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Created November 13, 2019 16:52
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Code to compute a maximum vertex-weighted matching for a specific graph. Used in an answer here:
// This program was used to partially answer The program can be optimized a little but the main bottleneck is memory accesses when traversing the graph so don't expect any large speedups.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
const uint64_t N = 6;
uint64_t binomial(uint64_t n, uint64_t k) {
uint64_t r = 1;
uint64_t d;
if (k>n) return 0;
for (d=1; d <= k; d++) {
r *= n;
r /= d;
return r;
uint8_t next(uint64_t* x, uint64_t m) {
uint64_t i = m;
while (i > 0) {
if (x[i] > 0) {
if (i == 0) {
return 0;
uint64_t val = x[i-1];
x[i] = val;
return 1;
uint64_t* create_table(uint64_t n, uint64_t m) {
uint64_t max;
// This is a cheap hack
if (n == m) {
max = binomial(2*N-1, N);
} else {
max = binomial(2*N-2, N-1);
uint64_t* out = malloc(m * max * sizeof *out);
uint64_t* temp = malloc(m * sizeof *temp);
if (out == 0 || temp == 0) {
printf("could not allocate\n");
for(uint64_t i = 0; i<m;i++) {
temp[i] = n-1;
uint64_t i = 0;
do {
memcpy(out+(i*m), temp, m * sizeof *temp);
} while (next(temp, m));
return out;
int compare_arrays(const void* a, const void* b) {
uint64_t* p = (uint64_t*) a;
uint64_t* q = (uint64_t*) b;
for(uint64_t i = 0; i < N-1; i++) {
if (p[i] < q[i]) {
return -1;
} else if (p[i] > q[i]) {
return 1;
return 0;
uint64_t row_score(uint64_t* row, uint64_t n) {
uint64_t out = 1;
uint64_t streak = 1;
uint64_t last = row[0];
for(uint64_t i = 1; i < N; i++) {
if (row[i] == last) {
} else {
last = row[i];
out *= binomial(n, streak);
streak = 1;
out *= binomial(n, streak);
return out;
// This algorithm is taken from the thesis 'ALGORITHMS FOR VERTEX-WEIGHTED
// MATCHING IN GRAPHS' by Mahantesh Halappanavar. This is a part of the
// algorithm 'LocalOptimal'. We only need to do one part of it because in this
// application, the "small side"/"right side" is already treated as all zeros.
uint64_t local_optimal(
uint64_t* right_side,
uint64_t* weights,
uint64_t size_left,
uint64_t size_right
// If this algorithm would be used on arbitrary graphs, we would need to
// know the degree of every node to iterate over its neighbours but we know
// that every node on the smaller side has N neighbours.
// uint64_t* right_side_lengths
) {
uint64_t* matching_right = malloc(size_right * sizeof *matching_right);
uint64_t* matching_left = malloc(size_left * sizeof *matching_left);
for(uint64_t i = 0; i < size_right; i++) {
matching_right[i] = size_left;
for(uint64_t i = 0; i < size_left; i++) {
matching_left[i] = size_right;
// Shows which iteration a node was last visited
uint64_t* visited = calloc(size_left, sizeof *visited);
uint64_t* visited_right = malloc(size_right * sizeof *visited_right);
uint64_t visited_right_len = 0;
uint64_t* visited_left = malloc(size_left * sizeof *visited_right);
uint64_t visited_left_len = 0;
uint64_t max_end = 0;
uint8_t max_end_needs_updating = 1;
uint64_t* best_path = malloc(size_right * 2 * sizeof *best_path);
uint64_t* stack = malloc(size_right * 2 * sizeof * stack);
for(uint64_t rn = 0; rn < size_right; rn++) {
if (matching_right[rn] != size_left) {
if (max_end_needs_updating) {
max_end = 0;
for(uint64_t i = 0; i < size_left; i++) {
if ((weights[i] > max_end) && (matching_left[i] == size_right)) {
max_end = weights[i];
max_end_needs_updating = 0;
visited_right_len = 0;
visited_left_len = 0;
visited_right[visited_right_len++] = rn;
uint64_t path_length = 0;
uint64_t best_score = 0;
stack[0] = 0;
uint64_t stack_len = 1;
uint64_t current_index = N*visited_right[visited_right_len - 1]+stack[stack_len-1];
while(1) {
uint64_t nb = right_side[current_index];
// Check if we've reached this node this iteration
if(visited[nb] != rn+1) {
visited[nb] = rn+1;
uint64_t next = matching_left[nb];
if (next != size_right) {
// 'nb' is part of a matching so we go to its neighbor in
// the matching.
visited_left[visited_left_len++] = nb;
visited_right[visited_right_len++] = next;
stack[stack_len++] = 0;
current_index = N*next;
} else if (weights[nb] > best_score) {
// We found a new best path!
path_length = 2*visited_right_len;
best_score = weights[nb];
for(uint64_t i = 0; i < path_length/2 - 1;i++) {
best_path[2*i] = visited_right[i];
best_path[2*i+1] = visited_left[i];
best_path[path_length-2] = visited_right[visited_right_len-1];
best_path[path_length-1] = nb;
if (max_end == best_score) {
max_end_needs_updating = 1;
stack[stack_len - 1]++;
if (stack[stack_len - 1] == N) {
if (stack_len == 0) {
current_index = N*visited_right[visited_right_len - 1]+stack[stack_len-1];
// When we've found the best path, we perform a symmetric difference
// between the path and our matching. This change our matching so that
// it includes the node at the end of the path, and all the nodes that
// the matching previously used on the left side.
for(uint64_t i = 0; i < path_length; i+=2) {
matching_right[best_path[i]] = best_path[i+1];
matching_left[best_path[i+1]] = best_path[i];
uint64_t score = 0;
for(uint64_t i = 0; i < size_right; i++) {
uint64_t x = matching_right[i];
if (x < size_left) {
score += weights[x];
return score;
int main(void) {
// Generate the graph
uint64_t* high = create_table(N, N);
uint64_t* low = create_table(N, N-1);
uint64_t low_len = binomial(2*N-2, N-1);
uint64_t high_len = binomial(2*N-1, N);
printf("low_len: %ld, high_size: %ld\n", low_len, high_len);
uint64_t* gs = malloc(N * low_len * sizeof *gs);
uint64_t* gs_lengths = calloc(low_len, sizeof *gs_lengths);
uint64_t* scratch = malloc((N-1) * sizeof *scratch);
qsort(low, low_len, sizeof(*low) * (N-1), compare_arrays);
for(uint64_t i = 0; i < high_len;i++) {
uint64_t* row = high+(i*N);
for(uint64_t k = 0; k < N; k++) {
memcpy(scratch, row, k*sizeof(*row));
memcpy(scratch+k, row+k+1, sizeof(*row)*(N-k-1));
uint64_t* pel = bsearch(scratch, low, low_len, (N-1) * sizeof *low, compare_arrays);
uint64_t el = (pel - &low[0])/(N-1);
uint8_t found = 0;
for(uint64_t jj = 0; jj < gs_lengths[el]; jj++) {
if (gs[el*N+jj] == i) {
found = 1;
if (!found) {
gs[el*N+gs_lengths[el]] = i;
uint64_t* wt = malloc(N * high_len * sizeof(*high));
for(uint64_t i = 0; i < high_len; i++) {
wt[i] = row_score(high+(i*N), N);
// Calculate the total weight of the matching with the highest weight
uint64_t result = local_optimal(gs, wt, high_len, low_len);
printf("%ld\n", result);
return 1;
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