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Created March 31, 2012 11:15
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Hierarchies in RavenDB
public class Group
public Group()
Users = new List<string>();
ChildGroups = new List<string>();
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public IList<string> Users { get; set; }
public IList<string> ChildGroups { get; set; }
// This index inverts the relationship between groups and child groups into groups and their direct parents
// E.g., from this:
// { All users, [ Technical, Management ] }
// { Technical, [ Developers, Release Managers ] }
// { Super Users, [ Release Managers ] }
// We get this:
// { Technical, [ All users ] }
// { Management, [ All users ] }
// { Developers, [ Technical ] }
// { Release Managers, [ Technical, Super Users ] }
public class GroupDirectParents : AbstractIndexCreationTask<Group, GroupDirectParents.Result>
public GroupDirectParents()
Map = groups => from g in groups
from child in g.ChildGroups
select new Result { GroupId = child, ParentGroupIds = new[] { g.Id } };
Reduce = results => from r in results
group r by r.GroupId into g
select new Result { GroupId = g.Key, ParentGroupIds = g.SelectMany(i => i.ParentGroupIds).ToArray() };
public class Result
public string GroupId { get; set; }
public string[] ParentGroupIds { get; set; }
// This index is similar to above. However, it will work recursively such that it returns all parent groups of a group
// E.g., from this:
// { All users, [ Technical, Management ] }
// { Technical, [ Developers, Release Managers ] }
// { Super users, [ Release Managers ] }
// We get this:
// { Technical, [ All users ] }
// { Management, [ All users ] }
// { Developers, [ Technical, All users ] }
// { Release Managers, [ Technical, Super users, All users ] }
public class GroupIndirectParents : AbstractIndexCreationTask<Group, GroupIndirectParents.Result>
public GroupIndirectParents()
Map = ??
Reduce = ??
public class Result
public string GroupId { get; set; }
public string[] ParentGroupIds { get; set; }
public class Tests
private DocumentStore documentStore;
public void SetUp()
documentStore = new EmbeddableDocumentStore { RunInMemory = true };
IndexCreation.CreateIndexes(typeof(GroupDirectParents).Assembly, documentStore);
// Build a tree of groups -
// G: Everyone
// G: Characters
// G: Male
// G: Females
using (var session = documentStore.OpenSession())
session.Store(new Group(), "groups/everyone");
session.Store(new Group(), "groups/characters");
session.Store(new Group(), "groups/males");
session.Store(new Group(), "groups/females");
// This test passes
public void ShouldFindDirectParentsForGroups()
using (var session = documentStore.OpenSession())
// This index gives us the first parent group of each group
var results = session.Query<GroupDirectParents.Result, GroupDirectParents>().Customize(c => c.WaitForNonStaleResultsAsOfNow(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30))).ToList();
AssertGroupHasParents(results, "groups/males", "groups/characters");
AssertGroupHasParents(results, "groups/females", "groups/characters");
// This test doesn't pass, but I want it to
public void ShouldFindIndirectParentsForGroups()
using (var session = documentStore.OpenSession())
// This index gives us the *all* parent groups of each group, both direct parents and all ancestors
var results = session.Query<GroupIndirectParents.Result, GroupIndirectParents>().Customize(c => c.WaitForNonStaleResultsAsOfNow(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30))).ToList();
// Note that in this case, we're testing on the parent of a parent
AssertGroupHasParents(results, "groups/males", "groups/characters", "groups/everyone");
AssertGroupHasParents(results, "groups/females", "groups/characters", "groups/everyone");
AssertGroupHasParents(results, "groups/characters", "groups/everyone");
private void AssertGroupHasParents(IEnumerable<GroupDirectParents.Result> results, string group, params string[] parents)
var groupParents = results.FirstOrDefault(r => r.GroupId == group);
Assert.IsNotNull(groupParents, "Could not find an index record for group: " + group);
CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(parents, groupParents.ParentGroupIds);
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