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Created April 3, 2013 06:43
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  • Save PaulCapestany/5298946 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save PaulCapestany/5298946 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
sync_gateway config file
"interface": ":4984",
"adminInterface": ":4985",
"log": ["CRUD", "Auth", "HTTP+"],
"databases": {
"sync_gateway": {
"server": "http://localhost:8091",
"bucket": "sync_gateway"
"another-app": {
"server": "http://localhost:8091",
"bucket": "another-app"
"couchchat": {
"server": "http://localhost:8091",
"bucket": "couchchat",
"users": {
"GUEST": {"disabled": true}
"sync": `
function(doc, oldDoc, userCtx, secObj) {
if (doc.channel_id) {
// doc belongs to a channel
// this document describes a channel
if (doc.channel_id == doc._id) {
// magic document, treat it carefully
if (oldDoc && oldDoc.owners.indexOf( == -1) {
throw({unauthorized:"you are not a channel owner"});
// grants access to the channel to all members and owners
var them = doc.owners.concat(doc.members);
access(doc.owners, "ch-"+doc._id);
access(doc.members, "ch-"+doc._id);
// notify members of the new channel
// TODO this can be removed once
// is fixed
for (var i = 0; i < them.length; i++) {
if (doc.type == "profile") {
var user = doc._id.substring(doc._id.indexOf(":")+1);
access(user, "profiles");
// TODO remove when #31 is fixed
access(user, "chs-"+user);
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