOption sock TimeToLive ttl
let checksum = fromIntegral . complement $ (( fromIntegral (14322 + ttl) ) :: Word16) -- no carry ... unless ttl is way too large
let msga = pack $ [8,0,fromIntegral $ div checksum 256,fromIntegral $ mod checksum 256,47,242,fromIntegral $ div ttl 256, fromIntegral $ mod ttl 256] -- id is hardcoded
info <- replicateM 3 $ measure msga sock addr -- try 3 times
let ans = msum $ map (\(_,a,_)->a) info
case ans of
Just (msg,foundAddress) -> do
let (t:c:_) = map toInteger $ drop 20 $ unpack $ msg -- should also look at id
let time = intercalate " " $ map prepare_time info
printf "#%i %s %s\n" ttl (takeWhile (/=':') $ show foundAddress) time
case (t,c) of
(11,0) -> try_ttl sock (succ ttl) addr -- Type: 11 (Time-to-live exceeded)
(3,0) -> printf "Destination network unreachable!\n"
(3,1) -> printf "Destination host unreachable!\n"
_ -> return ()
_ -> printf "Timeout!\n"
measure msga sock addr = do
sendTo sock msga addr
start <- getCurrentTime
ans <- timeout (sec 2) $ recvFrom sock 1024 -- timeout after 2 seconds
stop <- getCurrentTime
return (start,ans,stop)
prepare_time (start,Just _,stop) = (++"ms") . init . show $ diffUTCTime stop start * 1000
prepare_time _ = "*"
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