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Living the dream

Francisco Rodriguez-Sanchez Pakillo

Living the dream
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AlbertRapp / street_map_game_mechanics.qmd
Created June 19, 2022 14:59
Testing out the mechanics for a shiny web app/game with maps and street names
output: html_document
chunk_output_type: console
## Load Packages
#Create an explicit binomially distributed set of numbers
n = 1000
frac = 0.9
x = rep(c(1,0),times = c(n*frac, n*(1-frac)))
#Fit a Gaussian model and a binomial model to the same data
gauss_mod = glm(x~1,family = gaussian)
binom_mod = glm(x~1, family= binomial)
#Compare AIC
benmarwick / inspect-rmd-diff-from-last-commit.R
Last active February 8, 2024 21:17
GitHub doesn't show rich diffs for Rmd files. That can make collaborative writing tough. Here's how to see rich diffs of two commits of a single R Markdown document on a GitHub repo or local Git repo
# another method
# remotes::install_github("ropenscilabs/reviewer")
# this gets the sha of the previous commit
goldingn / parallel_zoon.R
Created October 31, 2017 22:19
example of executing a zoon workflow in parallel (using experimental branch)
# install the experimental parallel branch
# remotes::install_github("zoonproject/zoon@parallel")
library (zoon)
# example workflow for 4 independent models that may take a while to run
run_wf <- function () {
workflow(occurrence = UKAnophelesPlumbeus,
covariate = UKBioclim,
process = Replicate(Background(n = 1000), 4),
model = GBM(max.trees = 10000),
viciana / DatosClimaAndalucia.R
Created April 4, 2017 16:30
Ejemplo de descarga de datos climaticos
# require(devtools)
# install_github('SevillaR/Andaclima')
rm(list = ls())
stations <- getAndalusia_ACS()
metainfo <- getMetaData(provincia = stations$province.code,
estacion = stations$station.code ,
## Simples ##
jhollist / beamer_two_col.Rmd
Created February 3, 2016 18:51
This .Rmd shows how to use two (or more) columns in a Beamer Presentation from RStudio
title: "Untitled"
author: "Jeff W. Hollister"
date: "2/2/2016"
output: beamer_presentation
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE)
jesperronn /
Last active September 14, 2024 18:23 — forked from aembleton/
Convert a Word Document into MD

Converting a Word Document to Markdown in One Move

The Problem

A lot of important government documents are created and saved in Microsoft Word (*.docx). But Microsoft Word is a proprietary format, and it's not really useful for presenting documents on the web. So, I wanted to find a way to convert a .docx file into markdown.

Installing Pandoc

On a mac you can use homebrew by running the command brew install pandoc.

The Solution

belief y2015 y2014
Improves the security posture of my organization 0.75 0.71
Improves the security posture of the nations critical infrastructure 0.63 0.64
Reduces the cost of detecting and preventing cyber attacks 0.22 0.21
Improves situational awareness 0.60 0.54
Fosters collaboration among peers and industry groups 0.48 0.51
Enhances the timeliness of threat data 0.11 0.16
Makes threat data more actionable 0.21 0.24
johnbaums / diverge0.R
Last active February 15, 2024 09:42
Plot a rasterVis::levelplot with a colour ramp diverging around zero
diverge0 <- function(p, ramp) {
# p: a trellis object resulting from rasterVis::levelplot
# ramp: the name of an RColorBrewer palette (as character), a character
# vector of colour names to interpolate, or a colorRampPalette.
if(length(ramp)==1 && is.character(ramp) && ramp %in%
row.names( {
ramp <- suppressWarnings(colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(11, ramp)))
} else if(length(ramp) > 1 && is.character(ramp) && all(ramp %in% colors())) {