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starry eyed

Nat PatheticMustan

starry eyed
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PatheticMustan / hackers_cmd
Created March 19, 2019 04:52
Hacker's CMD
color 0A
PatheticMustan / internalScreaming.js
Last active April 17, 2019 15:07
//80 chars long! Not bad.
const internalScreaing=s=>`***${s.split(' ').join(' ').split('').join(' ')}***`
How to use:
1. Open Discord.
2. Open script, and run this function with the phrase of your choice
3. Paste the result into Discord.
PatheticMustan / LevelsQuickView.html
Created December 31, 2019 05:52
HTML Page for quick viewing of LEVELS Events
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Levels Quickview</title>
#flexbox {
position: fixed;
top: 0;
left: 0;
bottom: 0;
PatheticMustan / Dino Game Hacks
Created February 10, 2020 04:45
Hacks for Google Chrome's offline dino game
// Override death function, INVINCIBLE!!!
Runner.prototype.gameOver = () => {}
// Super speed oh yeah
Runner.instance_.currentSpeed = 9001
PatheticMustan / EdpuzzleGetSource.js
Last active April 9, 2020 17:22
Wow, now a handy dandy bookmarklet to get the source of a video!
// Alert src
// Open new tab"video")[0].children[0].src, '_blank')
// Alert src bookmarklet
PatheticMustan / Mudae waifu note removal helper
Last active May 15, 2020 03:12
Puts noted waifus/husbandos into string that allows me to copy paste and remove notes real fast
x = `Amethyst | SU
Aries (Himawari) | Strange alien girl???
Atsuko Kagari | Popular
Azuki | Nekopara
Backpack | Meme
Ball Guy | Meme
Bianca | PKMN
Bloody Painter | CRPY
Celebi | PKMN
Chloe | DBH
sendMessage = msg => {
socket.emit('webhooksend', {
username: document.getElementsByClassName('infoname')[0].value,
avatar: localStorage.getItem('avatar'),
content: msg,
banned: false,
ID: Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000)
// an array with all the lines in the document.
let lines = $("pre").innerHTML.split("\n");
// filter out all the names, we only want the 4 numbers at the end
let discrimList = => v.split("#").pop());
// Change each string discriminator into a number
discrimList = => parseInt(v));
// init the missing array
let missing = [];
PatheticMustan / badcode.js
Created June 16, 2020 16:30
Totally valid code... It works, I swear!
const readline
const rl
function sendCard(cardIndex, email, fullName, message) {
const possibleCards = ["2020042908 - OGW - JCovey Hug.png", "2020042907 - OGW - JCovey Spanish Flowers.png", "2020042906 - OGW - JCovey Music Notes.png", "2020042905 - OGW - JCovey Daisies.png", "2020042904 - OGW - Stein Sunset.png", "2020042903 - OGW - Stein Flower.png", "2020042902 - OGW - Stein Dog.png", "2020042901 - OGW - Stein Sunshine.png", "2020042506 - OGW - Espresso.png", "2020042505 - OGW - Dog Batter.png", "2020042504 - OGW - Cherry Blossom.png", "2020042503 - OGW - Heart Symbol.png", "2020042502 - OGW - Yellow Flower.png", "2020042501 - OGW - Flowers Espanol.png", "2020042441 - OGW - Umbrella.png", "2020042440 - OGW - Roots.png", "2020042439 - OGW - Birdie.png", "2020042438 - OGW - Whale.png", "2020042437 - OGW - Swimming.png", "2020042436 - OGW - Sports Balls.png", "2020042435 - OGW - Sunshine.png", "2020042434 - OGW - Road to Recovery.png", "2020042433 - OGW - One Step.png", "2020042432 - OGW - Mah Jongg.png", "2020042431 - OGW - Hot